Effects of a surviving Ottoman Empire on Arab Nationalism, its affect on the plausibility of a surviving Ottoman Empire

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How would a surviving Ottoman Empire deal with Arab Nationalism? Could 'Ottomanization' continue, or would the withdrawal from Arab affairs be inevitable. Is it even possible for the Ottomans to become genuinely pluralistic as some kind of Federation? Does this require Ottoman neutrality in WW1?
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Given what we know of the historical treatment of minorities in the late Ottoman empire/early Turkish republic , the Ottomans would most likely react rather violently towards the arab nationalists , especially if they remain a part of the Ottoman empire after WW1 goes more or less like OTL ( and the Arab nationalists that sided with the British would be considered traitors ) .
If the Ottomans never enter WW1, how would that affect the rise of Arab Nationalism? Would Britain and France still try to carve up the Empire?


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