Fate of Latin America if the Cold War didn't end?

You know, the US has had a history of overthrowing lots of Latin American governments if they looked even vaguely left-leaning, but as I understand it, in the aftermath of the Soviet collapse the US mostly stepped back from this policy, allowing popular discontent against neoliberalism to coalesce into the Pink Tide, as more moderate left-wing leaders took power in the region (with mixed results).

My question is, if the USSR didn't collapse, and the Cold War continued, what would happen in the region going forward? Would the US pull back at all? Would we see another wave of military dictatorships sweep the region? Would anything like the Pink Wave be allowed to happen?

At least Chávez would has zero chances taking power in Venezuela. Not sure how would Lula's first presidency occur at all.

Military juntas probably are not rising at least not in such scale as in OTL. They were mostly gone by end of 1980's. Depends how tensed Cold War is but perhaps USA takes lesser interventionist policy and allows some very small social reforms. But that depends about POD.
U.S. will continue to intervene in Latin America but it depends on what exactly the Cold War looks in this alternative universe, however if Gorbachev succeeds to reform the USSR then the same thing as in our timeline would probably happen