Foreign realations of an Independent Kalmykia

What if during the 20th Century (the whole Century and beyond is allowed, also the 1990es after breakup of USSR)) Kalmykia became independent ? Would they develope close diplomatic ties to nations with significant Bhuddist legacy ? I could imagine Mongolia, Myammar, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Japan etc. This approach may be naive but it would be interesting to explore such a possibility. (maybe other OTL not independent Caucasus realms become independent aswell). How would be Kalmykia´s relations with exile-Tibeteans be ? Would Tibeteans move there for example ? How would their relations with Russia and the West be if being independent ?
Kalmykia has two problems:

1. There is very huge Russian minority.
2. The country is almost totally surrounded by Russia even if Dagestan gain independence too.

So Kalmykia probably would be target of Russian pressure. Even if Russia respects Kalmykian independence it has quiet ibig influence and Russia is pretty much most important partner of Kalmykia.