Map of the Fortnight: Main thread

So must it be in the context of our timeline? Or am I reading you right in that a map from an alternate alternate history would be acceptable.
That was my first map I've ever made and put on here. How do you get maps as good as the ones everyone else makes?? :p
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I honestly don't understand what you just said - could you elaborate? :)

Are we only defining miracle relative to our timeline or could you make the map the alternate history of an alternate history where a country that didn't do well in that timeline does better in this map of an alternate version of that timeline.

Basically I'm wondering how tied to OTL this is.


Are we only defining miracle relative to our timeline or could you make the map the alternate history of an alternate history where a country that didn't do well in that timeline does better in this map of an alternate version of that timeline.

Basically I'm wondering how tied to OTL this is.

It is tied to OTL, I'm afraid. You can't do an alternate history where the USA did well of an alternate history where the USA did poorly - it has to be a country that didn't do too well in OTL.
I've also come up with a concept for this round, though it's a little outside my ordinary milieu, so we'll see how this goes.

Also, it's midway through the fortnight: thoughts on the next round, anyone? We haven't had a fantasy/SF-type ASB round in a while...

(61 & 64 might fit under the broader definitions of ASB, hence the distinction.)


Hokay, I have an idea! Map begins tonight or tomorrow. :)

I've also come up with a concept for this round, though it's a little outside my ordinary milieu, so we'll see how this goes.

Awesome! I'm looking forwards to seeing what you guys come up with. :)

Also, it's midway through the fortnight: thoughts on the next round, anyone? We haven't had a fantasy/SF-type ASB round in a while...

(61 & 64 might fit under the broader definitions of ASB, hence the distinction.)

I wouldn't mind a more light-hearted fantasy or sci-fi challenge, but I can't really think of any good ones. We could do a rerun of one of the early ones, but those were either too vague or too specific for my liking, so one inspired by them would be better.
Well, not a fantasy/SF challenge, but I was struck with a random idea just now:

Zamenhof's Land: Show a world, region, or country where an artificial language is spoken by a majority of the population.
SciFi, eh?

Guns of the X: A group of time travellers arrive to any point in history with futuristic weapons. Map how these people influence history.

With Great Power...: Show a world where superheroes existed, and their impact on the World.

Toxicity: Show a world of rampant environmental collapse and distruction on larger scales than OTL.


A Couple of Announcements

Announcement 1:

I've just reformatted and tidied the Wiki page for MotF challenge suggestions. It's still not perfect (a lot of challenges cross over into several different categories, but they can only be placed in one - a tag system would be more appropriate, but I don't know how one would do that with this Wiki software), but the different categories have been clarified/fused/separated where appropriate, and the used and unused suggestions are now separate.

If you could go to that page and put up any popular challenge suggestions that are missing, and/or grab some ideas for what challenge we could run for MotF 66, 'twould be much appreciated. :)

Announcement 2:

Do you remember how MotF 56: The True Believers ended with a tie between Kaiphranos and Iserlohn, and so the brave cartographers agreed to a Map Duel for Honour and Glory in order to decide the winner?

Well, due to various reason, Iserlohn realised he would be unable to make a map for the duel any time soon, and so decided it was best to forfeit. Kaiphranos therefore wins by default.

The challenge for the map duel was "The Gun is Our Government". Here is Kaiphranos' entry:

Kaiphranos said:
A PoD somewhere in the 18th century shakes up the balance of power in the East Indies--the Dutch lose some parts of what would have been Indonesia, but gain a piece of western Australia. Time passes; colonialism goes in and out of fashion. Radical ideologies reshape Europe and the rest of the world. Former colonies gain varying degrees of independence. An organization called the International League is formed to prevent the horrors of industrial war from revisiting the world. Over the decades, its mandate evolves until International League troops are being deployed in various troubled parts of the globe far from the centers of power.

One of these is New Guinea, or as the natives call it, Papua--the Disunited Land. Never terribly profitable, various parts of the island kept getting swapped around between the colonial powers, and as a result not much infrastructure ended up getting built. As of forty years ago, New Guinea was still divided between three countries. The Dutch sector was the first to gain independence, as the Republiek van Nieuw-Guinea, followed soon after by former Portuguese Menesesia, which became the República da Menesesia. British Papua was granted independence about five years later as East Papua, just in time to be invaded by the newly unified "Provisional Republic of Papua," consisting of the first two.

While East Papua was eventual overrun and incorporated into the PRP, the Provisional Republic fared poorly--only by sheer numbers had it won the day, and the new country was coming apart at the seams under the stress. Corruption was rampant. Many of the newly-appointed generals were running their territories effectively as independent fiefs, with some going so far as to broker deals with foreign mineral consortiums and arms manufacturers in order to maintain their power. Ethnic violence and sectional conflicts both boiled over, following a coup attempt, and East Papua made a bid to regain its independence.

Currently, the entire island is nominally under the control of the Second Provisional Republic of Papua, but their control barely extends beyond artillery range of the capital. The East Papuan government has regained most of former British Papua, but their independence is still not recognized by much of the world. (With the exception of Australia, which prefers them to the PRP as far as neighbors go, and supports them with the occasional arms shipment.) The remainder of the island is a stew of warlords, Islamic radicals, leftist rebels, and stone-age tribes whose introduction to the wonders of modern technology has been the assault rifle. In recent years, pirates have begun to harass shipping through the region, and the International League has put up a cordon and dispatched peacekeeping forces to occupy several coastal cities in an effort to deal with this problem, but for the foreseeable future, Papua will continue to live up to its name...

(Map in next post due to size).


Interesting idea, scholar! The Congo always seems to turn out an impoverished crapsack (though not without reason); it's nice to see it do well for a change.


Interesting idea, scholar! The Congo always seems to turn out an impoverished crapsack (though not without reason); it's nice to see it do well for a change.

That's rather why I like this challenge - it allows some oft neglected countries to get some much-needed love. :D

Here are some of the popular challenge suggestions from the past few weeks - which ones do you fellows want to see?

The Locked Country

Make a map showing a country which has cut itself off from the rest of the world. The map may be from the perspective of outside observers - either showing what they know about the country or speculating as to its internal structure - or it may be a map of the country from its own perspective.
The Gun is Our Government

Make a map showing a supposedly anarchic or stateless region, showing the organisations and people who hold actual power in the region

Make a map of a transport network in an alternate timeline.


Make a map showing the irredentist claims of a country in an AH scenario.
Escape From the Dustbin of History

Show a now-extinct nation (Khazaria, The Khanate of the Golden Horde, the Inca Empire, etc.) which survives until modern times, modern times being defined as the era of the internet, nuclear weapons, etc.

(It should be defunct for at least a couple centuries OTL, and no usual suspects - no Romans, either of the western or eastern type!)
Neither Istanbul Nor Constantinople

Show a world where the city on the Golden Horn (40°58'N, 28°50'E) is widely known by a different name. PODs can be whenever you like, but the map itself should be set in roughly the "present day"--anytime after about 1950 is fine.
I support ...SHALL ALWAYS BE OURS! It has been 54 MotFs since WHAT ONCE WAS OURS... and it would be a nice challenge to resurrect, being so versatile.