Map Thread IV

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Is that an Inevitable Islamic Caliphate I see? With a POD that early Islam would probably be butterflied away.

i was thinking more along the lines of arab-persian union, but whatever floats your boat, as they say :eek:

arctic warrior said:
Seems to have been some reshuffeling in Scandinavia - Saxons/Jutes/Angles/Frisian and Norwegians are understandable but Danes in Norway???

i kinda wanted to show how the germanic kingdoms were pushed north or south as the steppe armies crashed in from the east but the WRE effectively held them off from the easier route west... i suppose it isn't brilliantly realistic
random map :D

fun map.PNG
U.S. Presidential Election, 1992.

President Gary Hart has had ups and downs in his first term, but he has remained calm ans steady. He was put on Impeachment trial in 1990 about his sex scandal, but he wasn't convicted. (A Republican majority-Senate saved him.) He broke The Liberal Republican Lines about the issue of The Gulf War, and handled it like OTL Bush 41, but with less US deaths. This had upset many Progressives in The North.

The Conservative Democrats have nominated Former Nevada Governor Paul Laxalt to be their nominee for President, receiving an endorsement from Dole and Bresnten themselves. He picks Moderate Senator Al Gore (who still stayed a DEM) as his running mate. Gore was picked to grab some Northerners to the base.

The Polls came in on Election Day. The 1st state announced was Indiana, which was won by 3rd Party Candidate Ross Perot. Hart won the election in a close race. Cronin had died in February 1993, and Hart picked Bill CLinton as his VP for his second term.

1992, Hart-Cronin defeats Laxalt-Gore.PNG
Re: Weird alternate Presidential election maps

Can't the powers that be exile these silly presidential maps to their own thread????????

just saying.
Pacific: Britain and Japan agree to British non-involvement for not touching Thailand, and several smaller deals. Pearl Harbor doesn't happen.

Europe: Britain has a slightly more facist flavour, and is closer to Germany than France. They fully support Anschluss, and when France declares war on Germany for invading Poland, they are crushed. Britain is promised parts of the various empires for noninvolvement on the European front. Spain fell to the facists during a longer civil war, and Portugal was turned into a German puppet.

America: Roosevelt's Depression-coping strategies fail. He was voted out of office in 1936. The US never really got out of the Depression, though they are recovering. Also: no immigration limits. Many, many, many European Jews and other minorities made it to Ellis Island.

Russia: Purges are even worse than OTL. Pretty much every competent officer of colonel grade and above is either dead or counting trees. Hitler begins to listen to his advisors, and with a bunch of extra units from the west and no lend-lease for Russia, the Reich kicks liberal amounts of arse for an excessive length of time. Japanese attacks along the eastern coast in 1941 do nothing to slow the collapse of Russia. A rump USSR and an anti-Communist Siberia are constantly at odds, and border skirmishes between Japanese Russia, Siberia, the USSR, and the Reich threaten to break out into open warfare any day.

China: The Japanese, without American or British troubles, consolidate their holds in China. Warlords and ommunist/nationalist forces are in an open civil war in the areas not occupied.

Relations are generally not negative across the board, except Russia. The Japanese, Americans, British, and Germans, though not neccessarily allies, are certainly not enemies.

map 19 v2.PNG
Well, OAM47's AH Map Challange [sic] may have ended a while ago, but I felt like making a map to his specifications (link to the thread here).

In the map, France and its allies Eire-Alba, Poland-Lithuania, and the Qing recently lost a war against a large coalition of other nations (England, Iberia, Italy, Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Japan, and various rebelling groups in France's colonies). Sorry if you can't read the key, but I spent too much time on it to want to change it (read as: I'm feeling lazy). Here it is:

Earth after the Moscow Treaty, a crushing blow to the Russian Federation. The ###### make Volgograd their new nation's capital, naming it after general and ruler, Akira Halka. They give Chechnya independence, for their help against the Russians, and also, they force a lot of people out of their new nation.

Relations between them and the US are good, although they reguard Bush as an idiot. The EU doesn't mind them, and China feels threatened by their huge army.
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for those of you who saw my ATL earth with the "Homo Marsupialis" here is the improved version of that.

so also for those that saw my "Greater Britain" i guess you could call it... here it is in 1914.

Britain gained Brittany during the wars of the Brenton Succession in the early years of the Hundred Years War. it was something similar to Ireland before they unified IOTL. Napoleon gained it in the first Napoleonic Wars. but lost it in the second Napoleonic wars (i.e. Western Europe is first, Eastern Europe is second). in the Vienna Congress, Poland was given to Prussia instead, who continued to fight the French long before the war was over. and were never fully beaten. then it butterflied into this... im too lazy to write more. make your own story

ATL World 1914.PNG

ATL World 1914.PNG
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