Medieval America Co-op Project

technically speaking vancouver is the easier of the two to defend, with ocean on two sides and river on the third and a land connection only on the east. :cool:

... Huh, well, huh.

Well, most of the raiders were by ocean then I guess? And it was farther north, so the raiders kind of had to pass through it to reach Seattle.

I'll stick with the latter of those two ideas.

Deleted member 5719

Environmentalist nations, Buddhist nations, political parties...

This lost its medievalness (and fun) pretty quickly.
Buddhism was already inherent in the original thing, and not really enviromentalist, just more like druids that kind of thing.
Duchy of Novio Giorsi

Government: Feudal Monarchy

Coat of Arms: A cracked bell, paired with three plowshares

Religion Non Denom

Capital: Fillydelphi

Ruler: Doge Antonio III

Novio Giorsi, also known as New Jersey, is the easternmost state of the feudal core. The duchy is bilingual - the rulers speak Giorsian, an Itlain-based language, and the pesants speak American, the English-based language that dominates from Long Island to Jemton, Virginia.

The noble famileis, the Casa Nova, have dominated the region since well before the collapse, when they were at odds with the US. After the collapse, they become the only authority in the region. One family soon gained dominance, adopted the title of Doge (Duke), and conquered Philadelphia from the state of Pennsylvania. Fillydelphi has been the capital ever since.

Novio Giorsi is feudal in lifestyle and military, though the enviroment has made them sterner than in Georgia. The have cool relations with their neighbors, all of whom would like Fillydelphi, but maintain good relations with the South and with Boston.
Environmentalist nations, Buddhist nations, political parties...

This lost its medievalness (and fun) pretty quickly.
I don't like the political parties thing either. He justified it ok, but I still don't think the court factions would have a name like GMB thinks. The "environmentalist nations" are just influence from the more environmentalist areas making a sort of "respect nature" strain in the religions. The Buddhist thing had to do with what was already in the idea when we took over, but it's certainly going to be very different from Asian buddhism(I don't know how, as I know nothing about Buddhism, but I'm fairly sure it would take a lot from the ideas and culture of the pacific northwest).

That said, I agree that some of this has been a little stretched to believe for a medieval period. I'll look through the entries we've got now and post a revised version if I have to. I can't give you any assurances than that, though.
The New Age Neopagan Phenominon: The Revival

Certainly with the collapse of modern and industrial culture, as well as the entire collapse of the United States many citizens paniced in the face of overwhealming chaos and death. Feeling fear and turning to their religions, extreme groups of many different religious organizations sprouted up during the early years of the collapse.While did flock to these groups, they also had the effect of alienating the spirituality of many people causing them to look away from the religious norms of a ever increasingly strict religious society and to alternatives.

While the look for an alternative religion for many individuals took place wide spread across the United States former, it was in the Northwest and California coast that which would be known as The Revival happened in the greatest of numbers. Wicca, Shammanism, Neopaganism and even conversion to the well established Buddhist and Hindu religion sects. Especially in the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Eugene, Portland, and Seattle became strongholds to these varied and welcoming religious groups in reaction to extremist preachers that roamed throughout the countryside of the Pacific states. While a few extremist brands did emerge amongst these generall welcoming Revival groups, for the most part though they weere characterized by a "Pray To Whoever" attitude that saw a syncretic electic blending of gods, goddesses, angels, spirits, oni, and otherwise amongst the groups as well as spreading into already established religious groups doctrines.

Though this time of peaceful coexsistance would not last, as religious crusades were called by those extremist groups and they ruthlessly attacked the religious fertile areas of The Revival. Soon it was open war bewteen religious groups and states themsellves as well as other independent invaders and the northwest became a chaotic battleground!

In the end though many of the Revival strongholds were cast down and burned (though a few do still hold out along the Williamnete) causing a disaporia! A new form of nomad had been born in the Medevial America, and just like nomads many found their way to the spacious zone of the Great Plains where over time a number of free religous camps have formed, especially along the Missouri River.....
Major Pilgrimage Sites in California

The Republic of California is home to various pilgrimage sites. Among the most notable:

The villiage of Simi Valley is home to the Shrine of St. Ronald the Beloved, the 40th Lineal President of America. He was beatified by the Non-Denominational Church and the United Christian Church of God.

The villiage of Yorba Linda is home to the Shrine of St. Richard the Unfortunate who as the 37th Lineal President of America was said to have done some evil things but overall saved the nation.

The villiage of Hollywood is however by far the largest pilgrimage site. It is the home of the Shrine of the Saints of Leisure such as Mikeal Jackssen and their holy footprints survive to this day. It is common practice to kiss those sites for good luck.
The Dineh Confederacy

Government: Elective Monarchy

Religion: Christianity, Neo-Ghost Dance

Capital: Albuquerque

Ruler: John Begay II

The origins of the Dineh Confederacy are obscure. It is though to have been formed about 200 years after the Event. Most of the population of the Soutwest had fled either west to California or south into Mexico because the poor agriculture of the area couldn't support large populations without modern technology. The huge demograpic changes resulted in an Indian majority in the region. The Navajo emerged as the most powerful tribe of the area and the Dineh Confederacy was established.

The Confederacy is comparable to the Old Medieval Turkic Khaganates in terms of goverment and the multi-ethnic makeup of the nation. About 40% are Navajo, 25% other Native America tribes (including Hopi, Zuni, Pueblos and Apache), 20% of European descent and 15% Hispanic. The economy is largely based on cattle ranching and some agriculture (mainly potatoes and corn) and raiding. Consequently, the Confederacy is unpopular with it's neighbours. Trade is also a major source of income, with much overland trading between Mexico and the interior of North America passing through Dineh lands.

The current ruler, John Begay II, has expanded Dineh lands considerably by invading the Republic of California and capturing most of the Republic's Arizonan holdings. The military of the Confederacy is tribal based, with the Indians providing the light cavalry and the White tribes supplying heavy cavalry and infantry. The horse archers of the Dineh are rightfully feared throughout the Southwest, mimicing the Mongols in their tacitcs and speed. With the military-focused Begay II leading them, the Dineh are sure to become major players in the region.

I think this is more likely than a Buddhist west coast :p.
If I interfered with previous posts, please let me know.
Hmmm not only is that Buddhist Pacific Northwest Buddhist it is also the only Republic!!!!

That I would have LOVED to hear what White had to say for his explanation for it.

As for my view, I view it as a somewhat chaotic area, its certainly a good area to live in but it also has some 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' social factions in the area that would keep things from forming into one unified state or culture quite possibly.

The area especiallya round Eugene, Oregon is a major area for the 'New Age' as I pointed out in my above "The Revival".

My view is that for the most paart the area will be full of feuding factions, mostly those along the Columbia and Willimnette rivers against hose who live in the Interior (Dry and very rural and conservative country).
The Serene Republic of Singapore

Government: Oligarchic Republic

Religion: Many, but all with a strong overlay of Confucianism

Ruler: Prime Minister Lee Ming Hui

The Serene Republic is much like a latter day Venice. It has a strongly oligarchic nature- a Cabinet of thirty Ministers is drawn from members of the major oligarchic families and the major trade and commerce guilds. These then elect a Prime Minister from among their number. The Prime Minister must be at least fifty and not older than sixty when elected and serves until his death. The adult male population may vote on certain strictly limited issues, mainly to do with citizenship law.

The state is strongly bureaucratic and a rigorous system of examination identifies candidates for the Civil Service. Another similarity the Republic has with pre-Event Singapore is the maintenance of two years compulsory militia service for all male citizens with the exception of those who work as crewmen of the Republic's trading fleet.

The Republic functions as the greatest spice port in the world- the neo-mediaeval nations of the West are hungry for spices and the Republic is eager to provide a cost. The powerful Singaporean trading fleet maintains a network of purchasing ports around the Indonesian archipelago. It is a dire necessity for the Republic to keep the trade routes open for the city, though rich, cannot feed itself and is dependent on grain shipments from the Malay states and Java.

Culturally the city is polyglot- Singlish, the local variant of pre-Event English is the most commonly spoken language and has, indeed, become something of a SE Asian lingua franca though you can hear almost any tongue in the world on the streets of the city. Citizenship can be gained through wealth (a hefty contribution to state coffers can buy you citizenship) or, for those without the money, through military service to the Republic. A strictly limited number of foreigners are hired each year for two year military contracts offering citizenship upon completion.
I said I'd post some revised version of the nations I have the most problems with, so here they are. I've tried to avoid any specific history of the fall, and get rid of specific statistics and anachronisms that have popped up. I think I've made these more medieval and believable, but someone may correct me if I'm wrong.

The Republic of California (AKA California Free State)
Totemic Symbol: Orange
Government: Oligarchy/Aristocracy(claims to be a republic)
Religion: United Christian Church of God
Capital: Santa Barbara
Ruler: President-Governor-General William VII

Since the fall, California has attempted to expand in every direction. Wars with the republics of the Northwest, border conflicts with Mormons, raids from the Southwestern wastes and the occaisional uprising have made life in California chaotic. During the reign of President-Governor-William II contact with the United States was reestablished and a church similar to the Non-Denominational Church, the United Christian Church of God established in California. With the amalgamation of the major Protestant sects it has since been the major religion of California. It was, however, unable to stop the rebellion of Scientologists in Losangeles and thus found itself face to face with the expressly Scientologist Republic of the Free Zone, many nobles' worst nightmare. The Catholic Church is one of the few other religions to gain tolerance, largely due to its high number of adherents who refused to join with the United Church. Indeed Los Angeles is the site of the Cardinal of the West adhering to all the Catholics west of the Mississippi and north of Mexico City. That said, violence between Catholics and Unites has been on the upswing as conflict with the largely hispanic nation in Southern California(Sandiego) has become more common.

The government of California claims to be a republic based on the old United States, when in reality is an oligarchy of the few families who managed to come to power since the event. The head of state is the President-Governor-General who has always been from the noble family lines since the death of the First Governor. There are many factions within the court, each with fairly obvious goals, but they have no official names. The trading guilds, called unions, also have a disproportional amount of power in the President's court.

The military of California is very large, partly due to the more authoritarian nature of its government. The armies are heavily offensive oriented with large fortresses on the frontiers. It is mainly infantry with thousands of talented crossbowmen which make the backbone of the California army. It’s cavalry are mainly strike teams rather then the heavy knights of the East. The navies of California are also highly powerful, although this has severely hurt trade as few nations trust California's openly militant navy.

The Columbian Free-State

Totemic Symbol: Red and Black Yin Yang on white background

Government: Republic

Capital: Portland

Head of State: Mayor Philip Keller

The Pacific Northwest has changed a great deal since the Event, being one of the central areas for The Neopagan Revival, and one of the few areas where Christianity has actually fallen from grace.

The Columbians are Buddhist, although a very different form of Buddhism than the Asian mainstream, because of several strange circumstances. At the time of the fall, Christianity was at its weakest in this region, so following the chaos of the fall it is understandable that the few who clung to it abandoned it when it seemed to have done nothing. However, atheism does not succeed as well in a medieval world very well, and soon the citizens were experimenting with new religions. At first, Neopagan groups dominated, but eventually as contact was established with Asia Buddhism began to seep back into the Northwest. Eventually, a new version of the religion, Columbian Buddhism, came to the forefront and established rule over Columbia. Columbian Buddhism is different mainly because of its clear Neopagan influences, and could be described as very transcendentalist if such philosophies were still remembered. That said, Buddhism is simply the plurality here, and not anywhere near the majority. This precarious mix of religions has led to a policy of grudging respect for most religions, but by no means all.

The Columbians (ie the richest families of Portland) elect a Mayor to serve for life, who serves as military and political leader. As it's supposed to be for life mayors do not tend to live for a very long time. Education of the populace is mainly limited to bureacrats and monks, if a bureacrat finds a bright child they will either train them themselves or send them to be tested in the capital. Beauracrats run the day-to-day affairs of Columbia. There is a careful balance of power between the beauracrats and the merchant families of Portland.

Their main troops are pikemen, and rangers, who are archers that patrol the western mountains.

Columbia is on good terms with the Seattle-Vancouver Commonwealth. They are on unfriendly terms with Deseret, however (both claim the Snake River), and the expansionist Californian empire to the south.

Major Pilgrimage Sites in California

The Republic of California is home to various pilgrimage sites. Among the most notable:

The villiage of Simi Valley is home to the Shrine of St. Ronald the Beloved, the 40th Lineal President of America. He was beatified by the Non-Denominational Church and the United Christian Church of God.

The villiage of Yorba Linda is home to the Shrine of St. Richard the Unfortunate who as the 37th Lineal President of America was said to have done some evil things but overall saved the nation.

The villiage of Hollywood is however by far the largest pilgrimage site. It is the home of the Shrine of the Saints of Leisure such as Mikeal Jackssen and their holy footprints survive to this day. It is common practice to kiss those sites for good luck.
Not so sure about this. I could see Reagan getting that kind of respect(regardless of whether he deserves it or not) and I suppose that claiming Nixon was the good thing for the country could be a way to spite the New United States, but the Hollywood thing...that's a no. This "Saints of Leisure" thing doesn't really fit, sorry.

The Dineh Confederacy

Government: Elective Monarchy

Religion: Christianity, Neo-Ghost Dance

Capital: Albuquerque

Ruler: John Begay II

The origins of the Dineh Confederacy are obscure. It is though to have been formed about 200 years after the Event. Most of the population of the Soutwest had fled either west to California or south into Mexico because the poor agriculture of the area couldn't support large populations without modern technology. The huge demograpic changes resulted in an Indian majority in the region. The Navajo emerged as the most powerful tribe of the area and the Dineh Confederacy was established.

The Confederacy is comparable to the Old Medieval Turkic Khaganates in terms of goverment and the multi-ethnic makeup of the nation. About 40% are Navajo, 25% other Native America tribes (including Hopi, Zuni, Pueblos and Apache), 20% of European descent and 15% Hispanic. The economy is largely based on cattle ranching and some agriculture (mainly potatoes and corn) and raiding. Consequently, the Confederacy is unpopular with it's neighbours. Trade is also a major source of income, with much overland trading between Mexico and the interior of North America passing through Dineh lands.

The current ruler, John Begay II, has expanded Dineh lands considerably by invading the Republic of California and capturing most of the Republic's Arizonan holdings. The military of the Confederacy is tribal based, with the Indians providing the light cavalry and the White tribes supplying heavy cavalry and infantry. The horse archers of the Dineh are rightfully feared throughout the Southwest, mimicing the Mongols in their tacitcs and speed. With the military-focused Begay II leading them, the Dineh are sure to become major players in the region.

I think this is more likely than a Buddhist west coast :p.
If I interfered with previous posts, please let me know.
Not bad. I assume by Elective Monarchy you mean something similar to the HRE?

Government: Oligarchic Republic

Religion: Many, but all with a strong overlay of Confucianism

Ruler: Prime Minister Lee Ming Hui

The Serene Republic is much like a latter day Venice. It has a strongly oligarchic nature- a Cabinet of thirty Ministers is drawn from members of the major oligarchic families and the major trade and commerce guilds. These then elect a Prime Minister from among their number. The Prime Minister must be at least fifty and not older than sixty when elected and serves until his death. The adult male population may vote on certain strictly limited issues, mainly to do with citizenship law.

The state is strongly bureaucratic and a rigorous system of examination identifies candidates for the Civil Service. Another similarity the Republic has with pre-Event Singapore is the maintenance of two years compulsory militia service for all male citizens with the exception of those who work as crewmen of the Republic's trading fleet.

The Republic functions as the greatest spice port in the world- the neo-mediaeval nations of the West are hungry for spices and the Republic is eager to provide a cost. The powerful Singaporean trading fleet maintains a network of purchasing ports around the Indonesian archipelago. It is a dire necessity for the Republic to keep the trade routes open for the city, though rich, cannot feed itself and is dependent on grain shipments from the Malay states and Java.

Culturally the city is polyglot- Singlish, the local variant of pre-Event English is the most commonly spoken language and has, indeed, become something of a SE Asian lingua franca though you can hear almost any tongue in the world on the streets of the city. Citizenship can be gained through wealth (a hefty contribution to state coffers can buy you citizenship) or, for those without the money, through military service to the Republic. A strictly limited number of foreigners are hired each year for two year military contracts offering citizenship upon completion.
Very nice, Flocc.:)
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Not so sure about this. I could see Reagan getting that kind of respect(regardless of whether he deserves it or not) and I suppose that claiming Nixon was the good thing for the country could be a way to spite the New United States, but the Hollywood thing...that's a no. This "Saints of Leisure" thing doesn't really fit, sorry.

How come? :confused::(
Not bad. I assume by Elective Monarchy you mean something similar to the HRE?

More similar to the Kurultai of the Mongols I think. The "Elective" bit is mainly spiritual and symbolic.
Hmmm not only is that Buddhist Pacific Northwest Buddhist it is also the only Republic!!!!

That I would have LOVED to hear what White had to say for his explanation for it.

As for my view, I view it as a somewhat chaotic area, its certainly a good area to live in but it also has some 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' social factions in the area that would keep things from forming into one unified state or culture quite possibly.

The area especiallya round Eugene, Oregon is a major area for the 'New Age' as I pointed out in my above "The Revival".

My view is that for the most paart the area will be full of feuding factions, mostly those along the Columbia and Willimnette rivers against hose who live in the Interior (Dry and very rural and conservative country).
Actually, most of New England and the Maritimes are supposed to be Republics too.

That said, I look forward to more of your "Revival" stuff.

How come? :confused::(
Partly because I don't want too much popular culture seeping into this. We've gotten to the point that languages have diverged, new religions have taken hold, nations have risen and fallen, and everything has regressed to a medieval level. Somehow I can't imagine the kind of stuff covered in People is going to be high on the list of things people remember. Also, if we're getting rid of most of the old advanced stuff, I don't see why Hollywood would get spared in any way.

More similar to the Kurultai of the Mongols I think. The "Elective" bit is mainly spiritual and symbolic.
Ah. That probably makes more sense.
County of the Western Reserve

Totemic Symbol: Abstract representation of 5 stars over a flying flag (reminiscent of the current flag of Cleveland)
Government: Constitutional Aristocracy
Religion: Non-Denom
Capital: Cleveland
Current Ruler: Lebron Rockefeller III

Before the event Cleveland, and its surroundings, was a curious anomaly compared to the rest of the state. While the rest of Ohio was considered Mid-Western and more conservative, Cleveland considered itself modeled on New York, and had a decided liberal majority.

After The Event, very little had changed in this regard and Cleveland found itself with very little in common with the rest of the state. While much of Ohio's income came from farming and production, Cleveland's came from trade. While the Kingdom's gaze was fixed south, on Tennessy, Cleveland looked North to the Great Lakes. Added to this was Cleveland's vague delusion (retained from an earlier age) that it was a city of great worth, something of a New Manhattan.

Thus, shortly after The Event, Cleveland formed the Western Reserve from itself and the surrounding area. While it was impossible to avoid being nominally incorporated as a county into the Kingdom of Ohio, the Western Reserve was nonetheless able to retain its effective independence by playing off the animosity between Ohio and its neighbors. So, 100 years after The Event, with its internal freedom guaranteed, the Western Reserve set about creating itself as the greatest city west of the Appalachians as it had strived to do so long ago.

Today the Western Reserve is a critical trade hubs between the Steel Nation, Ontario and the various nations to the West. To maintain the facade of the great city Cleveland has actually managed to become, the artisans of the Case Guild of Engineering continue to maintain the ruins of Tower City Center, the largest remaining building in North America. The government is a combination of democracy, with an elected County Council, offset by the aristocratic Count of the Western Reserve and his traditonal lieutenant, the hereditary Mayor of Cleveland. Citizens of the County are on the whole fairly wealthy, enjoying a much higher standard of living than the rest of Ohio. They tend to name their children after mythical Clevelanders from before The Event.

The County's military might is negligable, relying on the Kingdom of Ohio to come to its aid in times of crisis, though the Western Reserve does maintain a small elite force of crossbowmen outfitted with the latest pump-action crossbows courtesy of the Case Guild of Engineers.* In regards to its safety the Western Reserve tends to rely less on force and more on the fine political skills of its hereditary counts, as well as its extensive wealth.


If Tennessy is taken as France, and Ohio is effectively its challenger Burgundy, then the County of the Western Reserve is supposed to be analogous to Amsterdam, the great trading city caught squarely between the other great powers.

*It might seem slightly fantastic, but pump-action crossbows were invented in the late 1500's in Germany. They weren't widely used due to the increasing use of gun-powder.
Wow, its been five days and we've already destroyed everything that made neo-medieval California unique and interesting :(.

And I disagree with the notion that pop culture won't survive. In fact, I contest that it would be the only thing that survives the Old World.

Ah well, on to Mexico:

The Mexican Empire

Coat of Arms: A golden eagle on a cactus eating a snake

Government: Absolute Monarchy

Religion: Roman Catholicism

Capital: Mexico

Ruler: Emperor Sebastiano IV

The Mexican Empire claims to be the Heart of the World, and it tries hard to live up to that claim. Mexico stretches from Mazatlan in the north to Oaxaca in the south, and from the Pacific to the Gulf. Mexico is the only Catholic country in North America, aside from Quebec and the feudal states of the Sonoran-Nuevo Leonian Marches (though like most Catholic nations, the Mexicans consider the Non-Denom a fringe offshoot).

Mexico's main export to the northern states and the South American states are spices. Mexico is both the source and the center of much trade in the Western Hemisphere, and has become North America's wealthiest nation. Mexico also exports a dark colored sweetfood called "Chocolat" which is all the rage in cities like New Orleans, Tampa, and Habana.

Mexico is ruled by an emperor, who rules the country absolutely. The emperor is quite possibly the richest man on the continent, and everything about him, from his dress to his palaces to his many concubines shows this.

Mexico maintains cordial relations with all of its neighbors. It has no real neighbors, so this is easy. Theoretically, the marcher lords of Sonora and Nuevo Leon are vassals of Mexico, but no real connection has existed between them for 400 hundred years. Frankly, the Mexicans prefer this arrangement - if Texas ever turned the sheriffs south, Nuevo Leon would meet the bulk of their strength, while Mexico could prepare it sdefences at its leisure.

Mexicans love to relax, and there are two sports they love above all - futbol, a violent game involving two teams with fixed nets, a ball, and plenty of kicking, jabbing, punching, and swearing; and bull fighting, where a man and a bull enter an arena, and only one comes out, then later the other comes out as the winner (since the loser gets either buried or eaten, as the case may be).
Republic of Nantucket

Government: Town Meeting

Coat of Arms: A white whale over a black harpoon on a field of blue.

Religion: Non Denominational Church

Capital: Nantucket

Ruler: Chairman Herman Walt

Once again the whaling captial of the known world, Nantucket is what most foreigners think of when the think of Yankee culture. Whalers sail out into the worst seas to hunt the largest creatures known to man. It is one of the most dangerous professions, but a skilled whaler can become as famous, wealthy, and respected as any knight regardless of birth. The republic's economy revolves around whaling, shipbuilding, and separating sailors from their money.

The inhabitants are stern, tough, and churchgoing, at least in public. Little can hide the fact that this is a port town, and the docks are as rough and tumble as anywhere else. Government is through direct town meetings, held every week after church. These meetings are open to every property owner and ship's captain to attend in person and participate in running the island. Meetings are chaired by a person appointed directly every six months. His duties mainly consist of running the meetings, counting the votes, and organizing the island's defenses. Most of the daily governing, including recording deeds and titles, is done by the Church bureaucrats.

While the law is generally loose, punishments are harsh. Fines are steep, and the typical corporal punishment is for the guilty party to be rowed out to sea a certain distance and made to swim home. Particularly vile (or unpopular) offenders will be weighed down for the swim. Unusually, Nantucket has mandated that every adult inhabitant must be armed in public. Not taking up arms when a fellow Nantucketer is in danger is a punushable offense.

For its size, Nantucket has one of the most diverse populations in North America. Search long enough, and you will find someone from every nation known. Californian and Cascadians share tables with Floridians and Lakemen. Some of the most famous harpooners are Cowboys from the deep interior who brag that buffalo are far harder to hit than whales. While the island is officially Non-Demoninational, just about every religion has a church on Nantucket, and it's possbile to see a monk, a pastor, a priestess and a rabbi arguing theology over chowder.

Nantucket has no army past a town guard, but a well trained navy and marine corp. In addition, the law calls for every ship in port to come to her defense when threatened. Boston would dearly love to claim Nantucket and her whaling, but no captain wants to face the wrath of hundreds of angry whalers.
The Commonwealth of Israel

Government: Limited Democracy/Theocracy

Religion: Judaism (with Druze, Christian, and Muslim communities).

Capital: Jerusalem

Rulers: First Minister Samuel Ben-Artzi; Chief Rabbi Benjamin Har-Segor

At the crossroads of three continents (and three major religions), the Commonwealth of Israel is a very paranoid entity, always fearful of an invading army appearing over the horizon.

Everyday life in the Commonwealth revolves around mandatory military service (which in turn goes hand in hand with mandatory religious study). From an early age, all children are given instruction in wielding and maintaining a weapon of their parents’ choice (some also begin to learn riding at this time in their lives). Instruction in the old martial art of Krav Maga is also mandated after a certain age as well, making the Commonwealth’s forces fearsome in hand to hand combat.

The Commonwealth’s military is, for the most part, a mixture of heavy cavalry units and masses of longbow and pike wielding infantry. This is augmented by a very effective intelligence service, which more often than not ensures that an enemy force never even makes it to the Commonwealth’s borders…

Centered in Jerusalem, the Commonwealth’s government is far more theocratic than the old State’s. Although there’s still a Knesset (which in turn elects a First Minister who serves for life), final authority lies with a governing body descended from the old Chief Rabbinate, which implements (or vetoes) laws according to their interpretations of Halaka. The Chief Rabbi's approval is needed to confirm the First Minister's ascension to office. Ideologically, Religious Zionism is dominant (with Theodor Herzl now remembered as an apostate who became a Holy Man, held up to the masses as a symbol of the possibilities of repentance and redemption). Some extremists in the Knesset desire to launch a “final war” to expand the Commonwealth’s borders all the way to the Nile and Euphrates Rivers, which has long been vetoed by both the First Ministers and the Rabbinate, both of whom have no desire to get into a losing war with the Emirate of Palestine (currently centered in the old trading city of Petra) and the more powerful Iranian Empire to the east, or the Sultanate of Egypt to the West.

One of the defining land features of the Commonwealth are the many canals which have been constructed to facilitate speedy travel across the country in the event of a crisis (as well as aiding in much needed irrigation for crops). The Commonwealth's farmers are required to turn over a percentage of their yearly crop to Jerusalem, where it's stored in case of famine or siege.

Besides the Jews, minorities in the Commonwealth include the Druze and Circassians (who both perform mandatory military service) and smaller still Christian and Muslim communities (most Muslims live in either Haifa or Nazareth; as in the case of the old state, Christians and Muslims are exempted from having to serve in the military). Then there are the Bedouin (some of whom serve as scouts in the Commonwealth’s armies, though most pursue a traditional lifestyle oblivious of the boundaries of the states which claim to rule over them). Out of fears of a new wave of Crusades being sparked otherwise, Christian pilgrims from Europe are allowed into the Commonwealth, though they are banned from proselytizing.

A powerful and growing faction in the Commonwealth are the merchant classes, based primarily in the great trading ports of Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Ashkelon. Commonwealth ships can be seen plying the coasts and rivers of Europe, all over the Mediterranean, and its land-based merchants make the long, dangerous journeys across the ancient caravan routes of Africa and (in peacetime) the Middle East. Some especially adventurous types can even be seen as far away as the Americas or East Asia.

For the learned rulers and scholars of North America, most of their knowledge of the Commonwealth (aside from limited contact with merchants) comes from the chronicles written by one Simon son of Hezikiah, a New Israelite orphan who journeyed to the Commonwealth on a trading vessel that had made the arduous journey up the Missouri River. Living in the Commonwealth for forty years, Simon wrote (and illustrated) extensively about the places he visited and the people he met. In his years living there, Simon served in an armored cavalry unit during the Eighth Sinai War against the Egyptians, and eventually converted to Judaism, taking a wife in Jerusalem. Eventually, (for reasons never fully made clear in his chronicles), Simon made the long journey on a merchant ship back to the New World, where his chronicles somehow made their way to the old university of Harvard, which still claims possession of them to this day.
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The Principality of St. Louis

Government: aristocracy

Leader: Margrave Lionel Schmidt IV

Flag: A field of red upon which rests a stylized depiction of the confluence of rivers.

The western shore of the Mississippi is a dangerous place. Roving bands of cowboys shepherd their herds across the vast and empty prairies. They are perhaps the greatest horsemen in the world, and the kingdoms of the east shudder whenever a high sheriff is proclaimed, with the great war posse traveling east for plunder. But the profits of the west are too great a temptation to ignore. Both Freeman, and the lesser nobility travel west, seeking to strike up a claim, and find fortune in the fertile soils of the west. Most fail. That being said the greatest concentration of successful settlements lie in the eastern land known as Missoura. Missoura is a rag tag collection of minor baronies. Its settlers are always in constant competition with each other, and the ever present cowboy threat. But for the time being civilization endures. The culture of the Missoura is a polyglot of Midwestern and Southern mores.. This in itself makes its inhabitants viewed with suspicion, particularly those with cowboy blood. The people are devout Non-Denominationalists, kept in line by the nearby court in Springfield. Nevertheless the lack of order, affords its inhabitants much freedoms, particularly outside the boundaries of the petty baronies.

The only real center of power in Missoura is the principality of St. Louis. St. Louis is a wealthy trading city, located on the confluence between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. St. Louis is ruled by hereditary Margraves. While their domain is limited largely to the city and its surrounding environs, in times of crisis the barons look to the Margrave for guidance. St. Louis is one of the principal trading depots along the Mississippi river, and one of the most important trading sites in the Midwest. It’s a major supplier of grain to the south, and its livestock market is well known throughout the continent. Here is where, much of the wealth of the great plains is gathered for barter. Given the importance of the city in this regard, St. Louis is considered to be the Chicago Board of Trade’s second city. Their great influence upon the affairs of St. Louis allows them a tighter degree of control over commodity prices throughout the continent. St. Louis is also famed for its export of beer. The great breweries of St. Louis are well known for their quality. The Margraves have exacting standards for beer purity, which are obeyed by every city brewer great or small. The heavy use of hops has allowed the beer to be exported throughout the South and the Midwest. St. Louis’ only rival for the Beer trade is the city of Milwaukee, whose product has set the standards for quality along the Great Lakes and the northern Midwest.