Most likely pairs of countries that could have been a single country?

Or Cyprus and Turkey for that matter.

Tunisia and Libya, if they'd fallen under the same colonial overlord, could've become one country with roughly the same borders as Roman Africa and Ifriqiya.

Denmark could probably have become part of the HRE and later Germany if things had gone differently in the middle ages.

I also recently learned that Belarus and Lithuania has a surprisingly similair history of identity, a country made up of modern day Belarus and Lithuania could be really interesting, and also have very aestethical borders in my opinion.
Re: Belarus and Lithuania... did the Pahonia/Pogon/Vytis give it away? :)
A pre-1900 POD works better for this. What are the most likely instances where you now have two Westphalian countries, and they could have wound up with one country?

Everyone will say North and South Korea, but Korea was not always united and I'm not sure if this is the best example. I am thinking there are better examples:

Netherlands/ Belgium
United States/ Canada
Peru/ Bolivia
Australia/ New Zealand
Iran/ Afghanistan
Austria/ Czech Republic

Any other examples?
Lebanon/Syria Eritrea/Ethiopia India/Bangladesh/Pakistan Russia/Belarus/Ukraine
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