New Amsterdam, could it become America Singapore ?

The Idea
After Dutch British wars, the dutch Diplomats manage to keep Manhattan as part of Netherlands, while rest of New Netherland get Britain.
Could New Amsterdam survive as Trade harbor and play similar role in trade in north Amerika, like Singapore in Asia ?
Perhaps, let's say new amsterdam accept some flemish people and they become the middle man between the 13 colonies and the French possesions they provide enough services to allow their continued existence. Meanwhile new amsterdam allowed for trade with france opening more export markets that where profitable it also provided ways to bypass britisch taxes afther that it become somwhat of a taxs heaven and stayed mostly neutral during britisch conflicts. During prohbition it allowed both Casino's and alcohol and then moved to more modern times
The Idea
After Dutch British wars, the dutch Diplomats manage to keep Manhattan as part of Netherlands, while rest of New Netherland get Britain.
Could New Amsterdam survive as Trade harbor and play similar role in trade in north Amerika, like Singapore in Asia ?
Perhaps, let's say new amsterdam accept some flemish people and they become the middle man between the 13 colonies and the French possesions they provide enough services to allow their continued existence. Meanwhile new amsterdam allowed for trade with france opening more export markets that where profitable it also provided ways to bypass britisch taxes afther that it become somwhat of a taxs heaven and stayed mostly neutral during britisch conflicts. During prohbition it allowed both Casino's and alcohol and then moved to more modern times
Very possible since colonial times but need Long Island too to keep an stable population and allow a development as a 'neutral zone' during the colonial wars and later a tourist spot for rich new englanders and southern later on. Could work, as USA could try to meddle on the nation..
Problem is that the minute Britain and the Netherlands wind up at odds with each other, New Amsterdam will be seized. Why? If it's so profitable a port, the easiest way to get the Dutch mijnheren to the bargaining table is to cut off their funding. Sure, maybe it gets given back in the peace talks and everything, but it could very easily turn into the Netherlands' very own Calais/Hannover
New Amsterdam and New Netherland in general was already receiving English and Yankee settlement alike by the time of the conquest. No doubt internal demographics would be playing a part as they bellowed to become part of the English Empire.

Fun idea but feels too sadly infeasible in the long run.
so under current discussions
a New Amsterdam consisting out Manhattan and Long island (or only Long Island )
could a have small chance to survive as Netherland colony/Trade harbor.
but would last it for 112 years until Revolutionary War ?
and could they stay neutral of course the USA or Britain could do something stupid and try to seized it.
how could New Amsterdam get true that situation ?
New Amsterdam and New Netherland in general was already receiving English and Yankee settlement alike by the time of the conquest. No doubt internal demographics would be playing a part as they bellowed to become part of the English Empire.

Fun idea but feels too sadly infeasible in the long run.

The first conflict where UK could seize the New Netherland remnant would be the ARW (beside butterflies of course), it wouldn’t be annexed there, The next would be the Napoleonic Wars, but I think it’s more likely that New Netherlands would simply declare independence after the establishment of the Batavian Republic, and then continue to be independent or rejoin Netherland in 1815. As for British settlement I doubt it would be problem, it would be unlikely to continue after the loss of the New Netherlandic mainland. Instead if the Dutch want to keep it, it will see influx from Germany and Scandinavia. Of course with Long Island it won‘t be a city state but simply a small country with a large city. Of course I suspect that New Amsterdam will be significant smaller than New York and Philadelphia will increase in importance. But New Amsterdam will be important for trade on the Hudson River, of course without New York City the area will receive fewer settlers and we may see the Dutch language survive in the region as a minority language.