Northern Limit Line

You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake. -Jeannette Rankin


Gwangetto the Great
Northern Limit Line
Republic of Korea
June 29th, 2002
3:45 PM KST

The South Korean destroyer, ROKS Gwangetto the Great, shook as the enemy patrol boats struck the side of the ship with it's turret. Clenching his fists and teeth furiously, Seaman Park Ha Neul fired off another round of his assault rifle, adding to the one of hundreds of splashes that were exploding in the Northern Limit Line. After the cease fire was called off and the attack order was given, both sides immediately began to fire upon each other. Of course, North Korea had lost a frigate and a patrol boat almost immediately to missiles, but the two crippled Korean corvettes, the ROKS Andong and ROKS Yeosu, were severely crippling the other South Korean ships' mobility. Because of this, the North Korean patrol boats were directly near the warships, attempting to sink it with their heavy turrets and small arm fire.

The other destroyer, ROKS Yang Manchun, was faring a bit better, but that wasn't saying much. Almost all Korean warships had relatively "minor" damage, but the small arm fire coming from the small North Korean crafts had made it almost impossible for the South Korean sailors to counter assault. The turrets were doing their best to blast the nimble boats out of the water, but even that was only met with limited success. The only good news was that the North Korean subs had suffered severe casualties, with two destroyed and one damaged. The surviving two subs were now limping back to base after being hunted by the South Korean subs. Though, the South Korean subs couldn't fire a torpedo at the remaining North Koreans without hitting one of the South Korean vessels.

A missile fired from the ROKS Gonju, one of the corvettes that were brought along. It streaked towards the last major North Korean warship, and the missile struck the side with a huge fireball. It was evident that the missile struck a fuel tank, or possibly some other flammable object. The North Korean ships began its long journey to the bottom of the sea, with the survivors of the ship struggling to fight the cold waves. Seaman Park could only grin at that.

One dead North Korean is one less dead to shoot at us... Seaman Park thought as the North Koreans fired another round towards his ship. He ducked quickly and the bullets struck the railing and wall behind him. But still not enough.

However, just when he had finished that thought, the North Koreans began to retreat rapidly, towards the north of the NLL. The South Koreans did fire and destroy a few retreating patrol boats, but most of them did escape to slip back into North Korean territory. The remaining members of the various South Korean vessels were to dumbfounded whether to celebrate or to be cautious. It didn't matter. Too many had died or had been wounded that day. There would no be celebration for the sailors and civilians in the Yellow Sea, even as South Korea won 3rd place in the World Cup.

Seaman Park sighed. The sea was quiet once again and the sea was rather nice despite the dozens of floating bodies, the wail of wounded sailors, and the limping warships sailing through the sea. He stared at the deck of his ship filled with the wounded and the dead and a small fear crept up to his heart.

"I just hope it's finally over."


Border of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
June 29th, 2002
4:15 PM KST

"Yes sir." Colonel Kim In Hee said to his superior. "We'll start immediately."

The North Korean officer turned off his field radio and walked out of the small, underground radio room. He called for his subordinates and they came to him within 3 minutes. The soldiers saluted their commanding officer.

"Alright men. Begin shelling the DMZ. Hit all fortifications and military strongpoints of the capitalist dogs and bring glory to the Great Leader!" Colonel Kim shouted encouragingly to his men.

One of his soldiers had a simple question. "How many pieces should start firing sir? A dozen?"

"The general wants us to use 300 artillery pieces this time. Start firing heavily before they can counter attack." Colonel Kim replied without blinking an eye.

The soldiers looked shocked, but knew better than to question the order. 300 artillery pieces firing at the same time would lead to the enemy retaliating. But an order was an order. They scrambled off to relay the orders to the units and to begin firing...


The artillery units began firing at 4:22 PM KST. The initial artillery strikes caught the South Korean positions woefully off guard, and caused greater amounts of casualties due to the South Korean military sending more troops to the border due to flaring tensions. As a result, in the initial volley, nearly 218 South Korean soldiers would lose their lives, while 653 were wounded. Various bunkers, artillery pieces, air defenses, and entrenched defenses were crippled. After 4 minutes of bombardment, the South Korean artillery opened up on the North Korean artillery firing on them. The return fire was more severe, and air strikes were also used to strike the artillery positions. North Korea would suffer 32 destroyed artillery pieces, with an additional 532 deaths and 1482 wounded from the combined artillery fire and air strikes. Both sides settled after that to lick their wounds.

But the damage was done. Nearly a thousand men on both sides had died in a single day and this would not be forgotten by both sides. And North Korea already planned to make the South Koreans remembered the "treachery" forever.

Within hours, a small plan was immediately made to strike fear into the South Koreans and force them to the negotiation tables immediately. The plan was reviewed, and readied within mere hours. The air force, army, and navy were all informed of the plan. Because this plan would involve many loss of lives.

Many South Korean civilian lives.*


*Hint, think "World Cup."

Current casualties:

Republic of Korea Navy:

PKM 357: 5 deaths, 17 injured.
PKM 358 (engine damage, one turret disabled): 6 dead, 14 wounded, 1 missing.
PKM 359: 8 dead, 15 injured.
PKM 360 (sunk): 14 dead, 10 injured.
ROKS Yeosu (listing, struck by torpedo): 17 dead, 35 injured.
ROKS Andong (heavy damage to hull due to turret fire): 19 dead, 41 injured.
ROKS Yang Manchun: 3 dead, 11 injured.
ROKS Gwangetto the Great (damaged by turret fire): 11 dead, 32 injured.

Republic of Korea Air Force:

Falcon-5: 1 aircraft down, 1 pilot dead.
3 CH-47 Helicopters: 17 dead.

Republic of Korea Army:

218 dead, 653 wounded.
16 artillery pieces destroyed.
3 K1-A1 tanks crippled/destroyed.

Yeonpyeong Island Forces

Military personnel: 32 dead, 81 injured.

Civilians: 22 dead, 67 injured.

Korean People's Navy:

Taechong-1: 14 dead, 31 injured.
Taechong-2 (sunk): 41 dead, 6 survivors.
Teachong-3 (sunk): 14 dead, 31 wounded
Taechong-4: 9 dead, 21 wounded.
Taechong-5 (sunk): 22 dead, 30 wounded.
Taechong-6 (sunk): 15 dead, 24 wounded.
Taechong-7: 8 dead, 19 wounded.
Taechong-8(sunk): 21 dead, 24 wounded.
Taechong-9 (sunk): 39 dead, 21 survivors.
Taechong-10: 7 dead, 15 wounded.
KPN Najin 1 (sunk): 102 dead, 68 wounded.
KPN Najin 2 (sunk): 98 dead, 72 wounded.
KPN Soho (sunk): 112 dead, 78 wounded.
Sang-O 7 (sunk): 15 dead.
Sang-O 8 (sunk): 15 dead
Sang-O 9 (damaged): 2 injured.
Sang-O 11 (sunk): 15 dead.

Korean People's Air Force:

Chengdu J-7: 5 aircrafts down, 3 pilots dead.

Korean People's Army:

532 dead, 1482 wounded.
56 artillery pieces destroyed.
2 PT-85 tanks destroyed.
3 Chonma-Ho tanks destroyed.
Thanks :D
Mhm. Though, I do think the US will only find out either the morning after the battle or when the South Korean media releases info.
Nope, Washington is going to know about this within an hour of Seoul getting the word. The moment shells start falling on the DMZ the US troops around Seoul will be getting ready to surge out of their camps and the planes at Osan and Kunsan will be scrambling. The moment ballistic missiles start hitting civilians in Seoul (which is what I presume you're planning next, unless you go with some Clancy-esque sleeper cell idea) the heavy bombers will start streaming in from Guam and the US, the Kitty Hawk will be heading for Korea at full tilt, the Marines on Okinawa will be getting on planes to head North and the various destroyers and subs in range will be firing cruise missiles.
Nope, Washington is going to know about this within an hour of Seoul getting the word. The moment shells start falling on the DMZ the US troops around Seoul will be getting ready to surge out of their camps and the planes at Osan and Kunsan will be scrambling. The moment ballistic missiles start hitting civilians in Seoul (which is what I presume you're planning next, unless you go with some Clancy-esque sleeper cell idea) the heavy bombers will start streaming in from Guam and the US, the Kitty Hawk will be heading for Korea at full tilt, the Marines on Okinawa will be getting on planes to head North and the various destroyers and subs in range will be firing cruise missiles.

I agree that the U.S. would deploy their military towards Korea. However, I doubt that they would just strike at North Korea even with the amount of casualties and damage the two Koreas are suffering. I mean, the North Koreans assassinated the president of South Korea in OTL and there wasn't war. I expect that there would be an attempt at diplomacy.

As for receiving the word, I think you're correct. I underestimated the time of America's reaction. I'll make sure to add that into the next scene.

And no. It won't be a missile (since NK didn't even have basic ballistic missiles, not even enough to hit Guam). Though, it'll be some inside work and a surprise coming from the North...
Once the shooting starts the USA will no almost right away as the info will be passed to the joint command center, which is...joint. There will be some level of alert right away, and as this escalates so will the alert of US forces. With the level of shelling across the DMZ, it will only be dumb luck no US troops get in the way, but even when it stops the alert posture for the US will probably go to just short of occupying wartime positions.

If the NKs use sleepers/special forces for some sort of mass event of terrorism, expect to see US dependents being evacuated and US citizens advised to leave.
Attacking Seol means you attack the world cup third place game. Blatter is there. Are you targeting him just as Calbear is targeting Macarthur in every story? ;)
Once the shooting starts the USA will no almost right away as the info will be passed to the joint command center, which is...joint. There will be some level of alert right away, and as this escalates so will the alert of US forces. With the level of shelling across the DMZ, it will only be dumb luck no US troops get in the way, but even when it stops the alert posture for the US will probably go to just short of occupying wartime positions.

If the NKs use sleepers/special forces for some sort of mass event of terrorism, expect to see US dependents being evacuated and US citizens advised to leave.

Mhmmmm. This. Pretty much, the U.S. will know within hours.

Completely forgot...

And yeah. Imagine the panic after it becomes clear that they'll be more attacks.

Attacking Seol means you attack the world cup third place game. Blatter is there. Are you targeting him just as Calbear is targeting Macarthur in every story? ;)

Ah no. Seoul is actually not the place of the third place game. Daegu is. However, there is a large plaza that thousands of Koreans go and watch the World Cup in... It's pretty packed...
Well there goes North Korea's chance to exist as an independent state. After it gets thrashed by SK and the US, they aren't going to settle for anything less. Especially if they hit the World Cup match with some Chemical weapons or something.
Excellent story, the Nork's ability to hurt Seoul though I think is over-estimated. Yes they have hundreds of guns along the DMZ, but only a few dozen of those at the most can reach the city. And in 2002 the Nork's dont have access to as many long range rocket launchers as they do now (and even then, it s a few dozen launchers at most with the range to reach Seoul.) Yes they have Scuds, but they are grossly inaccurate weapons, they are basically a V2 on wheels and about as accurate.

The KPA has huge numbers but its equipment is 1950's to 1960's tech at best with their most advanced SAM being the SA-6, something that the West knows intimately and how to counter/jam and defeat it. Their tanks are obsolete and the terrain for them is horrid. Their infantry again whilst massive in number are presumably poorly trained, equipped and due to the poor food situation they can't really feed their troops and once they get outside the artillery range of the guns on the DMZ they are very vulnerable. Also they are the kind of army that the West has trained to fight and would be ready to fight them.

The KPAAF is laughable. MiG-17's being the main fighter with some MiG-21's and a handful of barely flyable MiG-29's flown by people who mainly have 2 - 3 hours a month in the air of flying time.

If the North does launch an offensive over the DMZ it won't get far and once South Korean and UN/NATO airpower comes into play its over. The North's main defence is massed AA guns and we saw how effective they were in the 1st Gulf War. IE not at all.
China being closer means China will ahve the first move. Will China be able to rein in the rogue state?

I would say no, since even now, NK ignores China. Besides, NK is pretty much a rogue country that's biding it's time for... Stuff. Nobody exactly knows what though.

Well there goes North Korea's chance to exist as an independent state. After it gets thrashed by SK and the US, they aren't going to settle for anything less. Especially if they hit the World Cup match with some Chemical weapons or something.

Oh, Seoul isn't the place where the match is held. But World Cup Hall will be filled with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people...

Excellent story, the Nork's ability to hurt Seoul though I think is over-estimated. Yes they have hundreds of guns along the DMZ, but only a few dozen of those at the most can reach the city. And in 2002 the Nork's dont have access to as many long range rocket launchers as they do now (and even then, it s a few dozen launchers at most with the range to reach Seoul.) Yes they have Scuds, but they are grossly inaccurate weapons, they are basically a V2 on wheels and about as accurate.

The KPA has huge numbers but its equipment is 1950's to 1960's tech at best with their most advanced SAM being the SA-6, something that the West knows intimately and how to counter/jam and defeat it. Their tanks are obsolete and the terrain for them is horrid. Their infantry again whilst massive in number are presumably poorly trained, equipped and due to the poor food situation they can't really feed their troops and once they get outside the artillery range of the guns on the DMZ they are very vulnerable. Also they are the kind of army that the West has trained to fight and would be ready to fight them.

The KPAAF is laughable. MiG-17's being the main fighter with some MiG-21's and a handful of barely flyable MiG-29's flown by people who mainly have 2 - 3 hours a month in the air of flying time.

If the North does launch an offensive over the DMZ it won't get far and once South Korean and UN/NATO airpower comes into play its over. The North's main defence is massed AA guns and we saw how effective they were in the 1st Gulf War. IE not at all.

Points taken. I was aware of this so I thought it would be incredibly stupid for North Korea to just throw jets and artillery towards Seoul. They'll be easily intercepted and pounded...

So what if NK used their sleeper agents instead?
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Oh, Seoul isn't the place where the match is elf.

Except the Author basically flat out said "They're going to do something stupid involving the World Cup Match". Honestly, if I was China, I'd be carefully considering just how uncomfortable I am having a Newly reunified Korea on my southern border as opposed to publicly supporting the people who just bombed a sporting match being broadcast live across the world or something over a naval pissing contest they started in the first place. Maybe have some hastily arranged backroom meetings with SK and the US, "Ok, so when you invade the North, We want a mutual 20 kilometer demilitarized zone on the Yalu, and no American military deployments above the 38th parallel."
One possibility that has been considered in the scenario where the DPRK implodes (not a war scenario) is that when the ROK comes north to deal with this, the Chinese might move across the border and establish a zone where they are doing the humanitarian thing - and of course keeps the ROK/US away from the real border. Of course this temporary "zone" would last a long time... Here you might see the same if the ROK/US is moving north.
Except the Author basically flat out said "They're going to do something stupid involving the World Cup Match". Honestly, if I was China, I'd be carefully considering just how uncomfortable I am having a Newly reunified Korea on my southern border as opposed to publicly supporting the people who just bombed a sporting match being broadcast live across the world or something over a naval pissing contest they started in the first place. Maybe have some hastily arranged backroom meetings with SK and the US, "Ok, so when you invade the North, We want a mutual 20 kilometer demilitarized zone on the Yalu, and no American military deployments above the 38th parallel."

I am the author :D

And I wouldn't be too surprised. After all, the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong involving the PKM 357 in OTL was a deliberate plan to attack South Korea while they played in the World Cup (hence, the reason why the attack was on the same day as the match). To have agents possibly cause an attack and throw Korea into a disarray? Not implausible at all.

I would expect China to say that also. After all, by this time, China had surpassed America as South Korea's biggest trading partner.

One possibility that has been considered in the scenario where the DPRK implodes (not a war scenario) is that when the ROK comes north to deal with this, the Chinese might move across the border and establish a zone where they are doing the humanitarian thing - and of course keeps the ROK/US away from the real border. Of course this temporary "zone" would last a long time... Here you might see the same if the ROK/US is moving north.

Possibly, but I don't see it too plausible because:

1) The USA

2) The UN

3) Korea would be pissed.
Maybe have some hastily arranged backroom meetings with SK and the US, "Ok, so when you invade the North, We want a mutual 20 kilometer demilitarized zone on the Yalu, and no American military deployments above the 38th parallel."

Some sort of deal like that could be involved, but the 38th parallel seems far too limiting. Something along the lines of 'no American troops beyond Pyongyang' would be more sensible.
Some sort of deal like that could be involved, but the 38th parallel seems far too limiting. Something along the lines of 'no American troops beyond Pyongyang' would be more sensible.

Problem is, China isn't too comfortable with te US within striking distance. The 38th is bad enough, but Pyongyang? That's a bit too close.

I wouldn't be surprised if they asked America to withdraw its troops completely from Korea since there aren't anymore threats....
Problem is, China isn't too comfortable with te US within striking distance. The 38th is bad enough, but Pyongyang? That's a bit too close.

I wouldn't be surprised if they asked America to withdraw its troops completely from Korea since there aren't anymore threats....

After the conflict is over, that could be up for negotiation. But while North Korea is still fighting, the US military is going to get permission to go beyond the 38th parallel if the country is genuinely going to support South Korea. That doesn't mean the US Army and Marines march all the way to the Chinese border, or that they stay in former North Korean territory afterwards. But from the US point of view after several high-casualty incidents with North Korea, including one involving mass civilian casualties, concessions to China's paranoia are going to take a backseat to the need to support South Korea. If China doesn't like that, they can occupy their own buffer zone and shut down the conflict right away.

Essentially, North Korea's escalation of the fighting to DMZ artillery exchanges and a terrorist attack on a civilian target makes it difficult for China to suggest the US just sits on its hands at their start positions after the conflict flares to full-scale war, which is what staying south of the 38th would be. China could get a halt line, certainly; it could even get some degree of pre-commitment from the US to withdraw from what began as North Korean territory upon a cease-fire. But it isn't going to be able to demand that the US effectively abandon an ally on China's say-so.
After the conflict is over, that could be up for negotiation. But while North Korea is still fighting, the US military is going to get permission to go beyond the 38th parallel if the country is genuinely going to support South Korea. That doesn't mean the US Army and Marines march all the way to the Chinese border, or that they stay in former North Korean territory afterwards. But from the US point of view after several high-casualty incidents with North Korea, including one involving mass civilian casualties, concessions to China's paranoia are going to take a backseat to the need to support South Korea. If China doesn't like that, they can occupy their own buffer zone and shut down the conflict right away.

Essentially, North Korea's escalation of the fighting to DMZ artillery exchanges and a terrorist attack on a civilian target makes it difficult for China to suggest the US just sits on its hands at their start positions after the conflict flares to full-scale war, which is what staying south of the 38th would be. China could get a halt line, certainly; it could even get some degree of pre-commitment from the US to withdraw from what began as North Korean territory upon a cease-fire. But it isn't going to be able to demand that the US effectively abandon an ally on China's say-so.

I think he meant after the inevitable "Suicide by the US and Friends" that North Korea is about to go through.
Once the shooting starts the USA will no almost right away as the info will be passed to the joint command center, which is...joint. There will be some level of alert right away, and as this escalates so will the alert of US forces. With the level of shelling across the DMZ, it will only be dumb luck no US troops get in the way, but even when it stops the alert posture for the US will probably go to just short of occupying wartime positions.

If the NKs use sleepers/special forces for some sort of mass event of terrorism, expect to see US dependents being evacuated and US citizens advised to leave.

Also expect to see NK pay through the nose for that action.
Except the Author basically flat out said "They're going to do something stupid involving the World Cup Match". Honestly, if I was China, I'd be carefully considering just how uncomfortable I am having a Newly reunified Korea on my southern border as opposed to publicly supporting the people who just bombed a sporting match being broadcast live across the world or something over a naval pissing contest they started in the first place. Maybe have some hastily arranged backroom meetings with SK and the US, "Ok, so when you invade the North, We want a mutual 20 kilometer demilitarized zone on the Yalu, and no American military deployments above the 38th parallel."

NK are going to piss of Turkey royaly also if they attack the game itself.

As for China, they might actually go "Oh, no." and then send in troops to take care of NK themselves