How's the Start?

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If the Ottoman are really ambitious they could demand Kuwait and the part of Arabia that's under UK protectorate in exchange for supporting the French/Russia or German Alliance depending on which side the Balkan powers who oppose ottoman empire are
we will see............
There will be so much opportunity for Romania in this war and all they have to do is join in the last moment and just follow wherever the wind is blowing. If Austro Hungary collapse they get Transylvania, If Russia collapse they get Bessarabia, If Bulgaria have hard time with the Ottoman they can snatch Southern Dobruja. Not to mention all the concession everyone will offer to them to tempt Romania to their side.
Indeed romania has the potential to get something from each side.
For the Ottoman i think if there is no outright war with Russia (at least for now) there will be some sort of proxies war in North-Western Iran.
most probably.
Symbols and Flags of the Ottoman Empire

Coat of Arms


Naval Standard


Imperial Standard of the Sultan

Standard of the Caliphate


Flag of the cavalry corps


Flag of the Mountaineer Corps

Deleted member 117308

If no Schlieffen Plan happens (or if it fails), France will at least keep most of their industry in the north. A later war also benefits Russia, but I do not know how much of a difference one year would make.
I wonder what the French are thinking now that the Italians have declared war on them, only a few years after the French recognized their claims in Lybia.

Well, Italians failed at taking Libya so only logical idea is trying to get Tunisia from the French by staying loyal to your allies (especially since it actually is a defensive war this time. OTL WW1 was started by A-H declaring war on Serbia but this one started with France declaring on Germany. The Entente are the aggressors in the conflict).
If no Schlieffen Plan happens (or if it fails), France will at least keep most of their industry in the north. A later war also benefits Russia, but I do not know how much of a difference one year would make.
The entente are in a better position than otl economically.
Well, Italians failed at taking Libya so only logical idea is trying to get Tunisia from the French by staying loyal to your allies (especially since it actually is a defensive war this time. OTL WW1 was started by A-H declaring war on Serbia but this one started with France declaring on Germany. The Entente are the aggressors in the conflict).
Indeed. Italy's defensive argument is fulfilled ittl.
Would Britain want to intervene in a war where France is the aggressor? Would be ironic if they played the role of Italy in this war.
While France may be the aggressor in this situation, their cause is far more just then the Germans, that and iotl, the Entente won the propaganda and diplo campaigns really. Then again I imagine having Kaiser Bill will give you like -50 diplomacy.
I'll throw my own predictions into the ring for this as well. By the current set up, a lot depends on whether Britain joins the war or not. I'd assume they will if Germany goes through with the Schlieffen Plan (I don't know if they had any plausible alternatives ready to be deployed at this point otl), though there's reason to doubt the potential effectiveness of it. France is likely to attempt an invasion of Alsace-Lorraine, and with the region crippled by strikes and riots, I wonder if that would tilt things enough for them to pull off a narrow victory. That would certainly be quite the nightmare for the German High Command, especially with their main armies fighting through Belgium.

The Eastern Front is up in the air as well. Russia has more time to prepare, yet its also facing an Austria which needs to focus only on one front and doesn't have a Serbia to try and fail to conquer twice. With Austria focusing on the defensive and Germany focusing on the west, a lot rides on Russia's first offensives.

And finally, I can't see the war going well for Italy if Britain joins. I could be wrong, but I remember reading that Italy was incredibly dependent on British coal imports, which will naturally be gone if they're fighting Britain. Plus, the terrain they're fighting in will hardly be better than what they got to fight an outnumbered Austrian army in otl.

This is all without accounting for the big neutrals of the war, America and the Ottomans.
There's also a question of fundamental interests.

France is not in a position to dominate Europe if it wins. Germany is.

That fact will dominate the strategic planning of Britain, as it had for a decade.
Sorry been busy the last few of days.

Well the economic collapse suits the Ottomans a bit better than most since they have less to loose and great legitimacy among their people for now.

Still the war between France and Germany will get interesting, I have a feeling that Britain will try to support both sides till almost the last minute, that way they stay atop the order.

Though given the Ottoman's recent moves and Russia's aggression I have a feeling they will be dragged into it out of fear they won't get any spoils from the 'Sick man of Europe'', something they will regret.

On the Brightside I very much doubt a major Arab revolt will happen and a ''Jihad bomb'' they tried in the OTL if the worst comes to worst will work far better here given their a strong empire.

Fun fact the first mosque built in Germany was made for the purpose of turning Indian prisoners' against the British empire.

Though I get the feeling the USA will be much more isolationist than OTL, as well as the economic trouble I can't not imagine the Philippines colonies won't cause trouble if they think they can brake away with the economic issues. Issues that will tie them up for WW1.
Not the balkan?!

But what about, “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.”– Otto von Bismarck(1888) ?
Not the balkan?!

But what about, “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.”– Otto von Bismarck(1888) ?

Otto was a great statesman but he was not a prophet (well, in this ATL, I mean).

Also you never know, maybe the WW2 equivalent will start from the Balkans.
While France may be the aggressor in this situation, their cause is far more just then the Germans, that and iotl, the Entente won the propaganda and diplo campaigns really. Then again I imagine having Kaiser Bill will give you like -50 diplomacy.
if Hoi4 is made in ww1, expect Kaiser Willy's modifier to be -50 Diplomacy.