As for internal situation, did we but some old battleships from the West and turned them into coastal defence as we were talking earlier? And how is going on the reconstruction of Moscow and building of new buildings right now?
Some are costal defenses, some serve as part of the fleet. New buildings are beign build, especialy new government ones for our administration, as well as mass housing programs to make up for larger destroyed parts of our cities.
Some are costal defenses, some serve as part of the fleet. New buildings are beign build, especialy new government ones for our administration, as well as mass housing programs to make up for larger destroyed parts of our cities.
Tell me only we were able to purchase HMS King George V, and I can die a happy battleship enthusiast XD
Oh and one more thing, in 1924 red army had 500k active personnel and China 1,5kk. What is the number for both USSR and China for 1926/1927?
I believe that this thread would fit better in the Shared Worlds forum. Why? Because, after reading back a few pages, I see a whole lot of immersive conversations, and this also seems to be a world that is shared between multiple people.
Oh and one more thing, in 1924 red army had 500k active personnel and China 1,5kk. What is the number for both USSR and China for 1926/1927?
Similar, as we have decomissioned a few soldiers from the Russian Civil War and also repurposed many into labor battallions to help build up the ruins of the Civil War. China has less, getting rid of militia and warlord independent regional armies as long as local banditry and rebellions are under control in their provinces, roughtly -250k to 500k fewer overall.
I believe that this thread would fit better in the Shared Worlds forum. Why? Because, after reading back a few pages, I see a whole lot of immersive conversations, and this also seems to be a world that is shared between multiple people.
Not really, why some readers give some input and ideas from time to time that I implement when I see it fitting, no one plays a nation or certain group, also no one directs anything else then the overall vote were to go with politics and decisions beside what the majority of readers might prefer and last we checked the Bear himself had said nothing as well, as the question arose in one of the Star Wars ones, so that's good enough for me and all I need to know without making needlesly more work for anyone here at the Forum I would personally say.
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Comrades, I think one thing we should talk about the new possibility that this Eurasian treaty offers us in terms of transport, Propaganda, research, militarily and even as a way to ease our budget.

Instead of thinking simply in terms of trains vs. cars we need to think of the 3rd possibility that will give us the most benefits long term: Planes.

Imagine a person being able to travel from Beijing to Berlin in less than a day? With a connection that lands in our glorious Soviet Union, it'll do wonders to build solidarity with comrades from other countries.

Also, with propaganda imagine the average worker being being to look overhead and see a Soviet plane, or even a remote village being able to receive aid easily from the central government much quicker than if we built train routes or paved roads, and that's only internally! Can you imagine the reaction of those abroad who are used to European Imperialism watching Soviet planes and seeing them drop down supplies and foreign aid even in the most remote and unreachable parts of Asia, South America, Africa,etc?

And if we are being cynical, if a war breaks out along one of our borders or even within from a rebellion; we'll be able to get troops to the front line much quicker from an airbase and with the development of our Air Doctrine we'll be able to drop enemy's behind enemy lines and create encirclements.

We'd be able to also create a solid and state of the art research, while we'll never compete with British Naval tech or American Armour, we could invest in Airpower early and be the top in the globe by the 1940s.

My last point is in terms of budget, it'll be cheaper for us to build multiple airports and can even use American style short domestic flights to help connect cities and towns while if we used railways or roads we'd have to deal with draining swampland / making the terrain suitable for either while planes wouldn't have those problems.

That is why comrade we should connect our routes with Planes and try to develop an industry that can not only build passenger aircraft but also Cargo planes.

(The images I've included are of the Tupolev ANT-9, a passenger plane from the USSR OTL that was one of the first domestically produced planes.)


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Trotsky and the World Revolution

The Soviet Union decided that the attempt of an International Abolishing of Slavery would not see the Soviet Gulag Forced Labor was not actually Slavery by definition and therefore the system was kept as a form of capital punishment, but no longer as severe and long for everyone, just for the most extreme criminals. At the same time the Chinese Intervention in Tiber was divided between some who wished to back the Chinese claims on Tibet, while others opted to remain at least neutral in hopes that this might encourage Socialist Buddhist to align with the Soviet Union across Asia. A compromise was therefore attempted to make Tibet an autonomous province within China, negotiated to ensure peace and stability in Asia. To secure the plans for the New Silk Road/ Eurasian Silk Road including the Soviet Union, China, Germany, Czechoslovakia, which in turn not only made the French attempt to create a new alliance network against these threats across Europe, but also had the British Empire draw closer ties with the Americans and Japanese in East Asia, as well as the French in Southwest Asia/ Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. The Soviet Union meanwhile hoped with the new Silk Road to truly became a Eurasian country and the dominant power in both continents, as well as later Africa and the world by doing so. It provided economic growth for all participating, as well as was later extendet to non-aggression pacts and sometimes even defensive pacts. While invited to be a part of it the British and French declined, each for their own national and security reasons, as well as overall mistrust of the Soviet Union, Germans and Chinese, winch was also why the Japanese were cautious and the Americans disliked that the Chinese Markets opened up more to the Russians then to them and the Western European Imperial Colonial Powers. The joint Sino-Soviet military exercises in Siberia with 150,000 troops, half coming from every country, as well as the agreement over Tibet made the British rather nervous, while at the same time Buddhist Tibetan Socialists were glad for their remaining internal province autonomy instead of complete Chinese rule.

The British and other European powers like the French feared the Sino-Soviet Alliance dominating Eurasia in the future and therefore took steps against that, which was why the British were contacted by the Russians and ensured the independence of Afghanistan as a buffer state for now, while Persia and Turkey had Armenian, Azerbaijan and Turkmen ethnic regions the respective ethnic Azerbaijan, Armenian and Turkmenistan SSR claimed as their own. In general Rykov did not wish to alienate and rival the British as enemies, while Stalin and his Stalinists wished to fight them once they were weakened and Trotsky and the Troskyist even dreamed of preemptive Global Revolutions in their colonies and empires, without however a direct war declared and started against them all. In the United Kingdom meanwhile British Miners are supported on their strike by the British Socialist Party (BSP) and the British Communist Party (BCP), both morally encouraged and supported by the Soviet Union, the Socialist International (SOCINTERN) and the Communist International (COMINTERN) alike. The explosion of ammunitions on a troopship in Kuang Yuang China, kills 1,200 soldiers and workers, while the Imperial Conference in London cements the decision to transform the British Empire into a British Imperial Federation, with more internal liberties and freedoms for more Dominions to keep the Emprie together against autonomy and independence movements. Cuba sees 650 killed because of a local hurricane, while Leon Trotsky and Lev Kamenev a leave the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, as Rykovism in their eyes had betrayed the ideals and morals of the World Revolution, despite Russia and China proving how efficient and well working the concept truly was. They both try to work closer with Socintern and Comintern parties, movements, independence and rebel factions to liberate the possessed people of the world more directly, then the Soviet Union is willing to do officially at the moment.
Our Soviet Union World Map.png
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Trotsky and the World Revolution:
A) Support them openly.
B) Support them secretly.
C) Remain neutral about what the rest of the Socintern and Comintern do.
D) The Soviet Union must lead, stop them all from stepping out of line.
Trotsky and the World Revolution:
A) Support them openly.
B) Support them secretly.
C) Remain neutral about what the rest of the Socintern and Comintern do.
D) The Soviet Union must lead, stop them all from stepping out of line.
B) Since A doesn't work in real life, C & D bring us only ridicule and strife
Well the Imperial Federation has actually happened, so that's a bit terrifying.

Trotsky and the World Revolution:
A) Support them openly.
B) Support them secretly.
C) Remain neutral about what the rest of the Socintern and Comintern do.
D) The Soviet Union must lead, stop them all from stepping out of line.

Well unless we want to rule the world (at least not yet), then option D is a no.

Supporting vote B is the best option here since A will probably cause us issues.
Well the Imperial Federation has actually happened, so that's a bit terrifying.

Well unless we want to rule the world (at least not yet), then option D is a no.

Supporting vote B is the best option here since A will probably cause us issues.
I's clearly more about control of the Socintern/ Comintern then all independence and liberty movements globall ;D
Trotsky and the World Revolution:
A) Support them openly.
B) Support them secretly.
C) Remain neutral about what the rest of the Socintern and Comintern do.
D) The Soviet Union must lead, stop them all from stepping out of line.
Option (B). We can't really risk the whole world turning against us right now.

Also, it will allow us to influence the Trotskyists to our cause, rather than going off the rails. The last thing we need right now is the Movement to splinter.
Option (B). We can't really risk the whole world turning against us right now.

Also, it will allow us to influence the Trotskyists to our cause, rather than going off the rails. The last thing we need right now is the Movement to splinter.
This is the correct approach and thinking.

Option B is the best since we can stop any potential splits from occurring and influence Trotsky and his faction to goals which are more in line with our own.
Trotsky and the World Revolution:
B) Support them secretly.
btw what is year in universe is?Any chance to recruit Tesla?(i want my tesla tanks and towers :p)