PC/WI: alternate WWII alliances

your challenge is to bring about an alternate World War II with its players being a Democratic Russia (different Russian Revolution), Democratic Japan, UK, and France allied against the fascist powers of Germany, China, Italy, and Turkey. Bonus points if the US and/or Brazil can be made into a participant of the fascist bloc, and/or if the war lasts for more than 5 years.
your challenge is to bring about an alternate World War II with its players being a Democratic Russia (different Russian Revolution), Democratic Japan, UK, and France allied against the fascist powers of Germany, China, Italy, and Turkey. Bonus points if the US and/or Brazil can be made into a participant of the fascist bloc, and/or if the war lasts for more than 5 years.
I'd most likely see Brazil being Axis and the US remaining allied.
I'd most likely see Brazil being Axis and the US remaining allied.

I really can't see why Brazil would go Axis. The Axis ITTL (and OTL for that matter) really had nothing to offer them. Vargas wasn't a truefascist so much as an opportunist who would try everything once to stay in power.

stuck at democratic Russia ...

This is the hard part, especially with a post-1900 POD. I'm not sure winning the Russo-Japanese War would make a difference. Even a White victory in the Russian Civil War, itself a stretch, would still be no guarantee of democracy- the result might be an autocrat or military dictator/junta.
Russo-Japanese War goes in favor of Russia. Japan is decimated and all but bankrupt, the military is largely discredited and a robust democracy comes to power. Russia avoids the humiliation of defeat by a non-Western power and is able to better weather the events of 1918 - the Communist revolution is defeated in the Civil War by having the (stronger) Japanese satellite state in Siberia better coordinate with its European counterpart and having less support for the Red faction, the war only just coming in favor of the Whites who bring about a Romanov initially as a figurehead. China continues to garner German support but without a strong Japan to check its influence China is still not united in fact but fascist in theory by 1938. With the death of Ataturk in 1938 Inonu permits Turkish Air Force officers to 'observe' German aerial tactics and bombardment (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_Republic_of_Turkey), unfortunately this leads to the British believeing that Turkey is aligned with the Axis. This facilitates German transit to southern Russia and the Caucasus, permitting an evacuation of Stalingrad and preservation of the German 6th Army. Unfortunately this delays the war as Stalin decides to focus on pushing into Turkey and bringing Konstantingrad into the Russian orbit. By the end of the Battle of Berlin in Summer of 1946, Russia dominates Turkey and Eastern Europe while the Allies have liberated most of Germany, Prague, and meet the Russians at Budapest. Turkey becomes a Soviet client although Greece is permitted rule of Constantinople with unlimited international transit by any power. Czechia and Greece (controlling roughly Magna Graecia and part of southern Bulgaria but with the whole of the Bosporus) remain part of the West per prior agreements while Hungary is divided and the Russian sector of Berlin is connected by slim threads from the Oder, where the bulk of the Russian army is on the B-day (Berlin day). Much of Germany is radioactive ruin, especially in the central part of the country, but the wonderweapons revealed include IRBMs, much more powerful jet engines than previously believed, computer assisted design via Z5 terminals, and massive underground synthetic oil plants only just coming online.