Penicillin discovered sooner

Ernest Duchesne at École du Service de Santé Militaire in Lyons then independently discovered healing properties of a penicillium glaucum mould, even curing infected guinea pigs from typhoid and published a dissertation in 1897 but this was ignored by the Institut Pasteur. However Duchesne was himself using a discovery made by Arab stable boys, who were using moulds to cure sores on horses. He did not claim that the mould contained any antibacterial substance, but simply claimed that the mould somehow protected the animals.

WI Duchesne expanded his reasearch to include humans, and was succussful in discovering penicillin? I know the POD is 1897 but the effects of such a discovery would not be felt unilt after 1900.

Many people would have survived WWI than did so. Can't think of anyone individual right off the top of my head. Just thought of one. Perhaps one of the doctors working on McKinley had heard of the use of penicillin and its abilities. After McKinley is shot the penicillin is used and it slows down or stops his infection enough to allow him to survive the gunshot thereby delaying or butterflying away the presidency of TR. Perhaps if TR was president during WWI the US gets involved earlier.


Having chanced upon a mention of Ernest Duchesne in a book, I'd like to see what might be the consequences of penicillin being discovered three decades ahead of schedule.
Well, for starters both sides in the World Wars would have access to antibiotics instead of just the Western Allies.

Research into "phages" might not get done in the USSR, since the reason the Soviets were interested in it was that they could not get antibiotics due to WWII.