Pop-culture in Fuherreich: Legacy of the Great War

This thread is inspired by the original Kaiserreich pop-culture thread which can be linked here: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/pop-culture-of-the-kaiserreich.475922/, it's also an inpiration of this here: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/pop-culture-in-tl-191.463675/.

What would pop-culture look like in this scenario? Movies, TV, Comics, Games and everything else? Since the whole Fuherreich scenario is a DBWI, we could probably say that this is probably the first DBWI Pop culture scenario that fully shows all of pop-culture and trends. Speaking of DBWI, can we start calling Double Blind What If Pop culture scenarios Double Blind Pop Cultures? Maybe there could be a Double Blind Pop Culture TL, if not, then it's okay to leave it as a concept.

Timelines and scenarios are welcomed
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