Propaganda of the Deed: Frick Assassinated in 1892

The Vulture

What if Alexander Berkman succeeds in killing Henry Clay Frick in retaliation for the Homestead Strike, then commits suicide immediately afterwards? What is this going to mean for anarchism in the United states and labor unions? Will this act gain the anarchists the support they think it will?


Excellent response, there. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, killing Kings, Empresses, Ministers and even the very President of the United States did little to gain the Anarchists the support or reputation they would have wanted, so I have no reason to believe that killing this guy, Frick, would have any effect, positive or negative.

I guess it could get some attention for a limited period of time and make people realize the danger of the anarchist threat earlier?
Well, a world with signicantly less Frick is a slightly better world to my mind, but yeah--it's not going to win people over.
Probably not much apart from creating a wave of repression . After Holmstead the damage had already been done if Frick was to have been assassinated it would have been better before or if Carnegie hadn't have hired him in the first place in which case Carnegie's reputation would have remained intact