Republican 1996 presidential nominee with a successfull 1993 WTC bombing?

Basically, the 1993 WTC bombing succeeds and ''War on Terror'' starts 8 years earlier. First of all, the ''rally around the flag'' would prevent the 1994 republican gains in Congress.
The 1996 election would pretty much resemble the IRL 2004 election with it's focus on security.
Would the ongoing ''War on Terror'' be enough to draft Collin Powell to the republican primaries (although, it is still hard to get him into primaries due to his lack of interest in politics)? Would McCain, Rumsfeld or even Cheney be strong candidates? Who else (except Dole) are you gonna suggest for this scenario?
Was Guliani mayor in 93? Could he parley that like he tried to do otl with the 01 attacks?
Eh, the attack was carried out in februrary of 1993 and IRL Giuliani was elected in november same year. I think that Giuliani would have his chance later in this scenario- in like 2004.
A successful bombing may not make a ralley around the flag moment. More scrutiny on the FBI, due to the role of their informant Emad Salem, may actually create a collapse of trust in the government--sort of like a second Watergate moment.

Hmmm, I made my conclusion based on how OTL 9/11 worked. Still, I think that GOP wouldn't nominate Dole in such situation.
Probably even more of a sacrificial lamb than Dole given the fact that I doubt Clinton would drop the ball to the extent that Bush did in terms of responding to such an attack.
Probably even more of a sacrificial lamb than Dole given the fact that I doubt Clinton would drop the ball to the extent that Bush did in terms of responding to such an attack.
Hm, I thought that Clinton's initial focus on internal policy wouldn't help him to respond to this better than US IRL responce to 9/11.
Hm, I thought that Clinton's initial focus on internal policy wouldn't help him to respond to this better than US IRL responce to 9/11.
Bush was also elected as a domestic policy President in 2000 and initially focused (for the most part) on Domestic policy pre 9/11.
Hmmm, I made my conclusion based on how OTL 9/11 worked. Still, I think that GOP wouldn't nominate Dole in such situation.
I'm not sure. My hazy memories of 1996 were that the GOP did not seriously plan on beating an incumbent, so they chose Dole as a way of tipping their hat to him. It was "owed" to him. Additionally, I do not think that the GOP had any titan figures to run in 1996. Colin Powell, in the wake of a sudden distrust of the FBI, may be an interesting choice. He was publicly not gung ho on Persian Gulf and may come across as a more circumspect figure. There were talks of him becoming political on the GOP side. It would make an interesting TL, he has proven to be not conservative at all, but TTL may make the ingredients for him to come to power (though unlikely).