Romney runs

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On May 4, 2016, the day after Ted Cruz withdrew, Mitt Romney holds a conference call with donors who agree to fund his presidential campaign. Later that day, he announces he is running for President, as an alternative Republican Independent. Romney's small staff calls many temp agencies in Texas to hire people to circulate petitions and he gets on the Texas ballot by the May 9, deadline. So what happens next? How well is Romney doing now.


Gone Fishin'
Pretty sure this falls into a chat/future history category.

But yeah, more than likely to loose the nomination after two failed primary runs and a failed presidential run.
This is far too late to produce anything more than a footnote - if Romney wanted to enter, May of 2015 would have been a much better time.
He's helping Hillary get double digit leads over Trump in the polls right now. Other than that, not much is different.
I wonder who Romney's Vice Presidential Candidate would be if he ran in 2016. Some names I came up with that have not yet sold themselves to Trump (subject to change) are:
  • Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
  • Senator John Thune of South Dakota
  • Governor John Kasich of Ohio
  • Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico
  • Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan
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I am thinking Clinton 55%, Trump 24%, Romney 18%, Johnson 2% Trump Wyoming and 3rd Congressional District of Nebraska for 4 electoral votes, Romney Utah, Idaho and Oklahoma for 17 electoral votes and Clinton everywhere else for 517 electoral votes. Can someone do a map? I don't know how.

I am thinking Clinton 55%, Trump 24%, Romney 18%, Johnson 2% Trump Wyoming and 3rd Congressional District of Nebraska for 4 electoral votes, Romney Utah, Idaho and Oklahoma for 17 electoral votes and Clinton everywhere else for 517 electoral votes. Can someone do a map? I don't know how.
I think Trump would win at least some of the Deep South.
I feel like Ben Sasse would be a good choice for a Romney running mate. He's been vocally anti-Trump and could really help bring in Tea Party style conservatives to support Romney.


Monthly Donor
On May 4, 2016, the day after Ted Cruz withdrew, Mitt Romney holds a conference call with donors who agree to fund his presidential campaign. Later that day, he announces he is running for President, as an alternative Republican Independent. Romney's small staff calls many temp agencies in Texas to hire people to circulate petitions and he gets on the Texas ballot by the May 9, deadline. So what happens next? How well is Romney doing now.
Do NOT try to start political fights outside of Chat again.
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