Spartacus kills Crassus

Just saw something about Spartacus's revolt. Apparently when he made his last stand he nearly hacked his way through to Crassus but was taken out before he could endanger the Roman general.

Suppose Spartacus takes out Crassus but still loses to (and is killed by) the other two generals. What happens next? Does someone else complete the Triumvirate?
The Triumverate wasn’t for another 10 years. I doubt ITTL that one ever forms.

There isn’t a powerful/rich enough alternate New Man or semi-disreputable patrician type to take Crassus place. Or would want/see the need to join with Pompey ... or would need to have Caesar as the balancer with Pompey.

I mean if Lucullus joined with Pompey they’d be pretty unstoppable. He’s the only Roman I can think off the top of my head who would reach a point of power to me a Crassus full in. But I can’t see him wanting to do so. Especially if Pompey still replaces him in Asia Minor to wrap up the 3rd Mithridates War