TF&A Graphic Depot

Graphics, paniboxes, and loose change from my timeline True Faith and Allegiance that don't really fit into the narrative proper, but I felt like making regardless.
Not everything I drop here is canon.
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Abraham Lincoln Panopticon Article
Is this the whole article or just the “summary”?
This was intended to just be the summary, but I whipped it up pretty quick before I decided that making visual aids was something that I wanted to do for the timeline.
You're welcome. Also, do you plan to cover the world outside of the US in your TL? Especially Latin America? If you do, if you have any questions about Brazil feel free to PM me. But no pressure, the developments within the United States of a better Reconstruction are already pretty fascinating!
You're welcome. Also, do you plan to cover the world outside of the US in your TL? Especially Latin America? If you do, if you have any questions about Brazil feel free to PM me. But no pressure, the developments within the United States of a better Reconstruction are already pretty fascinating!
Right now I'm following a "slow roll" butterfly effect, so changes ripple out over time. I also want to commit to no individuals born after 1865 existing, at least not identically (there might be someone similar, with the same name, but they aren't the exact same person). That said, when I get to some more Latin American content in 1868 or 1869, I'll definitely hit you up!
That's pretty much the political party system I wanted to play with; a populist religious left Christian Democracy party, a classical liberal party, and Georgism as the dominant "third party". I'm hoping I can get the US here believably, so all of this is subject to change.
I'm sitting on the main timeline's update until Mardi Gras because (a) it has some New Orleans content and (b) I'm am going to be putting TF&A on hiatus until April 1st, and (spoilers) the election of 1868 seemed like a good place to end on for now.
That's pretty much the political party system I wanted to play with; a populist religious left Christian Democracy party, a classical liberal party, and Georgism as the dominant "third party". I'm hoping I can get the US here believably, so all of this is subject to change.
I'm sitting on the main timeline's update until Mardi Gras because (a) it has some New Orleans content and (b) I'm am going to be putting TF&A on hiatus until April 1st, and (spoilers) the election of 1868 seemed like a good place to end on for now.
Georgism as a mainstream ideology? I want to live ITTL's world!
Georgism as a mainstream ideology? I want to live ITTL's world!
Lol, mainstream might be going a bit far, but it's pretty popular with college students. Think of it as the Libertarian Party on steroids; popular in some niche communities, with a couple dozen municipal and state offices but not much power at the federal level.
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