The Inaugural Attacks (01/20/2001)

The movie was hastily recut in the days after the Inaugural Attacks on order of the studio, shaving significant portions of the movie so that it's little more than its centerpiece action sequence with context, cutting about 60 minutes to make it a ~123 minute action film. Nonetheless, the emotional backlash helped it along greatly.

That actually sounds like a much better film...

Sabot Cat

Phase One of the Inaugural Attacks timeline is complete, which covers the time from the POD to the selection of the President, the appointment of the Supreme Court and the special Congressional elections. Phase Two will begin soon, and I wondering if there was anything that my subscribers and readers wanted to see aside from more pop cultural/sports coverage, or any speculation and suggestions in regards to future developments~ ^_^
Well, i'm curious about what NASA would be up to, given the massive changes in leadership and probably a lack of direction because it would be very far down the list of priorities for the President and Congress... I mean, in April of 2001 they launched the Odyssey rover to Mars, but beyond that, things are very open.

Back more on politics and world events, i'll be very curious to see if America ends up in Iraq in a better or worse way than before, and if the tax cuts for the rich are set up...

Sabot Cat


From: The 108th Congress
Published: May 30th 2001


Joint Resolution
To authorize the use of United Armed Forces against those responsible for violent extremists who have attacked or are conspiring to attack the United States.​

Whereas, on January 20, 2001 and thereafter, acts of war were committed against the United States and its citizens by violent extremists; and

Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate for the United States to take measures in protecting its citizens both at home and abroad from threats to the national security and foreign policy posed by these grave acts and

Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to deter and prevent acts that can threaten the public safety: Now, therefore, be it,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


The joint resolution may be called the ''Authorization for Use of Military Force''.



The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations or persons determined to have planned, authorized, committed or aided terrorist attacks against the United States, or harbored such nations, organizations or persons, in order to prevent such acts of terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.


Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authority pursuant to section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution for the duration of the national emergency initiated and extended following the attacks on January 20, 2001.

Approved May 30, 2001


From: American Civil Liberties Union
Published: June 3rd 2001

In a distressingly short amount of time and with little to no debate on its provisions, the Deterring, Embaying and Fighting Extremists by National Security Enchantment (DEFENSE) Act was passed by 265-170 in the House of Representatives and 64-36 in the Senate, before it was signed into law by acting President Donald Rumsfeld. Although ostensibly written to protect the people of the United States from terrorists (in the over broad parlance of Rumsfeld, “violent extremists”), it may serve to eviscerate many of our civil liberties and constitutional rights.


A summary of its major provisions:

  • The creation of the United States Domestic Defense Court (DDC), which can issue warrants and hand down verdicts of terrorism or violent extremism, the judges of which are exclusively appointed by the President (with the consent of the majority of the Senate).
  • The power for the President to prohibit any financial transactions and seize any asserts that are believed to have been used or are being used by terrorists, with approval from the DDC.
  • The authority granted to the National Security Agency to conduct human espionage, and a new mandate to “wage the WAVE on the home front”.
  • The ability to have anyone tried ex parte and in camera (privately and without all parties present) if the basis for any violent extremism accusation is classified information.
  • The power to revoke the civil rights of any person who is found guilty of “committing, or conspiring to commit, acts of violent extremism” by the DDC, while remaining in the jurisdiction of the United States.
  • The power to attain “any material item” in a terrorist investigation, even if there is no proof that it's related to terrorism.
  • The ability for the government to obtain intelligence surveillance orders that do not identify the tapped person or facility.
  • The empowerment of law enforcement to conduct searches in a home or office without ever informing one of an issued warrant.
  • No civil liability for groups or individuals which turn over private information to the government related to alleged terrorism.
  • The indefinite detainment of suspected terrorists in a “Violent Extremist Detention and Incarceration Center” (VEDIC), to be established in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, with the possibility of expansion in other locales.

Almost all of these provisions have a sunset clause embedded in for January 20, 2005, but it's nonetheless strange to us that such a broad, obviously draconian law like this could have ever been passed. The dynamics on the floor may be responsible, as entrenched party leaders like Newt Gingrich solemnly argued its merits in a nonpartisan way, while many of the (presumably inexperienced) Congressional freshmen were reluctant to challenge their elder colleagues. Opposition to the DEFENSE Act was also conflated with liberalism, and neither the Reform or National Union Parties wished to pigeonhole themselves in such a manner (although 21 National Unionist Representatives voted against it). The recent anthrax attacks, as well as the public pressure for Congress to do something to prevent further terrorist incidents, could also be contributing factors.

We fear that the DEFENSE Act may be abused in the future to quell political dissent, and we sincerely hope the members of Congress will repeal the provisions of this law before its' too late.


From: The Washington Post
Published: June 9th 2001

The long overdue budget for the United States federal government has been passed after much behind the scenes haggling between Acting President Donald Rumsfeld, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and President pro temp. Bob Dole.


"It is sometimes necessary to tighten our belts when we're facing these kinds of crises," explained President pro temp. Bob Dole, "and to wage the WAVE. Nonetheless tax reform and relief for the American people is on the horizon, and to be debated in the upcoming weeks."

WAVE, or the "War Against Violent Extremists", is just one of the many new Rumsfeldisms that have been peppering the speech of Republicans in the House.

Nonetheless, this is not Rumsfeld's brainchild. Many of these reforms were proposed by Representatives Ed Crane (NU-CA), chairman of the Congressional Budget Office and President of the Cato Institute, a conservative think tank, and supported by David Koch (NU-NY).

These belt-tightening measures include:

  • 50% reduction to all foreign aid across the board.
  • Shuttering of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program, Food Stamps and school lunch programs.
  • Sharp reduction of funds to The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
  • A complete overhaul of the Forest Service, essentially making it a glorified firefighting team for the wilderness.
  • Billions of cuts in scientific and alternative energy research.
  • Reductions to rental subsidies, public housing, and community development.
  • Provisional privatization of numerous public park places, aside from some of the most famous (e.g. Yellowstone Park), as well as Amtrak and perhaps of most interest, NASA.
  • Reductions in federal unemployment insurance as a whole.
  • Drastic reductions in the Small Business Administration, the Export-Import Bank, and the Arms Corps of Engineers.

Attempts to provisionally privatize the United States Postal Service, reduce agricultural, corporate, and educational subsidies or end federal highway aid were debated out of the budget, and a source of delay in its passage. Thousands of federal employees have taken to the streets in response, but to little avail.


From: The Washington Post
Published: June 25th 2001

"Four violent extremists, now being detained at VEDIC-Guantanamo under the authority of the United States government, have each, independently confessed to the fact that they were responsible for the Anthrax letters," said Secretary of State Frank Carlucci at a press conference today.


"They have also verified that the government of Iraq helped to fund and train al-Qaeda militants, including those involved in the Inaugural Attacks. This confirms existing intelligence we've gathered on the matter, while being individually attested to without knowledge of the other testimonies."

President Donald Rumsfeld expounded upon the ramifications of these findings in one of his increasingly common primetime addresses to the nation, "Although we have caught the perpetrators of the anthrax attacks, there is little joy to be found. It fills me, and likely many around the world, with dread to know with certainty that Saddam Hussein possesses biological weapons. My sincere hope is that the international community rises to the challenge of ensuring that further attacks like this do not happen again in the future."

From: Chicago Sun-Times
Published: July 10th 2001

"What American President Rumsfeld wants is a blank check to invade Iraq," said French Minister of Foreign Affairs Hubert Védrine, "and I will not sign it!"

This was the conclusion of a speech received with applause on the floor of the United Nations, in reaction to tabled resolutions that would give the United States international legal grounds to head a military intervention in Iraq.


"The evidence presented to us is of doubtful veracity, and dubious grounds for military intervention," related Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.


"The Americans are barreling towards war and jumping to conclusions at a speed that is dizzying," said United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. "We should not be so hasty in matters as grave as these."

Many members of the council called for an international taskforce to appraise the situation and report back to the United Nations as to whether or not a military intervention would be justified.



Published: July 16th 2001

President Donald Rumsfeld:

“My fellow citizens, at 11:45 am on Friday, July 13th 2001, while flying over the skies of Basra, Iraq, a U.S. airman was shot and killed by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile.


His name was Oscar Gomez, a 47-year old father of two who has served his country for most of his life. Iraq's totalitarian dictator, Saddam Hussein, had offered $14,000 for anyone that could shoot down American or allied aircraft, and it's believed that the person or people behind this unforgivable act of war have collected this reward.

Myself, and all freedom-loving persons in the United States of America, are not of the opinion that terrorism should be rewarded. These assaults against our liberty, from the letters coated in anthrax to the Inaugural Attacks to the murder of an American soldier for doing a job entrusted to him by the United Nations, must be stopped before the lives of more innocents are taken.

We have engaged, with great patience, in diplomacy. Let no one say that the U.S. hasn't explored every avenue to resolving crisis after crisis in a peaceable manner, because we have. But all of these efforts have failed, because we are not dealing with peaceful men. We are dealing with violent extremists.

Violent extremists, so long as they possess the means to achieve their ambitions by murdering innocents, whether it is through chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, threaten the peace, security and freedom of everyone not only in this country, but in all nations.

Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force, the War Powers Resolution, and the right to self-defense found in the United Nations Charter, the United States and her allies have undertaken an operation to expand its mandate in the War Against Violent Extremists, and liberate all Iraqis from Saddam Hussein's regime of terror. This will not be a war without sacrifices, as no such thing exists. But it is better that we intervene now, before more innocents will be forced to pay for our lack of resolve with their lives.

Thank you, and God bless America.”

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Would be interesting if United States withdraws from United Nations over anger of them denying the right to invade Iraq?

Sabot Cat

I'm pleased that this recent update has generated a lot of feedback! I greatly appreciate any (positive, negative, snarky, irreverent, etc.) commentary; it is the lifeblood of my work. :)

Let me guess, is this going to end with national breakdown and states trying to secede?

I have no plans on doing any type of state secession scenario; rest assured, President Rumsfeld here is not of the Rumsfeldia stock. This timeline's Rumsfeld has a bastardy more subtle and publicly defensible, as in the case of his Supreme Court appointments.

This is not to say one shouldn't be considered for the well-being of the nation, however...

Would be interesting if United States withdraws from United Nations over anger of them denying the right to invade Iraq?

I don't think it likely, as in OTL. The Rumsfeld Administration and the Congress believes that it has the right to invade Iraq by the right to national self-defense found in Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. Hence, the U.S. believes itself in the right, and will hold onto its membership in the United Nations so it can continue to use its veto power and sizable clout to influence international politics as its been doing for decades. Blocking any attempts to litigate through the International Court of Justice the United States is really just a bonus.

However, some of the libertarians in Congress are eager to push through such a thing. They're reined in by most traditional Republicans and Democrats, who are pragmatic enough to realize that seceding power to other nations through a UN withdrawal is not a wise idea.

Bob Dole will hold this country together if it's the last thing Bob Dole does.

Bob Dole, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM! Er, United States.
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War Against Violent Extremists is a great acronym. I kind of like it better than Global War on Terror.

Another great update!

Sabot Cat

War Against Violent Extremists is a great acronym. I kind of like it better than Global War on Terror.

Another great update!

Thank you very much, and I hope to keep them coming~ :)

To give credit where credit is due, Donald Rumsfeld had attempted to push for this kind of name change and terminology in OTL, although under the much less catchy moniker of "Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism" or G-SAVE.

"Rumsfeld considered whether to redefine the terrorism fight as a "worldwide insurgency [... and] advised aides "to test what the results could be" if the war on terrorism were renamed." (May 2004)

"In a speech here, Mr. Bush used the phrase "war on terror" no less than five times. Not once did he refer to the "global struggle against violent extremism," the wording consciously adopted by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and other officials in recent weeks after internal deliberations about the best way to communicate how the United States views the challenge it is facing. (August 2005)

[Rumsfeld:] "Make the American people realize they are surrounded in the world by violent extremists" (April 2006)

"Donald Rumsfeld: I don't think I would have called it the "war on terror." [..] I've worked to reduce the extent to which that [label] is used and increased the extent to which we understand it more as a long war, or a struggle, or a conflict, not against terrorism but against a relatively small number of terribly dangerous and violent extremists. I say violent extremists because an extremist who goes off in a closet is extreme, but he's not bothering people. An extremist who has those views and insists on imposing them on free people strikes at the heart of who free people are. There are people who want to be able to get up in the morning and go where they want, do what they want and that is exactly the opposite of the vision of violent extremists." (December 2006)

This is the kind of minutiae I try to work into everything, which makes me all the happier you've given me the opportunity to pat myself on the back for it at length. :p
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Whoever ordered that missile attack was either deliberately sabotaging Saddam Hussein or truly astonishingly stupid. TTL's USA is lucky that it even had that excuse. TTL's Iraq War might actually come off better than OTL's internationally, because of that.

And… DEFENSE? Really, Mr Rumsfeld? Acronyms so obviously contrived are rather silly.

Well, at any rate, the bloodbath of retaliation undoubtedly to be followed by further retaliation begins. Euripides and Sophocles would be proud.

Anyway, thank you for the update and I look forward to the next.
Saddam offering rewards for the shootdown of manned airplanes is completely from OTL. Never was successful, but the US did formulate a plan ("Desert Badger") in response.

Being cynical, I'm inclined to think that Rumsfeld may have had a hand in 'encouraging' such an incident to occur (if nothing else, ramping up levels of air-strike missions and spreading forces thin in overambitious goals to give Iraq the opportunity to shoot down an American plane.)

Sabot Cat

Whoever ordered that missile attack was either deliberately sabotaging Saddam Hussein or truly astonishingly stupid. TTL's USA is lucky that it even had that excuse.

It was just astonishingly stupid. Saddahm Hussein offered this same reward in OTL since 1998, and two (unmanned) spy planes were struck down in August and September of 2001; Iraq continued to engage in about ~32 such provocations following 9/11.

And… DEFENSE? Really, Mr Rumsfeld? Acronyms so obviously contrived are rather silly.

At least he didn't attempt to turn "USA" into another acronym meaning "Uniting and Strengthening America", because that would of course be stupid.


Oh wait... :p

Well, at any rate, the bloodbath of retaliation undoubtedly to be followed by further retaliation begins. Euripides and Sophocles would be proud.

And Aeschylus, I imagine~

Anyway, thank you for the update and I look forward to the next.

Thank you for your continued readership and feedback, which continues to give me encouragement~ :)

Saddam offering rewards for the shootdown of manned airplanes is completely from OTL. Never was successful, but the US did formulate a plan ("Desert Badger") in response.

Being cynical, I'm inclined to think that Rumsfeld may have had a hand in 'encouraging' such an incident to occur (if nothing else, ramping up levels of air-strike missions and spreading forces thin in overambitious goals to give Iraq the opportunity to shoot down an American plane.)


More on this later.
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Jesus. I'm not sure how much more shit the fan can handle...

I'm not sure Jack Kemp would be supporting ttl's patriot act analog. He was extremely libertarian for a Reagan Republican, and as you probably know libertarians are very anti war, anti increased big government control, anti domestic spying, and generally non interventionist.

Speaking of libertarians, I can see a lot of them flocking to the NUP ttl and fundamentally shifting its lean in the coming decade. Particularly the youth.

Anyway, meaty update aside from the one nitpick, and I am a carnivore. Keep 'em coming!

Sabot Cat

Jesus. I'm not sure how much more shit the fan can handle...

I'm not sure Jack Kemp would be supporting ttl's patriot act analog. He was extremely libertarian for a Reagan Republican, and as you probably know libertarians are very anti war, anti increased big government control, anti domestic spying, and generally non interventionist.

I was going back and forth on this one, so I've elected to excise that bit. :)

Speaking of libertarians, I can see a lot of them flocking to the NUP ttl and fundamentally shifting its lean in the coming decade. Particularly the youth.

Anyway, meaty update aside from the one nitpick, and I am a carnivore. Keep 'em coming!

The NU does indeed have potential, and I thank you for the continued commentary~ More meat coming up! :p

Sabot Cat

From: The Guardian
Published: July 20th 2001

A damning open letter from the National Security Council, with assent from the leadership of the FBI and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirms that there is no connection between the Inaugural attacks, the anthrax attacks, and Iraq. Its principal author is Richard A. Clarke, chief adviser for the United States National Security and the Chairman of the Counter-terrorism Security Group, with experience in his field that goes back to 1985.


“The oft cited confessions given by those four VEDIC detainees are false,” said Chairman Clarke, “because there is absolutely no evidence suggesting that the government of Iraq had any substantive contact with al-Qaeda, or the operatives that perpetuated the attacks during the Presidential inauguration, or that they had involvement with those with the anthrax."


FBI Director Dan K. Webb concurred, and stated that the anthrax attacks were likely “internal and personal”: “we cannot foreclose the possibility that this was a domestic terrorist incident, perpetuated by someone with a professional background in the subject.”

However, this is exactly what the Rumsfeld administration has done. “They said 'you can't work on this anymore, it's classified, it's a national security issue',” explained Director Webb, “before they took it out of my hands and gave it to the NSA.”

Shortly thereafter, 100 vials of anthrax spores at the Iowa State University were destroyed with explicit NSA approval. A variant of the “Ames strain” first found in Texas was among those samples, despite being implicated for at least one death in the anthrax attacks.

“We don't know if the NSA requested them to be destroyed, or simply assented to it, but either way they have mishandled or even obstructed a very important investigation crucial to the health and security of our nation,” said Director Webb.

General Henry Hugh Shelton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed the letter and added his own criticisms:


“[Oscar Gomez] was in a U-2 aircraft, typical of our reconnaissance sorties over Iraq. These planes are designed to fly extremely fast and extremely high, at over 70,000 feet, to avert this type of tragedy,” said General Shelton, “and I want to know who was negligent enough, or even malicious enough, to allow it to happen now."

When pressed on what he meant by 'malicious', he stated: “During the tenure of President Clinton, I was approached by a member of his cabinet who asked me if I would allow one of my guys to fly low enough and slow enough to be shot down [so] that we can go to war in Iraq. I refused, saying that 'we don't operate like that here in America.' Maybe we do now.”

From: The Washington Post
Published: July 24th 2001

“Look, I understand” said President Rumsfeld, “these people were in positions of authority during the Inaugural attacks and the anthrax attacks, so they feel responsible. They want a scapegoat, and I have the unfortunate distinction of serving that role for them.”


He gave one of his trademark toothy grins and continued with a more hardened expression, “But I strongly resent the implication that I somehow ordered Gomez to his death. I did not, and I have no time for conspiracy theories, nor the patience.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and General Henry Hugh Shelton had since resigned from his post after signing the controversial letter which called into question the rationale for war in Iraq, and his remarks suggesting that the shoot down incident may have been a deliberate provocation on part of the United States.

The principal author of the letter, Chairman Richard A. Clarke of the National Security Council was dismissed, while co-signatory and FBI Director Dan K. Webb has remained in his post. The latter charged that the NSA had impeded justice by taking over the anthrax investigations and then consenting to the destruction of valuable evidence.

“I also sympathize with how hard it can be to watch others do an incredibly important job that demands your unique competence. It's how I felt all through out the deLeon 'administration,” he said, with a brief chuckle.


From: The Los Angeles Times
Published: August 1st 2001

From: Time
Published: August 12th 2001


From: Chicago Sun-Times
Published: August 27th 2001


From: The Washington Times
Published: September 5th 2001

“I'm the acting President of the United States and a college graduate, and I have had to rely on accounting firms to discern if my tax returns are accurate,” said President Rumsfeld at Independence Hall today, “and this is the case for many Americans. But my hopes are with LiberTax to make the U.S. tax code fairer and easier to understand, allowing my fellow citizens who sincerely want to pay what they should able to do so.”

The LiberTax has been a long time in the coming, languishing in Congress since June with the scattered contents of a dozen other tax reforms stitched into it like Frankenstein's monster. Many National Unionists, Reformists, and a sizable faction of Republicans hoped to pass a straight flat tax. The two most readily available options on the table were the FairTax, replacing all taxes with a flat sales tax, and the Armey-Shelby Flat Tax, which would give Americans the option to file pay a simplified tax at a combined rate of 20% their gross income.

However, much of the planning for the current proposal was set up in 1995 to 1996 by the Kemp Commission, where current Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, House Majority Leader Jack Kemp, and President pro tempore Bob Dole worked together in a Congressional committee with the goal of reforming the tax system. Many of its broad stroke recommendations have been passed down into the LiberTax.

Among its most notable provisions:

(1) The establishment of a single tax rate at 20%, which can only be raised with assent from a two-thirds majority of the Congress.
(2) Abolition of the federal gift and estate taxes, as well as on interest, dividends and capital gains.
(3) Deduction of Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes for workers, while employee fringe benefits are taxed without exemption.
(4) Transition rules to protect profits from existing investments, through interest deductions and the allowance of unused depreciation write-offs.
(5) Generous tax credits for dependents and families, allowing some lower-income people to be exempted from the tax rolls.

But one would be remiss without noting its most extolled feature, as championed by President pro temp. Bob Dole:


“Your taxes can now be done on a paper the size of a post card, without the assistance of an expensive accountant.”


“The tax-hiking regime of big government and spending has been completely demolished,” said Speaker Gingrich, “and it won't be coming back.”

From: The Washington Post
Published: September 7th 2001

From: Saddam Hussein
Published: September 19th 2001

Praise be to Almighty God, and to the great Iraqis with whom resides the good and glory of a heavenly civilization. We have long carried the torch of scientific and technical progress, resisting Zionist, Iranian, and imperialist aggression in ways that none thought possible of a Third World Arab state. The martyrs who fought to repel the American invasion are still among your own families and your own people, because those who are killed for the sake of God are not dead, but alive under His blessing.

The leaders of Americans are often foolish people, who don't understand anything in this world unless it is within their own borders. The United States has thus struck Iraq with a poisoned dagger, because their hands bleed from the thorns it has sown onto the world. Perhaps it is so that only Americans can go from shaking your hand to bombing your country.


And indeed, nothing has caused me more sorrow in these passing months than the destruction of Baghdad. The looting and burning of the National Museum, the lack of sanitation and clean water for its people, the perpetuation of poverty despite bountiful resources. All of these have weighed heavily on my heart. But I call on you all not to hate them, because it blinds the eyes and closes the mind. Do not harm those American citizens who must abide by the word of their leaders. Instead, take solace in the fact that the Iraqi people were given their nation as a gift from God, so that when they fall, they always rise again.


Long live Iraq! Long live the Iraqi people!

From: BBC News
Published: September 25th 2001

Just months after a multinational coalition including the United States and the United Kingdom overthrew Saddam Hussein, the Iraqis are already taking charge of their own government and, with allied support, their own security.


Leading the charge in building democracy in the region are the twelve members of the Iraqi National Authority (INA). The INA is a deliberative body hat consists of exiled and marginalized opposition groups of Hussein's regime tasked with drafting a new constitution, holding a referendum for its adoption, and then conducting free elections. The parties with representation in the provisional legislature are the Iraqi National Coalition (4), the Kurdistan Alliance (4), and the Islamic Council (4).

The apportionment of the INA ensures that no party possesses a controlling majority, while maintaining parity in the ratio Shi'ite and Sunni members with a sizable Kurdish representation. This was the product of the conditions placed upon the INA by the Multinational Supervisory Council (MSC).

The MSC is not a de jure part of the INA, but they're nonetheless a powerful group which facilitates funding and armaments, on the basis of the demands found in “Iraqi Instrument of Surrender”, which calls for “the creation of a democratic republic in Iraq, which respects the rights of its citizenry and observes international law”. Billions of dollars of aid are expected to be channeled through the MSC, while American and British troops are expected to stay and assist the INA in maintaining the security of the nation. Among its other demands are war crime tribunals and most controversially, opening up the country's oil resources for Western businesses.

One of the first attempts to fulfill these demands while establishing a line of demarcation between the INA and the regime of Hussein is Provisional Resolution 3, which formally disestablished the Ba'ath Party and the Iraqi Army by persecuting the top administrators and commanders, while granting amnesty to the rank-and-file members and soldiers. Many are expected to continue their employment in the public sector under the new government in a textbook example of bureaucratic inertia. It was passed 7-5 after several tie votes and over harsher legislation that would have called for everyone from the top to bottom being barred from the new military and government.

Parties and Point People of the Iraqi Reconstruction

The Multinational Supervisory Council- The INA technically engages with the MSC voluntarily, with its generous funding and armed support for the new government contingent upon the fulfillment of the conditions in the Iraqi Instrument of Surrender. Extensive conferences with the World Bank and the United Nations are scheduled for December 2001 to better develop, as well as expand upon, the on-going reconstruction efforts. The constituents of the MSC are extremely dynamic, but its two Executive Directors are firmly entrenched in its infrastructure.


Jay Garner (United States): A retired Lt. General from the U.S. Army who lead efforts in protecting Kurdistan after the Gulf War with Operation Provide Comfort; he later became the president of a defense contractor called SYColeman, and he's credited with pushing the most for self-government in Iraq as opposed to a military occupation by the invading forces.


Tim Cross (United Kingdom): A Major General of the Royal Army Logistics Corps, with wartime experience from the Troubles, the Gulf War, and the Kosovo War; in the last, he had the responsibility of directing the agencies and refugee camps that formed in its aftermath.

The Iraqi National Coalition-Formed from the Iraqi National Accord (1991) and the Iraqi National Congress (1992) oppositional parties, which welcomes democracy, human rights and calls for secularism and liberalism as well as an independent judicial branch in the constitution.


Iyad Allawi (Shia): Announced the creation of the Iraqi National Accord, and worked clandestinely with the CIA from 1992 to 1996, receiving over $11 million dollars in aid to overthrow Saddam Hussein from the inside.


Ahmad Chalabi (Shia): Founded the Iraqi National Congress, bringing in over $97 million from the United States after he successfully lobbied for the passage of the Iraq Liberation Act in October 1998.


Falah Hassan al-Naqib (Sunni): Trained in the United States as a civil engineer, and the son of a 1970s defector from the regime who lived in exile; he was also slated for an appointment to the presidential council of the Iraqi National Congress in November 1992.


Mohammad Bahr al-Ulloum (Shia): A dissident that served as the head of the Ahul Bayt Center in South London and the third member of the proposed INC council.

The Kurdistan Alliance- A very loose union of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (1946) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (1975) that calls for self-determination through the autonomous Kurdish Regional Government; it can be described as both centrist and populist.


Masoud Barzani (Sunni): The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party with control of the Northwest Kurdish zone after fighting the PUK before the conclusion of the Washington Peace Accords in 1998; he is the son of Mustafa Barzani, the revolutionary founder of the KDP.


Jalal Talabani (Sunni): The founder of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in 1975, and lead armed resistance against Iraq for Kurdish independence before working closely with the United States, United Kingdom and France to negotiate a ceasefire with Iraq in 1991. Despite the past enmity between the KDP and the PUK, both helped to coordinate a partnership with the multnational invading forces.


Kosrat Rasul Ali (Sunni): A member of the KDP since 1975 that frequently fought with forces on the ground in Kurdistan against the Ba'athist government, serving as a commander in the Kurdistan civil war from 1996-1998; he was also the second prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government among other high ranking positions.


Barham Salih (Sunni): Joined PUK in late 1976, and headed up its foreign relations department in London; he also attained a doctorate in statistics and computer applications in engineering from the University of Liverpool in 1987.

The Islamic Council: A Shi'ite caucus between the Islamic Dawa Party (1958) and the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (1982) that champions God and the religious provisions of Islam as the foundation and limit of legislative authority.


Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim (Shia): The son of Grand Ayatollh Mushin Al-Hakim, and a leader in the Safar Intifada of 1977, with various imprisonments under the Iraqi government in 1972, 1977, and 1979 before going into exile in Iran in 1980; he was a founding member of the Supreme Council or the Islamic Revolution in Iran (SCIRI) along with his brother and headed up the Badr Brigades.


Mohammed Baqi al-Hakim (Shia): An agitator for the Shia population and blamed for the February 1977 uprising in Najaf, leading to life imprisonment before his sentence was commuted in July 1979; he escaped to Iran in 1980 and co-founded SCIRI with his brother.


Ibrahim al-Jaafari (Shia): Joined the Islamic Dawa Party in 1968, and worked actively since 1974 to usurp the Ba'athist regime; he left for Iran in 1980, before becoming the London spokesman for his party and the anti-Ba'athist movement in 1989.


Nouri al-Maliki (Shia): Became a member of the Islamic Dawa Party in the late 1960s, and was outlawed for out in 1979; he lived as an exile in Tehran from 1982-1990 and then in Damascus from 1990-2001, where he worked as a senior party leader and cultivated efforts to topple Saddam.

From: Chicago Sun-Times
Published: September 27th 2001


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Sabot Cat

Good update. The tax stuff was surprisingly interesting and well-handled.

Thanks! I thought it was kind of handy how the point people in the Kemp Commission were in this timeline's 108th Congress~

However, I'm most proud of the reconstruction in Iraq news items; the relevant butterflies here are that the Pentagon and the DoD were inspired by the example of the United States following the Inaugural Attacks in that a federal government could be restored after a crisis within months, as well as Rumsfeld's confirmed advocacy of 1) quickly getting in-and-out of Iraq 2)leaving nation building to the people there and 3) granting amnesty to the Iraqi forces, an item in his infamous How start? memo.

Bonus research bibliography!

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This has the makings of an interesting timeline but I'm not going to be able to follow it. PART II of PHASE ONE and everything following has been formatted to force me to either decrease the font size to a barely-readable level or to increase the text to a readable size and scan back and forth over the text.

It's a bitch when your eyes get older.