The League of Nations a Reality?

How different would the European continent have looked if the League of Nations became a reality, and, as a world body, actually worked to better world conditions. Knowing how the human race feels the need to have wars, I'm curios as to how everyone thinks it would have turned out, here are some OTL's:

The Treaty of Versailles is reconvened, and a newer, more lenient treaty is put forth. Germany is still punished, but the reparations are handled over a period of time, allowing more dignity and respect for the German Nation to rebuild, but still monitoring military build up.
Yes, and the Occupied South could have somehow been reconstructed as viable US States instead of the festering sinks of rebellion they have become....;)
How different would the European continent have looked if the League of Nations became a reality, and, as a world body, actually worked to better world conditions. Knowing how the human race feels the need to have wars, I'm curios as to how everyone thinks it would have turned out, here are some OTL's:
Er, the League very much had the chance to be a real force in the world, even without the US. Simply having the members embargo oil to Italy after Mussolini invaded Ethiopian spearmen with planes, machine guns, and poison gas would have snipped much of Fascism in the bud. But instead the League slapped nominal sanctions on Italy, and dictators learned that European powers wouldn't do anything serious.

The League had the power to do plenty, but the members refused to act.

The Treaty of Versailles is reconvened, and a newer, more lenient treaty is put forth. Germany is still punished, but the reparations are handled over a period of time, allowing more dignity and respect for the German Nation to rebuild, but still monitoring military build up.

Bullcrock. The Treaty of Versailles was specifically intended by France and Britain to drive Germany into the ground so far that it would never rise again. Over the objection of Wilson, who wanted a gentle peace. With a US that has returned to isolationism and a Britain and France that want their reparations to pay their bills to the US on time, the chances of Versailles being reversed so soon after the World War is zilch.
Er, the League very much had the chance to be a real force in the world, even without the US. Simply having the members embargo oil to Italy after Mussolini invaded Ethiopian spearmen with planes, machine guns, and poison gas would have snipped much of Fascism in the bud. But instead the League slapped nominal sanctions on Italy, and dictators learned that European powers wouldn't do anything serious.

Sounds like an interesting POD, Dean.

Someone should give it a shot. :)