What if The Pilgrimage of Grace had been more successful? By which I mean, actually achieved their stated goals - the end of the suppression of the monasteries and the punishment / dismissal of those who were carrying out it like Thomas Cromwell?

I don't think King Henry VIII would ever really conceded to the rebellion's demands - he would do what he did in history which was pretend to agree just to get the forces to disperse back home and then savagely killing the leaders - so probably one of the butterflies needed to make the Pilgrimage successful is for Henry to die much earlier than he did in history.

So sometime between October 1536 - October 1537, Henry VIII dies. Towards the end of that period, Queen Jane would be pregnant with or just given birth to Edward VI. But earlier, then the king's only living acknowledged children are Mary I and Elizabeth I as Henry Fitzroy died months before the Pilgrimage.

Thoughts about what would happen? Who would rule? Would be Mary - as Queen Mary I or as Regent for the infant Edward VI - or someone else?