TL: The War of Dogger Bank, or the Anglo-Russian War- Version 1 DISCONTINUED

Yeah I'm fairly sure Germany doesn't want Laos. Further I doubt the British would go for it.

Wasn't being entirely serious ;)

That said, bear in mind: while the British wouldn't like German domination of the Continent...they didn't really like France that much either (Fashoda springing to mind). I don't have a problem with them forcing Germany to split the spoils.
If Britain gets part of Indochina I suspect it will go right back to France as a goodwill gesture to continue the alliance. Likewise Japan may "encouraged" to do similar (possibly in exchange for some French Pacific islands)
I don't see how partitioning French Indochina would go in 1907, considering that the Siamese had lost a lot of land to them and would (as a de facto British protectorate) probably gain the lion's share of any "British" concessions:

IMHO, Laos and northern Cambodia are returned to Siam, Germany gets the ports in China, and Vietnam + Southern Cambodia are retained by a single power as a unified entity, with my money going on it remaining French.
The Socialist Republic of France
Its update time!
A map will be posted soon after this update to show the word situation!

The Socialist Republic of France

Following the crippling defeat at the hands of Germany in the Franco-German, France went into a period of severe political and social unrest, comparable to the unrest leading up to the Russian May Revolution. The simple fact was, that because the poor management of the Moroccan crisis by the government, along with the crushing defeat, the French people were beginning to lose faith in the government. Strikes began to be commonplace, the economy teetered towards collapse and several divisions in the army began to mutiny and disobey orders. The final straw occurred when 400,000 protesters marched on the streets of Paris on the 1 May, in protest of the humiliation of the Treaty of Brussels and the increasing prices of food and supplies.

An attempted coup by military forces failed and as crushed within days and a state of emergency was declared on the 5 May. With no alternative apparent to them, the government held emergency elections on the 12 May, hoping to prevent the country from descending into civil war.

Although they succeeded in that aim, all previous dominating political parties were swept aside as the people of France turned to new alternative parties. Ultimately, the new left wing party, En avant la France (In front of France), was elected by 42% of the vote. En avant la France advocated for a socialist government, but was made up of scientific and technology experts. This new Technocratic-Socialist Government, (with noted mathematician and physicist Jules Henri Poincaré as President) proclaimed the Socialist Republic of France on the 15 June, and set upon the task of rebuilding the French economy and an eventual rematch with Germany.

Poincaré immediately began extending diplomatic channels to Russia and reluctantly Britain, who were only eager to accept. The French government also began working on maximizing the efficiency of the French economy, and lead the way with new advances in machinery and tools. Within a few months, the French economy was recovering but many in the world, especially Germany, did not think that France could become a power again.

They were wrong.
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Cool map :D

If Britain and Germany go to war, I foresee further partition of Indochina - German territory is nicely sandwiched between the British and their Japanese allies...
Sweden-Norway will last a bit longer in TTL

I don't think that's too likely. The referendum dissolving the personal union literally got 99.9% of the vote. Norwegians just didn't want any part in the union anymore. And I'm pretty sure it was just the Swedish king in opposition, the government wasn't willing to start a fight on the issue.
Why would France need to cede Cameroon to Germany - Germany already owns it. France only took control after OTL WW1. Benin (or French Dahomey) to extend German Togoland would make more sense.
i agree dahomey and maybe côte d'ivoire

1910 map west-africa (from a africa 1910 map from wikimedia) orange is german, pinkish british, purple french
westafrica 1910.jpg
Monroe Doctrine would make America frown on this. It's not really worth the trouble.

In this time frame the US Navy is big to enforce it if need be. The importance of the security of the Panama Canal is critical for the US and it is going to a major concern, in fact the US might even enter the war if someone acts foolishly
Cool map :D

If Britain and Germany go to war, I foresee further partition of Indochina - German territory is nicely sandwiched between the British and their Japanese allies...
I don't think that's too likely. The referendum dissolving the personal union literally got 99.9% of the vote. Norwegians just didn't want any part in the union anymore. And I'm pretty sure it was just the Swedish king in opposition, the government wasn't willing to start a fight on the issue.
The referendum is done a year later than in TTL
I'm just up to date with this. Great stuff @WarlordGandhi :) I look forward to more
i agree dahomey and maybe côte d'ivoire

1910 map west-africa (from a africa 1910 map from wikimedia) orange is german, pinkish british, purple french
View attachment 322083
I meant that the French ceded their part of Cameroon that they got in the race for Africa. Ill edit the update to make it clearer
You forgot Sakhalin and the Kurils being part of Japan.
Thanks for picking that up, I've edited the map
Did Persia really control Nimruz Province in Afghanistan at this time?
many of the maps of the maps of the era you need to take with grain of salt. the maps show the de jure situation not the de facto situation.
Just as wietze said, the maps of this time mostly show the de jure situation

Why not take all of the French overseas islands like the Caribbean in the Napoleonic Wars? Or is it just not even worth taking.
Monroe Doctrine would make America frown on this. It's not really worth the trouble.
In this time frame the US Navy is big to enforce it if need be. The importance of the security of the Panama Canal is critical for the US and it is going to a major concern, in fact the US might even enter the war if someone acts foolishly
Germany did not need to, nor want to take those islands. The monroe doctrine played a factor in this decision.