Two possible AH films on TV

4 Dec 2004 Scifi channel is showing ANONYMOUS REX on TV.Based on novels in which WI T-Rexes survived and passed as humans.5 December TNT is producing the film THE LIBRARIAN in which a man is detailed to care for certain artifacts UNDER NyC's Main Library.Maybe secret history but looks interesting.BTW Ursula Leguin's Earthsea books is being shown on Scifi- one week later.Thought you might want to know. :cool: :rolleyes:
As a longtime fan of the "Anonymous Rex" series, I would have to say that it qualifies more as secret history than truly "alternate". While about 24 species of dinosaurs survived the K-T extinctions and evolved into human-sized creatures, the world's history is essentialy exactly the same as in OTL, with the exception that certain public figures (Oliver Cromwell, Al Gore, James Earl Jones...) are dinosaurs in disguise. Oddly, some world leaders (including possibly Castro) know that they exist, but choose not to blab.
Alisdair-thanks personally for this.People like you and Dave Howery are a help .BTW the full tiltle for the TNT Sunday night film is :THE LIBRARIAN:QUEST FOR THE SPEAR OF DESTINY.It will be repeated that night 4 Dec and later in the week,but I think it's a variant of Indiana Jones.Maybe not. :cool:
Reminder:Sunday 5 December 2004 is the LIBRARIAN film.It WILL be reshown after the original showing.Might be repeated later on. :) :cool:
Anyone see the Librarian?TNT is repeating it.I had someone tape it.She is also going to tape the EarthSea miniseries on Scifi.Understand that there MAY be more.