USA celebrates International Worker's Day (and is not USSA)


Labour unions and grangers, socialists even, were often considered patriotic Americans practising good old US democracy before the Red Scares.


With a start somewhere in early 20th century let a socialdemocratic movement grow strong, and have it take, more or less, the role of the OTL democratic party. AFAIK unions were fairly strong in USA in early 20th century, but radical elements of all kinds remained relatiovely strong and thereby legitemized anti-union forces to basically crush the unions as a serious political force. Let the socialdemocrats win the fight over the unions early on (like in most European countries) and the big popular centre-left party would likely be socialdemocratic, and still keep the main OTL developments.

FDR's New Deal could no trouble be a socialdemocratic project as could his line up to and during WWII. I guess the biggest difference will be trade unions playing a bigger but also more constructive role in US society. McCarthy will not have many chances, as the socialdemocrats will prove much more effective commiefighters than he and his types ever could hope for.

The governments of Kennedy and Johnson could also, added with some mainly ceremonial stuff like celebrating 1st of may, be quite close to socialdemocratic. I guess USA will by mid 20th century have a comprehensive public health care system though.

(writing so while officially celebrating a day off, but like so many others mainly working at the PC...not very loyal to the labour movement's founding fathers ;) ).


Steffen Redbeard
Redbeard said:
(writing so while officially celebrating a day off, but like so many others mainly working at the PC...not very loyal to the labour movement's founding fathers ;) ).

Wasn't that the idea - that you get a day off to celebrate the fact that you don't *need* to strike and riot?
Cartlon (can I "du"?), Well I was thinking of minimalistic divergence...

Interesting post Redbeard.


This is a very distinct possibiltiy in a TL I'm constructing which features a napoleonic victory and a radically different 19th, 20th and 21st centuries(wait till you see the twist I have planned for THAT).
The U.S. did recognize May 1st as Labor Day, but the advent of Comunism changed that. So, alter the Russian Civil War, or World War I, and that changes.