Was Albert Speer’s sentence at Nuremberg justified?


Yep. And he had other influential protectors in the SS - Gottlob Berger and Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski. Alas, neither of these scumbags experienced actual consequences for their crimes. So I doubt they would've gotten rid of him as long as he continued doing as he was told. They would've found more than enough work for him committing atrocities in the East. And the Nazis weren't in the habit of purging their own gang. They certainly wouldn't do it because a Nazi was too evil. Mengele also wasn't regarded as an odious quack by his peers.

Frankly, I'm inclined to take these 'even were totally disgusted by [insert horrible Nazi scumbag] because he was so evil an creepy and we wanted to get rid of him but couldn't' testimonies with a grain of salt. Not saying they're always untrue, but often it comes down to one Nazi trying to whitewash himself when it was convenient for him to do so. After the war, Speer downplayed his interactions with Himmler and portrayed their relationship as antagonistic, when in fact they'd been partners even before the war, when one needed stone and forced labourers for his building projects (the whole point of which was to glorify National Socialism and curry favour with Hitler) and the other needed a way to make his concentration camps economically useful and justify their expansion at a time when all organised political opposition had been crushed.
Both these generals went.to jail - Bach--Zelewski died there.
Both these generals went.to jail - Bach--Zelewski died there.

Berger was released from jail in 1951. He didn't even serve his full sentence. He died a free man in 1975. And he was one of Himmler's closest henchmen, Dirlewanger's patron and played an important role in occupation policy in occupied Soviet territories, which included proposing the 'Heuaktion' - an operation to kidnap and enslave children.

While Bach-Zelewski eventually went to jail, he was never tried for the war crimes and crimes against humanity he committed in Poland, Belarus etc, only for some politically motivated murders committed before the war. Bach-Zelewski was a major player in Nazi 'Bandenbekämpfung' and the Holocaust and never held accountable for it. Also while he was sentenced to hard labour for political murders in 1951, he didn't serve until 1958...when he was convicted for murdering another SS officer. Sure, he was eventually convicted again in 1961, but once again it didn't refer to what he did during the war. Better than Berger since he actually remained in prison till he died, but hardly sufficient.
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Churchill"s actions ?
I really don’t feel like turning a thread about Albert Speer into whether or not Churchill did anything wrong in his political career and risk it getting sent to Political Chat but you can easily find articles and sources on the topic with a simple Google search (try typing “Churchill war crimes”).
That’s why nuance and good faith debating is key to discussions concerning government crimes and atrocities. I’m perfectly aware of how awful the Reich was and I think they were the worst political entity in history but when I see someone mention them in the same discussion as another country (especially governments we don’t traditionally see as being “bad”) I don’t have a knee jerk reaction, clutch my pearls and start frothing at the mouth about how they’re trying to directly compare the Nazis to one government or another. Unlike some I don’t immediately assume people are closeted Nazi apologists arguing in bad faith.
When you are having a conversation about whether a prominent Nazi was punished too lightly and someone’s sole contribution is that “justice” demands half of the major allied leadership ‘also dance in the air’ that could not be farther from nuance and good faith. Nonetheless I’m perfectly open to hearing what you and @aaronupright think puts Churchill and even Stalin on the same moral and legal plain as the architects of the Holocaust.
think puts Churchill and even Stalin on the same moral and legal plain as the architects of the Holocaust.
This debate has been had a thousand times before so I won’t get too into the weeds about it and get locked into an endless back and forth. Nazi Germany and the Holocaust are at the far end of the immorality spectrum historically. They’re evil in a way that hasn’t been surpassed or matched. With that in mind I’d place Stalin and the USSR under his rule in the tier directly beneath the Reich in terms of evil. You can look through this link for details but Stalin was responsible for over 10 million deaths through starvation, exposure, disease, slave labor and deliberate execution along with a wide scale use of oppression, surveillance and slave labor.

Stalin didn’t have the desire to wipe out entire races for the crime of existing and his ideology wasn’t based off the idea that one group should dominate everyone else by virtue of their intrinsic superiority like the Reich since Socialism and Nazism are much different ideologies but his crimes were still awful in a way rarely seen in history. If I had to rank them I’d say Nazi Germany is the number one worst with Imperial Japan in the second tier and Stalin’s USSR close behind Japan but in the same tier. After that would be countries like Saddam’s Iraq and Idi Amin’s Uganda.
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I dont think anything Americans do during their occupation could change that. Japan and Germany is industrial countries, with literate populace. They would turn out into modern liberal democracy. While Iraq and Afghanistan can't be turned out into one. American occupation, and its action would be irrelevant into long run.

Another important factor is that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were ethnosupremacist. Their entire worldview was built on it.

Getting your ass kicked by inferior races means everything you believe in is gone. It's easy to remake that society because you're almost starting from scratch.
The Khmer Rouge might be on the same level for evil. They just weren't as effective in racking up a body count.
I disagree. Nazism is a far worse and far more explicitly murderous ideology and the Reich had far worse intentions and plans than the Khmer Rouge (killing every Jew in Europe and then the world, the Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost). As an example there was no Cambodian equivalent to Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. That alone puts the Reich in a different league of immorality.

Most of the Reich’s victims were deliberately killed while most of the victims of the Khmer Rouge died from government incompetence and brutality as opposed to the leadership explicitly desiring their extermination (though some groups were explicitly targeted and there were deliberate executions for a variety of reasons).
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Monthly Donor
Well, yes he should’ve been hanged. Of course justice requires that Churchill and Stalin also dance in the air, so the fact he avoided the drop isn’t the worst of it.
I am going to be remarkably generous and give you an opportunity to explain this.

Better be one hell of good explanation, for Churchill in particular. It would be extremely unfortunate if you were trying to equate the West Bengal Famine with the Final Solution.
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Monthly Donor
I didn’t see any kind of equivalence to the Third Reich stated or implied. Their point was simply it would be justice if Stalin and Churchill were punished for their actions too even though IOTL they weren’t.
I am going to be remarkably generous and give you an opportunity to explain this.

Better be one hell of good explanation, for Churchill in particular. It would be extremely unfortunate if you were trying to equate the West Bengal Famine with the Final Solution.
I am going to be remarkably generous and give you an opportunity to explain this.
I believe the post you quoted is clear enough though obviously I can’t speak for the person whose post I was referencing. I elaborated on the matter over the last page of the thread. I don’t know what else I can say without repeating myself.
It would be extremely unfortunate if you were trying to equate the West Bengal Famine with the Final Solution.
I wasn’t trying to equate them and my last few posts in the thread make that clear. I never mentioned the Bengal Famine or anything Churchill explicitly did or did not do.


Monthly Donor
I believe the post you quoted is clear enough though obviously I can’t speak for the person whose post I was referencing. I elaborated on the matter over the last page of the thread. I don’t know what else I can say without repeating myself.

I wasn’t trying to equate them and my last few posts in the thread make that clear. I never mentioned the Bengal Famine or anything Churchill explicitly did or did not do.

it would be justice if Stalin and Churchill were punished for their actions

You put Stalin and Churchill on the same level of action as Hitler. That isn't an interpretation or an extrapolation. You wrote it in a simple declarative sentence. That clearly indicates that you attributed a similar level of malevolence to Churchill and the British as to Stalin and his dictatorship and to the Reich.

That you threw Churchill (which, given the UK is a democracy, is the same as saying the British people) were at the same level as at least Stalin if not the Reich is not anything your later posts demonstrate or justify. You haven't even bother to retract it.

So, another chance. Support your contention or withdraw it.
Berger was released from jail in 1951. He didn't even serve his full sentence. He died a free man in 1975. And he was one of Himmler's closest henchmen, Dirlewanger's patron and played an important role in occupation policy in occupied Soviet territories, which included proposing the 'Heuaktion' - an operation to kidnap and enslave children.

While Bach-Zelewski eventually went to jail, he was never tried for the war crimes and crimes against humanity he committed in Poland, Belarus etc, only for some politically motivated murders committed before the war. Bach-Zelewski was a major player in Nazi 'Bandenbekämpfung' and the Holocaust and never held accountable for it. Also while he was sentenced to hard labour for political murders in 1951, he didn't serve until 1958...when he was convicted for murdering another SS officer. Sure, he was eventually convicted again in 1961, but once again it didn't refer to what he did during the war. Better than Berger since he actually remained in prison till he died, but hardly sufficient.
Gottlob Berger really should've swung... von dem Bach-Zelewski, a man with acknowledged Polish ancestry (though I believe late in the war he legally dropped the "Zelewski" from his name), was a real ruthless bastard, including to his own distant kinsmen. I place him in the same category as Gauleiter Erich Koch... how both of them managed to avoid either the gallows or the firing squad is a mystery to me...
I am going to be remarkably generous and give you an opportunity to explain this.

Better be one hell of good explanation, for Churchill in particular. It would be extremely unfortunate if you were trying to equate the West Bengal Famine with the Final Solution.
Same reason as an ordinary murderer is distinct from Ted Bundy but deserving of punishment nonetheless.
That’s why nuance and good faith debating is key to discussions concerning government crimes and atrocities. I’m perfectly aware of how awful the Reich was and I think they were the worst political entity in history but when I see someone mention them in the same discussion as another country (especially governments we don’t traditionally see as being “bad”) I don’t have a knee jerk reaction, clutch my pearls and start frothing at the mouth about how they’re trying to directly compare the Nazis to one government or another. Unlike some I don’t immediately assume people are closeted Nazi apologists arguing in bad faith.

And anyway don't practically all wars, in the end, come down to a choice between bad and worse?

No one's hands are ever totally clean, but as shades of grey go, the Third Reich was a *lot* blacker than the Allies - or at least the Western ones.
I disagree. Nazism is a far worse and far more explicitly murderous ideology and the Reich had far worse intentions and plans than the Khmer Rouge (killing every Jew in Europe and then the world, the Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost). As an example there was no Cambodian equivalent to Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. That alone puts the Reich in a different league of immorality.

Most of the Reich’s victims were deliberately killed while most of the victims of the Khmer Rouge died from government incompetence and brutality as opposed to the leadership explicitly desiring their extermination (though some groups were explicitly targeted and there were deliberate executions for a variety of reasons).
Daleks are more or less what the Nazis would become if they won and took over the planet. Their ideology is that evil