What happens to the Bolshevik revolution without Iron Felix?

So, Felix Dzerzhinsky, famous as the founder of the KGB, was not initially planning on staying in Russia. After he was freed from prison in the aftermath of the February Revolution, he went to Moscow with the plan of organizing some fellow Poles and to go help the revolution then going on in Poland. Instead he stayed in Moscow and joined the Bolshevik party, rising rapidly in their ranks and was elected to the Bolshevik central committee in late July. He was a hard worker, conscientious, determined and ruthless. He was unarguably one of the most important Bolsheviks of the revolution.

So what if he sticks to his original plan, and leaves Moscow with a bunch of Polish socialists, never joining the Bolshevik party? How much worse would the Bolsheviks do without him?

How much worse did the Bolsheviks do without Sverdlov, Uritsky, Volodarsky?
Yagoda, Agranov, Peters would do as well.
Perhaps the Lockhart Plot succeeds in killing Lenin.

So British backed plotters take over or Trotky takes over and stops this

He also circumvents Stalin

Or, If Trotsky doesn't takeover perhaps the whole thing devolves into a messy multi-sided civil war (More so than OTL)

Following this Russia becomes a right wing dictatorship

With Dzerzhinsky's ruthlessness and fleeing Bolsheviks backing him, Adolf Warski, takes Poland for the Communists

Communism seeing it can't go East goes west and Germany goes Red

Socialist Newsman, Benito Mussolini, leads his Red Shirts on what came to be called the 1923 Sack of Rome

Fearing further Communist incursions Right Wing coup seizes France, maybe Bourbon, maybe Napoleonic

Hitler and the 'Bavarian Boys' flee Munich after their failed putsch.

They end up in England as Hitler has relatives there

Berlin, Warsaw, & Rome sign the People's Pact

Joseph Gable (Anglicized Goebbels) helps Mosley and British Union of Fascists gain popularity

Spanish Civil War breaks out with Communist victory

Germany and Italy split Austria between them

Mosley assassination leads to sympathy for the BUF

Koszutska-Kornilov Treaty divides Europe between Russia and the People's Pact

Communist coup in Prague leads to invasion and the Czechoslovakian War

Russian Dictatorship invades Finland claiming it a break away territory

Czech War expands into World War II

Henry Williamson, BUF, invited to form new government when appeasement ends
Bazhanov's memoirs.

I'll see if I can get ahold of them.

Socialist Newsman, Benito Mussolini, leads his Red Shirts on what came to be called the 1923 Sack of Rome

Mussolini had already rejected Socialism due to his being violently pro-WW1. Need an earlier POD to make the black shirts red shirts.

I have been wondering if it might be plausible for a Felix-less Bolshevik party to either lose the civil war (and Russia spends several years suffering from a civil war between different White factions who hate each other almost as much as they hated the Bolsheviks) or the Bolsheviks take significantly longer to win the civil war, allowing a much stronger Poland to emerge.

Mussolini had already rejected Socialism due to his being violently pro-WW1. Need an earlier POD to make the black shirts red shirts.

Went with the Rule of Cool on that one, although, butterflies could push Benito back to the left, major gymnastics though