What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

I think the only people in my area, besides Ethiopians/Eritreans, who claim to know anything at all about Ethiopian history, are Rastafarians (or local Rastafarian wannabes :p) who, well... have their own ideas about the subject :)
Now Im wondering how a rastafarian SI would be like...
"And then they collapse dragging the rest of the world because economics" - Your average AHcommer post-Tooze
"Then the Turkish Slavic horde got righteously massacred by the heroic poles, Arya- I mean German and American soldiers and burn down every single DISGUSTING symbol of the nation including every single Church they built!!"

But how about-

"Yes even though women men and children too by the heroic Western Invaders who colonize the land with r righteous ways of indoctrination forced labor and ethnic cleansing on a massive scale against the Turkic Russians horde!!!"

-The average alternate history fan before he got banned for the 100 million time
To be fair my plan was to have the turkic people of the Bronze Age migrate West so the americans and germans wouldnt even get the chance to exist but the mycenaean greeks(the ones from mythology) would still be crushed like the byzantines which would also never exist
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To be fair my plan was to have the turkic people of the Bronze Age migrate West so the americans and germans wouldnt even get the chance to exist but the mycenaean greeks(the ones from mythology) would still be crushed like the byzantines which would also never exist
To be fair I was talking about how Althist fan literally can make a ASB & Wank out of literally nowhere to indulge their fantasy
I'd be genuinely interested to know where the examples of the "average" althist fan hating Orthodoxy/Russia so much are hiding, because the first thing that comes to mind for me on alt history and Orthodoxy is the Byzantines, which tend to have at least a solid core of enthusiasts or at worst people just repeating the same old "not really Roman because reasons", rather than "literally the most evil people ever, killing them is righteous and holy".

Frankly, it feels like something that there's more sign of people not interested in writing Russian alternate history (or at least not making any point of their interest) talking about how Russia is hated, which brings up my entry for the thread:

Novgorod as an alternative to Moscovy is wildly popular, at least in theory, Galich-Volynia is "Oh yeah, I remember that existed." in discussions of alternate uniters of Russia.
Nationalist insults are unacceptable.
I think he's just hyperbolizing the bigotry to make it obvious, not actually being a bigot himself.

The sentence he posted in response to it seems to be about how people are mad at Orthodoxy because they see it as a stand-in for Russians, which they're mad at because of [CURRENT POLITICS], but they're too chickenshit to actually admit that.
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Well that little edit = A week on the trailer.

Nationalist insults are unacceptable.
Yeah, not just defending Mitridates because he's one of my Loyal Followers (TM) here, but I believe the "FTFY" was intended to be ironic.... He doesn't actually believe that "Russians are the most evil people of all humanity" , but rather intended to highlight what he perceives to be (rightly or wrongly) an anti-Russian bias here on the site....
Well the abusive tax on non muslims together with centuries of control do that.

I mean, average medieval/early modern Christian power just went with massacres/forced conversion instead of extra taxes.
Part of the reasoning beyond the tax was that non-muslims were exempt from military service, with the tax as compensation.

God imagine the Horror and how grim dark it is if a Average Althist fan writing about the Turkic Russia!

I mean, average Althist fan would see it lose and be a 3rd world dictatorship probably.
Well that little edit = A week on the trailer.

Nationalist insults are unacceptable.

Cal, Mithriades was not insulting Russians, he was sarcastically pointing out what he thinks most AH fans think.
That said, perhaps it would still under the rule of unsubstantiated accusation of bigotry, if you wanted to argue that.

Imagine the grim dark TL like the Draka if alternate history fans see an Turkic Russia

It will be even worse than Sorairo-verse of Both Russia in TLFOM and TLDR COMBINE!!!
I mean we do have a timeline with a Turkic Russia although it is a Turkic-Iranian influenced Russia with all their steppe tradition punching Europe's teeth in.
My idea was that Christianity slowly filters outwards, moving from Canaan north into Phoenicia, east into Syria and south into Egypt. From Phoenicia it would spread to the greek polei and Carthage, diffusing into local culture over many centuries. Since there is no state-backed Orthodoxy enforced across the Mediterranean world, Christianity is widely heterodox. It doesn't become a very widespread religion in Gaul until ~800 and basically coexists with local paganism. The religious situation would be more akin to India, with a degree of separation and conflict between paganism and Christianity, but neither side fully destroying the other, instead slowly exchanging ideas over the millennia until the two religions are hard to differentiate for outsiders.

Empires like centralized religions: easy to control, unifying the people and counter-balancing uppity nobles. So I figured that Persia would adopt TL's closest equivalent to an "Orthodox" christianity, with the power of investiture and a monopoly on spirituality being an aspect of kingship. Manicheanism and Judaism would be very appealing to the Central Asians in this case, being a more "liberal" equivalent to Ctesiphoni Christianity. A Jewish Afghanistan would be neat, I thin
You would need to either eliminate Emperor worship or give Christians the same dispensation not to sacrifice to the Emperor as Jews. Apart from the latter any religion in the Empire that did not participate in Emperor worship would soon run afoul of a "diety" that was not receiving its dues. This why the Christians were persecuted.
I mean we do have a timeline with a Turkic Russia although it is a Turkic-Iranian influenced Russia with all their steppe tradition punching Europe's teeth in.
Steppe nations could not punch in Europe's teeth, at least western Europe. because you cannot maintain a steppe horde there because there is insufficient pastureland. Attila the Hun had to fall back to Hungary and the scruffy sheep herding Mongols did not even bother.

There are tropes that always happen because they are linked to the real world.
Steppe nations could not punch in Europe's teeth, at least western Europe. because you cannot maintain a steppe horde there because there is insufficient pastureland. Attila the Hun had to fall back to Hungary and the scruffy sheep herding Mongols did not even bother.

There are tropes that always happen because they are linked to the real world.
Yeah but usually there's no explaination about this. Simply happens. What is cause of the trope is perceived as "baseless", because the author didn't explain this.

Going further into this explanation, the point is that people write in their TLs that the Mongols are eventually defeated and never bother to explain why this happens. Not even if it is giving a brief summary.

Which in turn leads to the conclusion that if an explanation is not given, it is because there is none. Hence the point "it just happens".
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You would need to either eliminate Emperor worship or give Christians the same dispensation not to sacrifice to the Emperor as Jews. Apart from the latter any religion in the Empire that did not participate in Emperor worship would soon run afoul of a "diety" that was not receiving its dues. This why the Christians were persecuted.
Treating the Emperor as a god is something the Romans took from the Greeks and the Greeks from the Egyptians. Neither the Persians nor their Akkadian predecessors held their rulers to be divine. Powerful, beloved servants of their gods, and therefore protected by them, sure, but not deities themselves.

Persia was generally friendly to minority religions before its conversion to Islam (and even after that, there was a reason why so many fringe Muslim sects were based in Iran). Mesopotamia housed some very significant communities of Christian and Jewish exiles during the Roman persecutions. Later on the Great Kings began to persecute the Christians themselves, but this was largely a reaction to the Roman ambition of turning Christianity to a fourth column of the Roman state. See also their willingness to cooperate with non-Orthodox Christians against the Roman government.