What period of Utah would you like me to TL?


So you know me, I'm the Mormon guy (Well, the Mormon guy who isn't Augustus Montes). I love Mormon and Utah TLs. So I've decided to start a new one, but I'm unsure of what period I want to cover. Because of that, I've decided to let you guys decide. Pick any period of US history between the Mormon colonization of Utah (1847) to the 1940s. I'll write a Utah-centered TL on that period. Progressive Era, Prohibition, whatever. I'll try my darnedest to get as much info on the chosen period as possible, and then write it.

Oh, and a warning; I'm a bit biased, so I will probably make Utah and the Mormon Corridor a leader in several movements in most any period.

So, chose a period, and I'll cover it.
A TL about an independent Deseret/Utah would be far more interesting than one about the governors of Utah during the 20s. I say 1847 or 1849.
Have the Mormons continue past Utah to the site of OTL Las Vegas, and have them center the Mormon settlements around there. It's not any more settled by the Mexicans than Utah was, and stands a good chance of Mormonizing all of Southern California. Bonus points if the OTL site of Salt Lake City becomes a world-renowned gambling destination.
That's a lovely idea! :D

Though it might be hard, since IIRC Las Vegas got big because it was close to California and all its repressed millions. Salt Lake...isn't.

Though if *Vegas becomes a near-theocracy, maybe repressed Mormons and non-Mormons living there could go to Salt Lake to get their sin fixes. :D

Make this TL! Now!


Hmm... So all of you want either an independent Utah, or a stronger Utah-ish state within the US.

I think I could arrange for both at certain points.
the "Mormon Mexico" idea caught my attention

have the Mormons beat the other folks to Texas.

Texas never breaks from Mexico.
the "Mormon Mexico" idea caught my attention

have the Mormons beat the other folks to Texas.

Texas never breaks from Mexico.
Shit, I was just about to post this. Except I say, fill Texas with a solid but still minority Mormon population, and still have it break away.
Shit, I was just about to post this. Except I say, fill Texas with a solid but still minority Mormon population, and still have it break away.

if they maintain polygamy, they could perhaps have a notable population increase within a couple generations. (I think.)

[looking now for anything on Mormons and slavery... this is interesting... kind of interesting... hm... hm!... )

I tried to see if there was even a remote potential for MORMON DRAKA running a very large chunk of Mexico, but, I couldn't find anything to allow that leap to be made. Bottom line is that, from the bits that I read, Mormons weren't very much into slavery.


if they maintain polygamy, they could perhaps have a notable population increase within a couple generations. (I think.)

[looking now for anything on Mormons and slavery... this is interesting... kind of interesting... hm... hm!... )

I tried to see if there was even a remote potential for MORMON DRAKA running a very large chunk of Mexico, but, I couldn't find anything to allow that leap to be made. Bottom line is that, from the bits that I read, Mormons weren't very much into slavery.

You are correct in assuming that Mormons weren't into slavery; in fact, in Missouri (and Illinois), part of the fear about the Mormons were that they tended to vote in one huge block, and were primarily Easterners who weren't too keen towards slavery. Not all of them were abolitionists (and in fact a few Southern Mormons were small-time slaveholders), and Joseph Smith spoke both against and for abolition, but the perception was that the Mormons would free the slaves.

As for polygamy, don't be so sure; it was mainly the leadership that practiced polygamy, maybe 10% (at the highest estimate) of Mormon males had more than one wife. Polygamy would not improve the numbers past a small blip in the statistics.

Now missionary work, that was the real population increaser. In the early years, literally thousands of converts came to America, and went straight to first Ohio/Missouri/Illinois, and then Utah. In fact, there was a sort of Church welfare program to fund the converted immigrants.

I'm thinking that I could have a PoD being a few of the splinter churches coming back to the main one when it gets to Utah, but none of them had more than a few hundred members, so that wouldn't affect the numbers terribly much.

The PoD could also have something to do with the Mexican-American War, but I don't know what. I don't want a Mexican win in the war, since it is fairly implausible and also becoming an AH cliche.
The PoD could also have something to do with the Mexican-American War, but I don't know what. I don't want a Mexican win in the war, since it is fairly implausible and also becoming an AH cliche.

I wonder if there's a way for a considerable Mormon-dominated "block" of Mexico that would kind of be a barrier between American ambitions and where they'd fulfill those ambitions, I'm thinking maybe they'd hesitate to bum-rush an area that was identifiably Mormon (and, I'm guessing, arguably "white American" on a number of cultural points) versus going after land that was clearly Mexican.

It was one thing for otl Texas moving to join America, it could be another if a Mormon-dominated Texas shows no interest in joining America; would that cut down on causus belli, etc?