WI: Rikidozan Survives His Stabbing?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikidōzan (for reference as to who it is)

As the title says, What if Rikidozan survives his stabbing and beyond that, is able to continue wrestling after a period of time recovering from his stab wounds and infection and doesn't do anything to mess with his recovery and follows doctors advice.

What is the state of not just Japanese wrestling domestically (Rikidozan at the time of his death is only 39, if he survives, what is the fate of the JWA, is he able to keep his students apart of the fold and maybe bring them into some kind of leadership positions, therefore meaning no All Japan and New Japan forming and instead keeping one mega promotion instead) as well as on an international stage (do we Lou Thesz touring Japan or Rikidozan in America, maybe a Rikidozan NWA World Heavyweight Championship run given how respected he was).

I'd imagine, fundamentally the world of wrestling would be vastly different to say the least