WI- The French Revolution Happened 30 years earlier?

You can have a much easier POD for a French Revolution earlier by just having George III live longer, the Seven Years War going on longer, and Pitt negotiating a harsh peace.

George III died in 1820, well after the revolution why would him living longer have helped an early revolution?

I can understand that an Eight Year War (Nine Year?) would bring France to the brink (assuming their forces don't start winning) but the harsher treaty would only mean the loss of the sugar islands, hardship yes, revolution ... not sure.
George III died in 1820, well after the revolution why would him living longer have helped an early revolution?

I can understand that an Eight Year War (Nine Year?) would bring France to the brink (assuming their forces don't start winning) but the harsher treaty would only mean the loss of the sugar islands, hardship yes, revolution ... not sure.

I meant George II. The French public was very unhappy at losing and blamed a lot of it on the King's Mistress. However, the peace treaty was more lenient than expected, and relieved the pressure a little. A more humilitating defeat and a harshly inflicted peace could see some severe riots. Then you just need things to get out of hand.


The Mystery of New Bombay, 1834

1834- Mississippi Province, The Dominion of America

The old negro and the old white man sat in rocking chairs outside Timothie's Tavern in New Bombay, Mississippi. They nodded respectably to us, the three Englishmen sweating through there soaking clothes. New Bombay had a sign as we entered the town square that proudly declared the population as 200 people. Jamyson, who was walking next to me, said a little different from London, eh mate?" I responded "Just on climate alone. I been to Australia, and the climate was half-way decent, but here, here is where prisoners belong." Jamyson and Sumtherfield laughed there hearts out.
But in all matters, we thought the move to Mississippi was a good act of judgement. Three unmarried London 20-somethings living alone on a frontier in a newly-formed province of a British Dominion. After crossing the wide ocean, taking the steam engine from Charleston, South Carolin to Oglethorpe, Georgia to Madrid, Mississippi, a carriage ride to Grey, Mississippi and a walk here.
Up in front was St. Paul's Anglican Mission Church and the town's First Baptist Church.
Smutherfield suggests we walk into St. Paul's and ask for a blessing for our new life here in New Bombay. We all being good Christian men agreed.
We walked into St. Paul's and found the minister.

He was dead, lying on the floor in a pool of blood.


The stories I'm planning-

The Mystery of New Bombay, 1834
¡El Oro!, 1854
A Little Bit of Night Spying-The Memoirs of Dectective Booth, 1865
Remember Thermopylae! The First Austrian Army, 1878
Elector Primus, 1889
In the Mountains of Nice, 1900
A Ferocious Abode, 1915
The Tsar is dead, 1934
Occupation District, 1976
My Tales from Occupied London- The Memoirs of Sergeant DeGaulle, 1977
Finis Austriae, 1986
Stars and Cold and Drear, 2012


Map for our story-

I don't buy it "enormous spending spree of the backs of the people." is not a enought on what and why did they spend that money?
What is Radical Republicanism? Why would they want to destroy busineses and why?
Like Elfwine even with your edit the build up is not well done.
It's like your are making things apear of of thin air.


Make more sense now?
If there is a sucession crisis in Prussia there is no 7 Years War.
If there is no seven years war, then there is more opportunity for the French Gov. to go crazy.
If there is no 7 Years War, then the colonies are less likely to revolt, because the British would not create a gigantic Indian Territory, leaving more space for colonization.


Some Modern Dominion of America stats....

Note, butterflies have made people's politics turn out differently

Santorum is more moderate
Stevens-Oumago is a butterflied African American.
William McKinely is another "Theodore Roosevelt" and Theodore Roosevelt is like OTL

What about the butterflies? French Revolution happens thirty years earlier and the only butterfly in America is the Rick Santorum is more moderate? Come on, Imagination! Please infuse some imagination!


What about the butterflies? French Revolution happens thirty years earlier and the only butterfly in America is the Rick Santorum is more moderate? Come on, Imagination! Please infuse some imagination!

Except for the rather large butterfly of an American British Dominion, and parliamentary America.

A few more-

The New Spanish Gold Rush, 1850s (Alta California remains Spanish, and a mass immigration from Spain follows)

John Wilkes Booth, British spy who saves Abraham Lincoln life twice on his trip to Austria-Hungary

The Dominion of Oregon, created after a dispute between America and Canada over the Region let the British create a seperate one.

The Austrian Invasion of the Ottoman Empire (I'm into Ottoman screws)

And more.....
Except for the rather large butterfly of an American British Dominion, and parliamentary America.

A few more-

The New Spanish Gold Rush, 1850s (Alta California remains Spanish, and a mass immigration from Spain follows)

John Wilkes Booth, British spy who saves Abraham Lincoln life twice on his trip to Austria-Hungary

The Dominion of Oregon, created after a dispute between America and Canada over the Region let the British create a seperate one.

The Austrian Invasion of the Ottoman Empire (I'm into Ottoman screws)

And more.....

Right those butterflies are all well and good, but the people, the people. John Wilkes Booth and Abraham Lincoln are close to being fine, given that thier parents were born. But that list of parliamentary leaders of America is painfully convergent, thats all. You just changed some dates around, put British parties on them and kept pretty much all the same people. That would not be the case at all. History would diverge radically.
What about the butterflies? French Revolution happens thirty years earlier and the only butterfly in America is the Rick Santorum is more moderate? Come on, Imagination! Please infuse some imagination!
Agree there shouldn't even be any OTL name because they would have all been butterflyed away with a POD like this.