would the USA directly intervene to save Israel

Then I'll suggest as the others already have that you examine the nasty little "black" or "off-the-books" fighting which occurred in Laos, Cambodia, and elsewhere.

"Advisers" from both the US and USSR were active and both the US and USSR took great care to both maintain a fig leaf for their advisers' operations while deliberately "ignoring" the presence of the other guy's advisers.

While it was in the best interest of either the US or USSR for that fighting to occur, it was not in the best interest of the US or USSR for it to become widely known that their "specialists" had fought one another.

Thanks for the info.
Sorry Aktarian, missed your post.

This would result in another Cold War tense border with no actual fighting taking place, like the Korean Peninsular. A definate improvement over what actually happened.

Well, in Korea there were no Soviets on the other side so that's somewhat less tense situation.

I think only place where soviets and Americans looked at each other was Iron Curtain and even that was limited to Germany and CSSR. However that place was tense enough so everybody took extra precautions and locals were firmly toeing the line set down by big boys.
IMO the arab nations cant fight a war correctly as has been demonstrated numerous times mainly with Israel defeating far superior numerical forces several times plus you can look at the Iran-Iraq war where neither side in its ineptness able to make any gains resulting in Iraq trying bio-chem warfare and Iran reverting to human wave tactics

This is just my opinion,no I am not clinically insane,yes I take my medicine regularly:D
Actually, if I recall correctly, the Jordanians and Egyptians have some pretty good militaries compared to other Arab states. But they're not going to war with Israel anytime soon. Now, if this were 1961 instead of 2011...


Monthly Donor
The U.S. already HAS intervened. In 1973 the U.S. stripped Reforager supplies out of Germany and sent the equipment to Israel. We then moved 6th Fleet into the Eastern Med to interdict any Soviet attempt to resupply the Syria or Egypt. Nixon then got onto the Hot line with the Soviets & told them we were not going to allow the Soviets to intervene directly, followed by very opening kicking up to DEFCON 3.

The Soviets decided that Nixon was dead serious and backed off. Without resupply (especially of SAM and ATGM) the Egyptians wound up with X Army trapped in the Sinai and Syria wound up with the IDF in 155 range of their capitol.

The U.S. then intervened a second time to force the Israelis to accept a cease-fire and let X Army out of the kill sack.
What about the Israeli nuclear weapons? If I recall
correctly it was close in 1973, the did have the capacity
to take out Damascus, Cairo and Amman, after that the
Arabs would likely surrender.

Nope, after using the "Samson Option", as the use of said weapons, was called by the Israeli's themselves, Israel effectively "dies" as a state, as in response to these acts, the Soviets in Egypt would have turned over the warhead arming keys, to the nuclear armed Scud-B IRBM's, and Luna (FROG) -7 tactical rockets already in theatre at the time, to the Egyptians...
As a result, at least the Dimona complex, which produced said weapons, gets the "Radioactive Glass" treatment by the Egyptians, & Tel Aviv gets nuked, in retaliation for Cairo's destruction...
In addition, every other state in the Middle East, immediately declares war on Israel, for it's "Barbaric Act's", including Saudi Arabia & Iran, which are America's other main allies in the region, putting the U.S in a extremely difficult diplomatic situation....
Note: By this time, the Soviets have informed the U.S, that any attempt by them to interfere in this, will be counted as a "declaration of war" by the U.S, on the Soviet Union and it's allies, effectively starting World War 3...
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