rashidun caliphate

  1. Triple Assassination at Saqifah - An Islam alternate timeline
    Threadmarks: Succession to the Prophet Muhammad

    June 8th, year 11 after the Hijrah (AH). The prophet Muhammad has died after spending his last days bedridden in Aisha’s home. It is there, in his wife's bedroom, where he is buried. The Muslims and especially the Sahabah are shocked and distressed by the loss of the prophet. However, moves are...
  2. WI: Ali ibn Abi Talib won the Battle of Siffin?

    I've been a regular lurker on this forum for a while, and decided to pick this account back up again. Being a Muslim IRL, this PoD has always fascinated me, so I decided to post on the forum and see what you fine folk think, with the idea of maybe making a timeline if there's some interest in...
  3. Ali avoids his assassination?

    The fourth and last of the Rashidun caliphs, Ali's reign was engulfed by a civil war, the First Fitna, between him and the supporters of Mu'awiya, governor of Syria and a member of the Banu Umayya clan. The biggest battle of the war, fought at Siffin, ended in a stalemate thanks to a call for...
  4. A Sassanid victory at Jalula?

    After its disastrous defeat at al-Qadisiyyah and the fall of Ctesiphon to the Arab invaders, the Sassanid Empire had only one army of note west of the Zagros Mountains by 637 AD. Said army was stationed at Jalula, along a narrow strip of land flanked by a river on one side and impassable terrain...
  5. TheDoofusUser

    No 602-628 Roman-Sassanid War, how do the Arab invasions go?

    In OTL, the Romans and Sassanid Persia fought a bloody 26 year war between one another that severely weakened both powers to the Rashidun Caliphate's invasion a decade or so later. What if this OTL War doesn't happen? How does this occur and what would be the ramifications of it for all three...
  6. Taunay

    WI: Ali chosen as caliph in 644

    I'm taking a break from Brazilian history and will now focus on the history of both the Arab nations (I may sometimes post about the Turks and Persians) and Islam more broadly. IOTL, following the death of Umar, a commitee was tasked to choose the next caliph. IOTL, although there were many...
  7. What if Ali wasn't assassinated?

    On January 26, 661, Ali, the fourth and final Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, was assassinated by a Kharijite named Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam, who struck him in the head with a poisoned sword. Ali's assassination remains a momentous event in the history of Islam, and the ramifications of what...
  8. Romans lift the siege of Damascus (634)

    As some one who thinks their speciality is the 7th century Iam kinda of sick of yarmourk and Sebastopolis I get it they are the one that make more change but there is more to it so I propose this What if while Heraclius sent his men to the eagle pass and Khalid left whether to sending the...
  9. Ayesha as a Rashidun Caliph?

    Muhammed (PBUH) wife, Ayesha, was one of the most prominent figures in early Islam. Considered one of the best scholars of Islamic jurisprudence during her lifetime, Ayesha preached Jumuah sermons in the Prophet's Masjid, led soldiers into battle and enjoyed major political influence in the...
  10. Sarthak

    Reserse the Fates of Persia and Eastern Rome

    As we know, the Eastern Romans held on against the Islamic Invasion for ~8 centuries but Persia fell in one and a half decade. What should be done to reverse the situation that the Islamic Caliphate takes the Byzantines pretty easily but Persia holds on with the Zagros as a defensible barrier?
  11. romans win the Battle of the Iron Bridge

    So yarmourk has been done to death , and damascus has been done but iron bridge has not , so this army consisted of the survivors of the syrian campaings reunited in the iron brige modern day Demirköprü this was in essence the last ditch attempt detials are not know but khalid and his mobile...
  12. Sarthak

    Emperor Gaozong and Pei restore Narsieh to a rump Sassanian State.

    So the son of Peroz III, Narseih was going to Persia, or more specifically the Persian steppes to be restored to the sassanian throne with the aid of a noble named Pei with the backing of the Tang Dynasty. Apparently the plan was to liberate transoxiana, and then restore Peroz III's rump state...
  13. SunKing105

    WI: Rashidun stop at Mesopotamia?

    While looking from a broad macro-historical perspective the conquests were quick and inevitable after the devastation of the war of 602-628 and the various internal crises both the Byzantines and Sassanids had to deal with afterward, Umar(RA), after defeating the Byzantines and Sassanids at...
  14. SunKing105

    WI: Umar and Mu'awiya die from the Plague of Amwas?

    The plague of Emmaeus, rendered in Arabic as Amwas, was a recurrence of the bubonic plague epidemics that had afflicted the region, and was likely a resurgence of the plague of Justinian. It started in the city of Amwas, captured after the victories at Ajnadayn and Yarmouk, in the army camp...
  15. SunKing105

    WI: Constans II dies at the Battle of the Masts?

    The Battle of the Masts was one of the most pivotal and disastrous naval battles in Byzantine history. Most of the 500 ships were destroyed in a day, and it proved the mettle of the Muslims on the seas. Emperor Constans II barely escaped by trading clothes with another man and being disguised as...
  16. SunKing105

    WI: Umar not assassinated?

    In 644 AD, a Persian who had been captured and enslaved at the Battle of Qadisiyyah(or Nahavand) known as Pirus Nahavandi, struck down Umar and stabbed him in the belly several times, while he was praying in Al-Masjid-an-Nabawi. Umar was a reasonably competent ruler, who established an...
  17. SunKing105

    WI: Muawiyah assasinated by Khawarij, but Ali survives?

    In 661 AD, or around 40 AH, some disgruntled members of an extremist sect known as the Khawarij attempted to assassinate both Muawiyah and Ali for the grave sin of arbitrating the First Fitna, and succeeded with only Ali. What if Muawyiah had been assasinated, but Ali survived, having been...
  18. WI: Egypt Remains Majority Coptic

    Background Info: Before the Muslim Conquest of Egypt (639-646) by the Rashidun Caliphate, the Copts made up the majority of Egypt since the 3rd century. After the conquest took place, the Arabs settled in Egypt bringing along the religion of Islam with them. The Copts faced persecution and...
  19. WI: Uthman not killed

    What if Uthman hadn't been assassinated in 656? How might things have changed?
  20. WI: The Rashidun Caliphate wins the First Fitna

    What if the Rashidun Caliphate had won the First Fitna? How would things be different?