
  1. Ryker of Terra

    WI: Leningrad more isolated (no Road of Life)

    IOTL Leningrad was besieged only partially, with the Road of Life relieving the pressure a bit when it was cut off by land (as depicted by the red borders on the map); evacuating wounded, bringing in supplies, etc. through Lake Ladoga. Then in '43, the Soviets managed to reestablish a land...
  2. TL Planning/Brainstorming : Mu’awiya takes Constantinople

    I am planning to do a TL where the Umayyads take Constantinople under Mu’awiya . 1. My plan is too have a Islamic Greek speaking State 2. The PoD is under Mu’awyia . now its unknown when the siege actually took place , so i will just invent an ATL siege. 3. The Second Fitna or a parallel will...
  3. AdamNeuser

    Ottoman victory during the War of the Holy League (1683-1699) [Ongoing short TL]

    So this alternate history TL is going to be fairly short but I just wanted to see if it could be explored and how plausible you guys think it actually could be. Before we discuss the point of divergence (it isn't the battle of vienna, the Ottomans still lose this as they did in OT), and the...
  4. AdamNeuser

    [DISCUSSION] The Umayyad Caliphate wins the siege of Constantinople (717-718)

    The Siege of Constantinople in 717 AD was the Umayyad Caliphate's major combined arms offensive against the Roman Empire. And one of the largest sea and land military operations across the entire medieval era. The decision to lay siege to the city came about mostly as a result of an extended...
  5. AdamNeuser

    [ONGOING] What REALLY would have happened if the Ottomans won the siege of Vienna 1529

    Now I know what most of you are thinking. You've probably seen this scenario/POD dozens of times on this forum. But the reason why I think it deserves a better assessment is that most of the time the answers to this generally misunderstand the aims and state which the Ottoman Empire was in...