tudor dynasty

  1. Teriyaki

    Gilbert Gifford Not Arrested (The Babington Plot Succeeds) - 1585 AD

    Throughout the lifetime of Queen Elizabeth the I, several attempts were made on her life. One of the most well known of those plots was the Babington plot. In 1585, John Ballard, a Jesuit priest, came to England to start a plot to assassinate the Queen. He secured support and aid within the...
  2. DBWI: What if Anne Boleyn hadn't been assassinated

    As we all know, in the morning of January 31st 1536, Queen Consort Anne Boleyn of England, wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I, was found in her bed with her neck broken, to this day her death remains one of history's greatest unsolved misteries. Henry VIII is said to have become...
  3. WI: Margaret I of England
    Threadmarks: 1510 Part One

    1510 Disaster strikes. Just months after his coronation and wedding, King Henry the Eighth falls ill. By January, he is at death's door and his wife gives birth to a stillborn daughter. Everyone prays he will recover but alas by late February he dies: it is said that minutes before he died, he...
  4. AHC: Have a Protestant England with a successful Katherine

    The challenge is have Queen Katherine, first wife of Henry VIII, produce a surviving son (maybe have Henry's OTL children by his other wives be born from her) but England still break ties with the Papacy and become protestant before 1650. Withouth a dynastic change or revolution (so no overtrow...
  5. A Reversal of Fortunes: A 'Tiny Tudors' timeline
    Threadmarks: Queen Anne's Triumph

    "It is hard to imagine what Anne Boleyn was thinking in April 1536. Her husband's attentions were straying elsewhere as Jane Seymour suddenly became the focus of the court. Many were not so quietly whispering that if Queen Anne couldn't produce an heir for England maybe England needed to produce...
  6. Queen of Five Thousand Days
    Threadmarks: Chapter One - In which many children are born

    So, this happened instead of work: “By midsummer, the midwife was certain, Queen Anne was carrying more than one babe. She informed the Royal Couple to expect twins, though private records indicate she believed more may be possible. Due to the increased risk of multiple babes, Queen Anne...
  7. WI: Henry VII Was Never Born

    Okay, so this was a late-at-night consideration of mine but I haven’t been able to get it out of my head, and I haven’t been able to find any posts discussing this. So, say Margaret’s mother is awarded custody of her rather than her eventually being passed onto the Tudors, so she never married...
  8. The Professor

    Titles for an Elizabethan Nephew

    Let's say Elizabeth I of England has a younger full sister, we'll call her Margaret. Assuming all else goes roughly as OTL for Elizabeth to become Queen but that Margaret has a legitimate son (Henry), what titles could Elizabeth be expected to grant this likely heir presumptive?
  9. What If: Continuing Tudor Dynasty

    What would it take to have Edward VI married with an heir before his death? Besides drastically extending his life (a year or two is fine, but if he lives to his twenties it's not that hard to give him an heir). My first thought is a marriage to Lady Jane Grey, with one child (maybe another on...
  10. GauchoBadger

    WI: Henry VIII dies in 1524

    What if Henry VIII Tudor, king of England, had died in the one jousting accident that nearly killed him in march 1524, prior to breaking church relations with Rome and without leaving a surviving heir besides Mary? Would Mary be able to smoothly wriggle her way into the throne? Who would contest...
  11. WI: Henry VIII doesn't have his jousting accident

    In 1536, Henry VIII of England suffered a serious jousting accident. This caused him to suffer from serious health problems, and may have caused his mood swings. What if he hadn't had this fateful accident?