Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

Where do you get your images from?

For the portraits:

I dont know if you have noticed but for most of my TLs when the PODs is more than a few decades in the past I just make up imaginary people

I then go looking for portraits with the easthetic I'm looking for (the 20s for my "Long 20th" thing or the 70s for this). Sometimes wikipedia have great ones but sometimes it doesnt and everyone know them so I just look on google image (or Getty, they have great archives). (For exemple here 'Ellie Black' is actually Shirley Temple as ambassador)

Once I have a good basis I put the image on FaceApp, wich have an option to put someone else's face on a body. Then I have to pick a face. Sometimes I know where too look sometimes I dont so I often use Thispersondoesnotexist to have new uniques ones. (I can then give them glasses, make them older...)

For the rest:

If your question was about the Capitol picture I made it up mixing a 70s Capitol picture with the 80s Seattle skyline and a fog PNG using Logopit Plus. It's a logo app on my phone that I've been using for 5 years (I like to make logos), you can do quite a lot of stuff with it actually, I suppose there are better apps or programs to use but I just became very familiar with this one

If your question was about how I put these pictures in my infoboxes I dont upload them on wikimedia or something I have no idea how it work, once the text parts of my infoboxes are done I screenshot them and assemble them in Paint, I paint with background color the places where I want to put pictures then I copy and paste my own ones where I want. (I use Microsoft Word to re-size my own pictures otherwise they get super pixelized in Paint).

This is quite chaotic but it's the way I have learned to do infoboxes after years of practicing alone lol, I hope it'll help
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For the portraits:

I dont know if you have noticed but for most of my TLs when the PODs is more than a few decades in the past I just make up imaginary people

I then go looking for portraits with the easthetic I'm looking for (the 20s for my "Long 20th" thing or the 70s for this). Sometimes wikipedia have great ones but sometimes it doesnt and everyone know them so I just look on google image (or Getty, they have great archives). (For exemple here 'Ellie Black' is actually Shirley Temple as ambassador)

Once I have a good basis I put the image on FaceApp, wich have an option to put someone else's face on a body. Then I have to pick a face. Sometimes I know where too look sometimes I dont so I often use Thispersondoesnotexist to have new uniques ones. (I can then give them glasses, make them older...)

For the rest:

If your question was about the Capitol picture I made it up mixing a 70s Capitol picture with the 80s Seattle skyline and a fog PNG using Logopit Plus. It's a logo app on my phone that I've been using for 5 years (I like to make logos), you can do quite a lot of stuff with it actually, I suppose there are better apps or programs to use but I just became very familiar with this one

If your question was about how I put these pictures in my infoboxes I dont upload them on wikimedia or something I have no idea how it work, once the text parts of my infoboxes are done I screenshot them and assemble them in Paint, I paint with background color the places where I want to put pictures then I copy and paste my own ones where I want. (I use Microsoft Word to re-size my own pictures otherwise they get super pixelized in Paint).

This is quite chaotic but it's the way I have learned to do infoboxes after years of practicing alone lol, I hope it'll help

I was working on this before @CarlosTheAltHistoryGuy posted theirs first, it's such a fun concept to mess around with about a perpetual 1990s! Here is my take on that!
Images where made using a Face Swap program.
There was a TL somewhere on here where someone was trying to create a “Vaporwave” TL. The concept of a “perpetual 90’s” much like the Fallout series was a “perpetual 50’s” is a really cool aesthetic choice. I hope you do more with this.
You know, I had a weird dream like that once. Much like the Fallout video game series having that 1940s and 50s aesthetic, my dream had 1990s and 2000s aesthetic. Technology and attitudes were all stuck in the 90s and 2000s. 9/11 also never happened due to Osama Bin Laden getting killed in the late 1990s.

Well, since I'm here:

Crikey! Steve Irwin's alive!

Crikey Steve Irwin's alive.png

CONTEXT: Steve Irwin is able to avoid getting killed by that sting ray in 2006. As a result, he continues doing what he loves to this day with his family by his side.
I made a few US politics infoboxes of @mr morbius ' new Election Game set in 2020 in the Soylent Green universe:

"The last 30 years have been rough on the Good Old US of A. Rampant Pollution, uncontrolled population growth, massive amounts of crime and political chaos have turned the country from a rising superpower into a rump state barely able to hold its population in line. The Democrats have won every single Presidential Election since 1988, and have held total power in congress for nearly as long. However, as foes old and new arise from the polluted ashes, who's to say who will win this Year?"

If you're interested about joining you can click Here

And if you want to know more about this TL I advise you to take a look at @Tresckow ' great thread: What is the Secret of Soylent Green?

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Wow, I’m honestly honored that I’ve inspired fan art from my timeline. This is pretty much how I envisioned how DC would look in the Soylentverse. Overdeveloped, smoggy, and with fake grass around government buildings. I imagine the trees are most likely fake too? Sidenote, I figured the White House would probably have real trees, given that it’s the White House and sealed off from the public.

And you got the electoral votes down too! This is absolutely fantastic. Well done. 😍


Gone Fishin'
How do people go about finding the geographic area of countries without OTL borders? Did it kind of slapdashedly in the past but as I put together more wiki boxes I'm really looking for a better method of finding land area.
I have a few, but you can post away lol
Okay, here's a few:

Canada continues to have a divided right, though it manages to have a working coalition arrangement not unlike the Liberal/National coalition in Australia. Quebec nationalism is still prevalent.

Spain is still racked by separatist nationalism, perhaps by a greater degree, with ETA terrorism still being prevalent.

Japan is still dominated by the LDP with a revolving door of Prime Ministers.

South Africa could go a number of different ways. Perhaps a more moderate/competent ANC or a different post-Apartheid settlement that gives black representation more weight, though not absolute parity with the white minority?

In keeping with the end of history route, maybe China is a lot more democratic? Perhaps a successful Chinese glasnost?

The Israeli Left continues to have a pulse, IDK.

Just a few. The ideas are free, btw, if you want.
For the portraits:

I dont know if you have noticed but for most of my TLs when the PODs is more than a few decades in the past I just make up imaginary people

I then go looking for portraits with the easthetic I'm looking for (the 20s for my "Long 20th" thing or the 70s for this). Sometimes wikipedia have great ones but sometimes it doesnt and everyone know them so I just look on google image (or Getty, they have great archives). (For exemple here 'Ellie Black' is actually Shirley Temple as ambassador)

Once I have a good basis I put the image on FaceApp, wich have an option to put someone else's face on a body. Then I have to pick a face. Sometimes I know where too look sometimes I dont so I often use Thispersondoesnotexist to have new uniques ones. (I can then give them glasses, make them older...)

For the rest:

If your question was about the Capitol picture I made it up mixing a 70s Capitol picture with the 80s Seattle skyline and a fog PNG using Logopit Plus. It's a logo app on my phone that I've been using for 5 years (I like to make logos), you can do quite a lot of stuff with it actually, I suppose there are better apps or programs to use but I just became very familiar with this one

If your question was about how I put these pictures in my infoboxes I dont upload them on wikimedia or something I have no idea how it work, once the text parts of my infoboxes are done I screenshot them and assemble them in Paint, I paint with background color the places where I want to put pictures then I copy and paste my own ones where I want. (I use Microsoft Word to re-size my own pictures otherwise they get super pixelized in Paint).

This is quite chaotic but it's the way I have learned to do infoboxes after years of practicing alone lol, I hope it'll help
Wait, FaceApp removed that option last time I checked?



I have yet to write up a plausible alternate history for Big Armenia™, but I've started reading Richard G. Hovannisian's The Republic of Armenia, so perhaps I'll come up with something in the future. Names of people in this infobox are made up.
You know, I had a weird dream like that once. Much like the Fallout video game series having that 1940s and 50s aesthetic, my dream had 1990s and 2000s aesthetic. Technology and attitudes were all stuck in the 90s and 2000s. 9/11 also never happened due to Osama Bin Laden getting killed in the late 1990s.

Well, since I'm here:

Crikey! Steve Irwin's alive!

View attachment 849114
CONTEXT: Steve Irwin is able to avoid getting killed by that sting ray in 2006. As a result, he continues doing what he loves to this day with his family by his side.
The way life should be.

I was only 12 when Irwin passed. 4 days later we lost another legend in Peter Brock.
Hey, does anyone know of the collection of wikibox that feature Horace Greeley winning the 1872 presidential election only to die in February 1873 leaving the presidency to his Vice President George Ripley and leading to the abolition of the electoral college, a Ralph Waldo Emerson presidency in 1880 with Benjamin Tucker as his Vice President?