The nine years Queen - Jane grey beheads Mary Tudor and stays on the throne

  • “Off with h-her head.”
    The young girl was wobbling nervously and her voice was shaky.
    “Guilford I don’t know why I did it please! Forgive me!”
    Guilford Dudley also didn’t know why his normally sweet and submissive wife would act like that. Beheading a princess of the blood!
    However she also had the power to behead him, and the relationship was already frosty, so he had to be on his best behaviour.
    “Neither do I Jane. Neither do I.”
    Jane fell weeping on the floor. She buried her head in the pillow and the tears ran down her face and onto the linen.
    “I love you.”
    “I love you too.”
    Guilford shut the door.
    “It’s ok Jane. You had to sacrifice some lives to save many more.”
    “No it’s not. It’s not right.”
    October 1553
  • For her execution, Mary wore purple velvet, a way of stating she was the rightful queen of England.
    Jane kept the spectators low, fearing she would try and state her innocence. Jane was also right.
    At her beheading, Mary gave her gold collar, given it her by her mother to Eustace Chapuys.
    “Please keep it in the Spanish bloodline. And my dear mothers relatives.”
    She took off her overdress, and gave it to a young girl, who was watching as a tower resident.
    “Give this to your mother.”
    The young girl nodded and walked away.
    Mary’s petticoat was Scarlet and her hair was tied into a neat bun.
    “I forgive you.” She said to the executioner as she fumbled with a prayer book. After about two minutes she laid her head on the block and stretched her arms out.
    The axe fell.
    “Shes pregnant.”
    Doctor Wendy had only just announced that news to Guildford before he started smiling.
    “I will have a king to rule England or a fair princess.”
    Jane wanted a boy for Englands sake, but secretly hoped for a girl. She would be just like her mother and be the most educated princess in Europe.
    Elizabeth was also quite happy for her coisin Jane although it would mean she was a lot less likely to get the throne. She remembered how happy she was when Edward was born and how tiny he was.
    Guildford also knew he couldn’t sleep with Jane while she was pregnant but felt unsure. His predecessors had taken mistresses, but they were kings, not king consort, whatever Jane said. In the end his mother persuaded him to take a mistress. And he chose one of the highest blood.
    Elizabeth was flattered to receive that letter from
    Guildford, but also knew this could cost her life.
    When Guildford came to the tower though, she coudn’t help herself. And that was why she was gutted to hear who she was marrying.
    Who should Elizabeth marry
  • A: Henry Fitzroy lives. Half sibling though which is a con.
    B: Robert Dudley. Not sure if related or the king though.
    November- December 1553
  • Dedicated to Isabella for giving me this idea
    Elizabeth and William Fitzroy were actually quite similar, leading to both their outrage.
    They were both smart and quick witted, they both did what it took to survive, and were bitter about what they lost, Elizabeth her title and mother and William his legitimacy and being in line to the throne.
    Yet Elizabeth still continued her relationship with Guildford, and Elizabeth soon became pregnant. The question of who was the father preyed on Elizabeth’s mind, so much that she broke off the relationship with the king.
    Jane’s baby was growing fast, and she was fearing that the baby would become too much to handle for her body.
    January- April 1553
  • Jane was sick of being pregnant. She wanted a baby, but she was irritated at not being able to ride, dance or travel.
    Guildford wanted to name the baby after him but Jane insisted it was not a name for a king.
    Jane wanted to name it Bessie.
    July 1553
  • On the twelfth of July, Mary and John were born. It was a difficult birth, and Jane nearly died multiple times.
    Jane loved her children with all her heart, and especially Mary. Guildford felt pity on John with Janes obvious favouritism and took control in his sons life.
    Jane wanted to nurse her own children (Especially Mary) but the wet nurse forbid it and so they argued in which the wet nurse got turned away.
    Flash forward to two years later (October 1555)
  • Mary and her governess, Kate Willohby had just taken a walk in the garden when the news came.
    "The Queen has given birth to triplets. She requires the princess Mary immediately."
    Mary toddled off without a second glance to see her beloved mother but Kate looked at her anxouly.
    That same day Mary came out beaming to her father and brother, who wriggled impatiently.
    "Mummy's had Three Babies! Two are girls so I have friends and one is johns friend."
    Jane was so delighted she let Mary name one of the girls. She delibrated long and hard, and eventually chose Elisabeth because it was her faveroite aunties name.
    So little Elisabeth (Elise) Henry and Katherine, after Katherine parr were born on the anniversary of Jane seymours death.
    Elise and Henry were sent off to live with Mary and John while Kat stayed with her mother. Kat was the smallest and most frail. She was as light as a feather and her clothes took longest to make.
    Mary soon discovered that Elise was quite boring and left her alone. She had a fiance born at the same time as Elise so he piqued her intrest.
    "Is he tiny or big? Does he cry or sleep more? Is he talking?"
    Charles of cleves was next in line to the throne of cleves and a delicate child who Mary already loved.
    Grey family tree
  • Queen Jane__________________ ___m___________________ guildford dudely

    princess Elise
    Princess Mary twin with Prince Henry sib with Princess Kat sib with Prince john
    (Will probably marry
    charles of cleves
    Last edited:
  • Anne disapproved of this new reign. A protestant Queen was good, yet she killed her stepdaughter. Was that really forgivable. She didn't have much time to dwell on it though, as Mary Seymour had been bawling over her mother. She should not have been allowed to see the grave.
    Mary Grey didn't really care. She only cared about her father's I'll health.
    The triplets all prefer ed to bite each other.
    John Grey Was horrible to the memory of Mary tudor. He spat on her grave and stomped on the flower.
    Present day
    " This is where St Mary was buried. Here is the acid dents from when Prince John spat on it, and here is the flowers left by her sister Elizabeth and Anne of cleves. We have a lock of her hair in a glass case, fifty pounds a look. "
    The tourists flocked over to a gilded cage with a lock of wavy auburn hair. Most got lost in the hallways of Westminster Abbey.