Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War


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There's a mistake. It's not an actual insult but a reference to a Simpsons quote, something Mr Burns says to Smithers after Smithers told him that phrenology was a fake science.

I myself thought it was an insult until I Googled it. I believe the decision to kick them should be revised, for I truly believe there was no ill-intent.
I rather disagree, at least pending an explanation from the poster.
I rather disagree, at least pending an explanation from the poster.
Given that it's a direct, textual quote, from a scene that bears relation to the topic that was being discussed, and a rather silly and unusual 'insult", I believe it's the only explanation. Of course the user should explain themselves, but the reaction still strikes me as too trigger-happy, respectfully.
Given that it's a direct, textual quote, from a scene that bears relation to the topic that was being discussed, and a rather silly and unusual 'insult", I believe it's the only explanation. Of course the user should explain themselves, but the reaction still strikes me as too trigger-happy, respectfully.
FWIW, the user the kicked member responded to "liked" the post that got him kicked.
Sorry about that, guys. Anyway, something that's been on my mind about this TTL: Given that IOTL the manpower of the US Army went from nearly a million in 1865 to around 25,000 within a decade of Appomattox, will TTL's Army undergo such a contraction or will it be significantly larger for the rest of the 19th Century?
Sorry about that, guys. Anyway, something that's been on my mind about this TTL: Given that IOTL the manpower of the US Army went from nearly a million in 1865 to around 25,000 within a decade of Appomattox, will TTL's Army undergo such a contraction or will it be significantly larger for the rest of the 19th Century?
Some demobilization is inevitable, and of course, desirable. The Northern people just won't stand to have their boys still down South when they want them home. So the professional Army will probably still be heavily cut down - more than the OTL numbers but around 50K to 100K. The interesting thing is that, OTL, the bastard Andrew Johnson disbanded many Black regiments because the rebel asked him to (at the same time as they raised their own militias). Lincoln won't say yes to such requests. So the US Army may be as high as half Black, especially around the Black belt.

Then there's the men that strandle the line: Union League militias and Gendarmerie/National Guard units. These are the guys that will do the actual brunt of occupation, enforcement, and fighting against terrorism. The North would probably still find it hard to mobilize a truly massive amount of them, so max 50K men? And the militias would be mostly Black and White Unionist veterans organizing in reaction to Ku Klux activity.
Bimetallism is relatively simple actually: bankers and rich people liked the gold standard because the fact that it's inherently deflationary makes it more lucrative to lend money, while the fact that it's more expensive to borrow under it made farmers hate it given the economic necessities of the industry. Bimetallism was the populist solution, because silver was abundant and flowing steadily out of the western mines (and would have a fixed conversion ratio), so it would add liquidity to the currency and counteract the shrinking of the money supply caused by the finite amount of gold.
I do remember that Western men supported inflation, as in, the printing of greenbacks. But the idea is somewhat bizarre-sounding to us modern people, where inflation is almost universally seen as something bad. So, if I'm understanding correctly, since the idea of fiat money was not there yet (nor would it be until Nixon) they believed money had to be backed by something so they turned to silver, because it was more abundant.

Oh man whe this worlds world war hits I bet it will be even greater and more world wide then just in europe
There can be very interesting butterflies regarding the wider world, indeed! I'm not saying I'm doing it, but an idea that has always intrigued me is a Russia-US-Germany alliance going up against the UK and France.

I really want it to be the US waging a war of colonial liberation against Britain, Ireland could be the Great War's equivalent of Bleeding Kansas/the Spanish Civil War
Really interesting! Many Irish veterans of the Civil War explicitly believed that the next big step in human freedom would be the US liberating them. In many Irish songs you can hear about the Irish soldiers warning "John Bull" that they are next. So it kind of links directly to the Civil War.

Really irritated this one was too big to post it suits the post-Reconstruction mood perfectly
I did post it myself!

Speaking of polygamy, this actually raises a good question: How would the Mormons be faring ITTL compared to OTL?
The different laws would give Congress far more power to force them to conform to American laws, and the expanded National State could actually turn repressive against them. After all, for a time Mormons were seen as a dangerous sect.

Although people tend to prefer areas which have similar climates or land - flat versus mountains - hence many of the Scandinavian immigrants moving to the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. So the South might get more Catholic Immigration from Spain and Italy and even some Balkans. Which will make things more interesting. Especially with the large influx of Italian immigrants we will see for a few decades.
That reminds me that I once had an interesting discussion with @DanMcCollum regarding Catholicism within Black communities during Reconstruction. Could an influx of immigrants result in much stronger Catholicism in the Southern US?

I mean you had this OTL too- the American civil war did a massive number on the American psyche. If you track the trajectories of personnel who survived the war you wind up with a lot of capital I capital G Interesting Guys. The prime example I know anything of is Frank Furness, who went into the war as the upperclass son of prominent socialite and abolitionist William Henry Furness, and came out of it blind drunk, swearing, heavily bearded, and shooting a revolver at whatever was convenient whenever he was annoyed.

Hell, iirc the American civil war is the root of the modern conception of the ghost story, because so many people had relatives go off to fight and just get mulched by a cannon barrage. So you wind up with so many people whose loved ones are just gone, and so people tried to think of the unquiet dead being able to come home

National-level ptsd, and it took 60-ish years it took for people to get over that, just in time for ww1
Yes, I did make a reference to these problems in a side-story where a soldier is mentioned to suffer "war madness." We may see an earlier understanding of PTSD and the psychological issues of individual soldiers as a result of how much wider this trauma has been. At the very least, this is the kind of trauma that will define the US for decades - like how WW2 defined Germany.

Debates over bimetallism/gold/silver standards is basically the equivalent of modern monetary policy debates, which although very technical, ultimately still comes down to the same straightforward debate: should money (and credit) be freely available to all, so even the common person can borrow money and invest and spend and grow the economy, or should money be strictly controlled and monetary policy tight, as freely available money just means people will spend it recklessly and endanger the whole economy by risking financial contagion when they can't pay back their debts?

You can see how this debate is, long term, a huge wedge aimed at the heart of the Republican coalition, as in many ways it is the key economic debate that happens within the bounds of capitalism and it will land the two great wings of the American ACW-era left -- liberal-minded pro-enterprise and pro-business types, and left-wing populists - on squarely opposite sides.
Incidentally, one thing I do know is that the inflation debate played a key part in the transition of the Republican Party from a movement of activists identified with "free labor" to the movement of the respectable middle class and business interests. The breaking point, traditionally, has been Grant's veto of the Inflation Bill. Based on that, I'm guessing Populists and the "Social Republicans" are probably going to support inflation and bimetalism - yet another fracture point.

However, Italian and Balkan immigrants were generally so poor that they generally got stuck in their first destinations (most often New York and Boston), plus they simply could not afford to buy lands. Most would have ended up in Northern factories just like IOTL, which should still pay higher than Southern agricultural works.

The kinds of migrants who might be interested in lands were German and Scandinavian ones, who tended to be middle-class folks. Yet, they preferred Northern states.
I can see yet another Southern Homestead Act offering free/very low prize land in the South. Much less desirable than Western land, but maybe some of those poor immigrants would be willing to snatch it up.

Just before the marches through the Carolinas and Shenandoah eh? After that, the Eastern CSA is reduced to a pocket around Richmond. As for the West, what is the lore behind that southernmost tip of Texas being occupied by the Union? How large a force is there, how's Kirby Smith dealing with it?

And who is the confederacy's Florida Man in chief in the south-east?
I, uh, meant to depict the Shenandoah as already occupied. Couldn't quite manage it... That tip of Texas is around Brownsville, just across Matamoros. The Union managed to take it during Rosecrans' Texas expedition, to shut off the trade with Mexico. It's a relatively small force, but with Union armies in Louisiana and the Texas border Kirby Smith really can't do much about it. As for Florida... I'm guessing there are just scattered militias there, not any real forces.

So... the following is a very long talk on the history of bimetallism internationally and in the United States. I mostly copied it from a friend’s dissertation abbreviated by me:
As always, I owe a debt of gratitude to you. This will surely come in handy later.

Yo! What's currently happening to my favorite (former) black nationalist and only black major in the civil war. Martin r delany
Delany! That's right! He was one of my favorite Reconstruction characters but I completely forgot about his wartime role! Smalls kind of stole his thunder here, but I can definitely see Delany still being appointed an officer after Smalls opened the door, but then being interested in the social and political aspect of Reconstruction. He could be the herald of Black Bureau commissioners - thus far, the Bureaus are mostly White led and staffed.

Oooh, that’s interesting. Me thinks that they’ll be targeted by both whites and blacks due the former being…well racist. And the latter because they’ll believe that they’re a threat to their newly found freedom and civil rights.
Sadly, probably right.

I do believe that the OTL US was still fortunate that slavery was ended decades before the rise of the so-called race science. I mean, it would not be funny if American slavery lasts long enough to meet scientific racism.
IIRC you had the "science" of phrenology as an early race science being used to "prove" that black men were inferior to whites. I might just be remembering the scene from Django Unchained, but I do recall reading somewhere that planters engaged in the practice to try and see which of their slaves might be good stock. Gross enough, but God you're right that an America where slavery lasted to meet the scientific racism of the 20th century would be really dark.

Bless Lincoln in TTL.
It's indeed a blessing that Black people were already legally free at that point. I also remember with disgust that scene in Django. God, Dicaprio really makes for a very detestable villain there.

Looking back into past chapter, it really saying something that the rebel tax collectors and food collectors are just about trying to take everything possible from the poorer class. Like it one thing to take crops and livestock but taking what little southern women grow in their private gardens is just straight up cruel.

And I wondering if the remaining military forces under the Junta control are drafting more young boys into the ranks to replace lost manpower. Because its going to be more pitiful when the prison camps start filing up with literally kids because the Junta decided on fighting to the bitter end. I only can imagine how poor southern families feel when they see drafting gangs wandering nearby looking for warm bodies to throw onto the fire.
In many ways they convinced themselves that their authority was a God-given right that no one could question, and thus behaved as tyrants to everyone and anyone. And yes, they are indeed recruiting children. In many areas the actions are more similar to guerrilla gangs forcibly impressing anyone they come across.
There can be very interesting butterflies regarding the wider world, indeed! I'm not saying I'm doing it, but an idea that has always intrigued me is a Russia-US-Germany alliance going up against the UK and France.
Inb4 TTL's Great War pits an alliance of the League of the Three Emperors+USA vs an Anglo-French Entente (with Ottomans not wanting Russia to get Constantinople as their sidekick).
That reminds me that I once had an interesting discussion with @DanMcCollum regarding Catholicism within Black communities during Reconstruction. Could an influx of immigrants result in much stronger Catholicism in the Southern US?
On that note, it is worth pointing out that the first African American Priest, Fr. Augustus Tolton is alive by this point, though still a child. It could be interesting for him to maybe be able to attend seminary in the United States instead of in Rome. Perhaps he's able to keep his parish in Missouri instead of going North to Chicago.

I'm also interested to hear if the Irish Brigade and Fr. Corby has done anything specific of note yet?
Inb4 TTL's Great War pits an alliance of the League of the Three Emperors+USA vs an Anglo-French Entente (with Ottomans not wanting Russia to get Constantinople as their sidekick).
Unless you get Russia and A-H to come to an agreement over the Balkans that's going to cause them to be on different sides.
I’m still rather hooked on how the south will look like after reconstruction due to the influx of immigrants. If the homestead act will come through, then this will cause a good increase of those from catholic countries (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Croatia) China and the balkans.
That reminds me that I once had an interesting discussion with @DanMcCollum regarding Catholicism within Black communities during Reconstruction. Could an influx of immigrants result in much stronger Catholicism in the Southern US?

I suspect it could. Should we see stronger efforts to spread Catholicism amongst the Freedman population (much to the joy of the Vatican) coupled with an influx of Italian, Spanish and, lets say, French immigrants - you're going to have a situation where Catholicism is going to be a mark of great change; it would be the faith of new comers and the formerly oppressed. I would imagine this could well lead to some nativist backlash in the South from 'old blood' Southrons. But, it would also bolster the position of Archdiocese such as Baltimore and New Orleans which already hold presidence within the American Church heirarchy but which were quickly becoming overshadowed in OTL by New York, Boston, Chicago, etc.

I do so hope you end up incorproating some of what we spoke about into the Reconstruction tale: so many interesting and complicated figures (John Ireland!) and social and political ramifications could come from it :)
On that note, it is worth pointing out that the first African American Priest, Fr. Augustus Tolton is alive by this point, though still a child. It could be interesting for him to maybe be able to attend seminary in the United States instead of in Rome. Perhaps he's able to keep his parish in Missouri instead of going North to Chicago.

Tolton's life always makes me sad - he overcame so much only to die far younger than he should had. Having him attend an American seminary would be a huge step in the right direction, as would staying in Missouri/Southern Illinois (though I could see him being sent anywhere thoughout the South). Should the American bishops actually follow through on the Vatican's push to Catholicize the Freedman population, I think one thing that is going to be almost essential is the creation of a Black Seminary - probably in New Orleans (or, possibly Birmingham - it's one of the cities of this era that is going to be drawing a fair bit of immigration due to it's industrial character, and so might not be the worst place to construct a Black seminary.). Ethnic seminaries weren't common in the United States, but also not unknown - this same period saw the creation of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Seminary at Orchard Lake, in Michigan for Poles, after all. Indeed, I wonder if the Polish and African-American institutions could draw inspiration from one another.

I'm also interested to hear if the Irish Brigade and Fr. Corby has done anything specific of note yet?

Interesting story: Fr. Corby was the parish priest of one of the Wisconsin parishes I'm studying for the dissertation (between his presidencies at Notre Dame). I was rather shocked when I found THAT one out. Fascinating man!
Unless you get Russia and A-H to come to an agreement over the Balkans that's going to cause them to be on different sides.
Not in and of itself impossible with a PoD in the 1860s. While the major damage was already done with the Crimean War (and Austria's perceived stab in Russia's back), the two powers were broadly willing to cooperate up until 1905 or so, especially as the Russian court was dominated by officials who favoured focusing on Asia ... a strategy that produced two major effects: a rivalry with Great Britain and the humiliation of the Russo-Japanese War. Suffice to say the pan-Slavic faction rose into power afterward.

Serbia and Bosnia weren't really on Russia's radar prior to the 1903 coup in Serbia. Prior to that, Serbia was generally accepted as being in the Austrian sphere. Russia favoured Bulgaria as its main proxy in the Balkans and largely aimed its own aggrandizement (and that of its clients) against the Ottomans. Not that the Austrians cared about the Ottomans getting a reaming, either. They were leery of Russia getting Constantinople, but that was Britain's bugbear, really and Austria was quite happy to make deals with Russia - as they did over Bosnia in 1908. In discussions regarding the annexation, Austria proved quite willing to accept Russia gaining the right to freely transit warships through the Dardanelles (that Austria didn't actually have the rights to grant that and that Britain could veto any changes to the relevant treaties seems to have been missed by the Russians). And that was after the hostilities started increasing between the two.

That said, with a PoD in the 1860s the entire alliance network is up in the air. We're still decades from any of the historical alliances. Might as well see a Franco-German rapprochement. Or a French victory in the Franco-Prussian War. Or an Austrian intervention in said war, triggering a Russian intervention into said war (on Prussia's side) and so on.
So in regards to the demographics of the south besides now being black majority. We're gonna see a potential surge in Catholic immigrants such as Spanish, French and Italian, those from China and dare i say those from the balkans such as maybe Serbs, Croats and Hungarians.
hould the American bishops actually follow through on the Vatican's push to Catholicize the Freedman population, I think one thing that is going to be almost essential is the creation of a Black Seminary - probably in New Orleans (or, possibly Birmingham - it's one of the cities of this era that is going to be drawing a fair bit of immigration due to it's industrial character, and so might not be the worst place to construct a Black seminary.). Ethnic seminaries weren't common in the United States, but also not unknown - this same period saw the creation of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Seminary at Orchard Lake, in Michigan for Poles, after all. Indeed, I wonder if the Polish and African-American institutions could draw inspiration from one another.
I see Baltimore being where the church focuses most of its initial efforts, at least in terms of infrastructure (seminaries and such) but I feel that it will be the Freedmen population of Louisiana is 100% going to gain the most ground to begin with. They're already at least somewhat familiar with and somewhat part of the church. From there they can begin spreading into the Mississippi River Delta and possibly down into Virginia/The Carolinas, evangelizing to the Freedmen population.In addition, the church could step in to supplement what the bureaus are offering. Similarly, the Catholic school system (which is about to begin growing exponentially to serve the immigrant population) may be able to start desegregated given that the newer immigrants may lack some of the local populace's more overt prejudices. This may well further endear them to the local freedmen and aid in conversions.
I see Baltimore being where the church focuses most of its initial efforts, at least in terms of infrastructure (seminaries and such) but I feel that it will be the Freedmen population of Louisiana is 100% going to gain the most ground to begin with. They're already at least somewhat familiar with and somewhat part of the church. From there they can begin spreading into the Mississippi River Delta and possibly down into Virginia/The Carolinas, evangelizing to the Freedmen population.In addition, the church could step in to supplement what the bureaus are offering. Similarly, the Catholic school system (which is about to begin growing exponentially to serve the immigrant population) may be able to start desegregated given that the newer immigrants may lack some of the local populace's more overt prejudices. This may well further endear them to the local freedmen and aid in conversions.
This might just increase the embedded anti-Catholicism in the US to a greater extent than OTL.
So in regards to the demographics of the south besides now being black majority. We're gonna see a potential surge in Catholic immigrants such as Spanish, French and Italian, those from China and dare i say those from the balkans such as maybe Serbs, Croats and Hungarians.
The South isn't - and probably won't be for a century - black majority, but anyone who even thinks of suggesting something resembling Jim Crow will have US Grant and his merry men show up on their doorstep, heavily armed and wanting to have a talk.
The South isn't - and probably won't be for a century - black majority, but anyone who even thinks of suggesting something resembling Jim Crow will have US Grant and his merry men show up on their doorstep, heavily armed and wanting to have a talk.
Some parts will be black majority. Such as Alabama, Mississippi and maybe Georgia.
This might just increase the embedded anti-Catholicism in the US to a greater extent than OTL.
In the short term perhaps, long term, the Catholic population is just going to grow. It's also worth pointing out that the KKK was one of the main anti-Catholic vanguards, given the associations held there between the KKK and the confederacy, it might at least cause Northerners some pause.


Ok, probably not, but still.