Recent content by TIMER

  1. With hindsight, what should have been the US strategy in Vietnam?

    but the question wasn't , with hindsight what should everyone else have done.
  2. With hindsight, what should have been the US strategy in Vietnam?

    As an American of the appropriate age range, sitting on the side lines with a cup of coffee and letting them work it out for themselves strikes me as a sensible policy.
  3. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    There are a lot of pig farms in Germany. Just an observation.
  4. German Spring Offensive succeeds-how does President Wilson react?

    Probably true, but what does this have to do with the original posters question and premise? What does Wilson do if Germany wins the spring offensive?
  5. German Spring Offensive succeeds-how does President Wilson react?

    That's sort of what I noticed. I also was wondering why no one was mentioning that the original premise was that Germany wins the war. But that seems to happen more and more on this site.
  6. German Spring Offensive succeeds-how does President Wilson react?

    Was it ever decided what Wilson would do if the german spring offensive succeeded?
  7. WI: No post-war deportations?

    World war 3 would have occurred sometime in the 1970s .
  8. Q: Could have the US accepted an exchange of population with Nazi Germany in order to avoid a possible genocide during WWII?

    The only way that the US would even think of accepting any population exchange is if germany would provide skilled, protestant, working age, educated immigrants in exchange for colored people and prison inmates.
  9. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread II

    It sounds more like they are trying to convince themselves that the Germans won't intervene and it's safe to stick their nose in.
  10. DBWI : Mexico never joins the Axis

    Well it was a pity that the gringos had to be delt with in the camps, but it was the only way to clense the Tejas and the other reclaimed territories, at least everyone who could show proof of at least one Hispanic grandparent was spared.
  11. What if the U.S. annexed Iraq and Afghanistan?

    It's easy, herd the locals onto reservations and encourage them to die of disease, starvation and alcohol. It worked just fine the first time.
  12. What if the end of WWI was along ethnic lines

    What dielect of German do they speak? Prussian, Saxon, swabian? And what if the people in the three houses at the north end of the village feel polish?
  13. What if the end of WWI was along ethnic lines

    Who decides who is in which 'eth' is it decided by language, politcs, religion, hair color ? And do people get moved or killed to consolidate areas into coherent states? Italy and Spain need to be split up by dialects as does every other country on the planet. Will a left handed, blond, Jewish...
  14. Plausibility Check: WWI delay

    The problem is that everybody sent observers to the Russo-Japanese war to watch thousands die assaulting field fortifications and machine guns, and left saying that the whole thing proved that you should train your troops to attack standing up and 'ELAN' would carry the day.
  15. Japanese expansion W I

    My idea was french or dutch, not both. And that Japan follows all the formalities, accuse them of mistreatment of innocent missionaries, cutting the ear off a poor Japanese ship captain.